I decide to get the hard part over with. I tiptoe down the hall and head over to Blake’s room. Nervousness bubbles within me as I grow hesitant.
What if he gets angry and shouts at me ?
What if, Bronte ? If course he’ll shout at you, idiot !
Ignoring the anxiousness thriving within me, I knock on his bedroom door.
I knock again and, once again, hear nothing. Gingerly, I push open the door and peak my head into the room where I see Blake laying peacefully on his bed, fast asleep.
My eyes curiously wander around his bedroom. He doesn’t have a lot in the room besides a surfboard standing in the room corner, a football lying on the floor and two posters ; one of a motorbike and the other of some blonde, voluptuous model who lays on the hood of a black Lamborghini.
I tiptoe over to Blake, who is sprawled on the messy white covers, « Hey Blake, wake up, » I whisper, to no avail, « Wake up, » I say, more loudly this time, though he doesn’t even budge. I pinch him and he stirs ever so slightly in his sleep.
Minutes pass by and nothing changes. Blake is still slumbering peacefully in his bed. I can’t believe I’m actually considering Marisa’s suggest. Without giving my plan much thought, I jog out of his room and return with a random old water sprayer I found in the kitchen.
I know I’m going to regret this, but I’ve always wanted to do this because I watch it all the time in movies. I’m almost certain it won’t wake him up, anyway. It’s not as if I’m throwing a bucket of water onto him, either. Marisa does it to him, anyway. It should be fine.
Clearing my thoughts, I spritz the spray onto Blake’s face a few times. To my surprise, less than seconds later he shoots out of bed with a loud yelp. I step away in surprise. To be honest I didn’t think that would work.
Blake’s hands shoot over to his tightly closed eyes and he begins to rub them fiercely. « What the fuck ! » he shouts, yelling a series of other very colourful words.
My stomach drops at his enraged reaction. I did not expect him to be this angry.
« My eyes ! » he then shouts, still rubbing them furiously. My eyes widen in realisation and I quickly lift up the bottle. On it, is paper tape with ‘Window Cleaner’ written in permanent marker.
My head darts over to Blake instantly, « Oh God, » I whisper to myself. « Oh Blake ! I’m so sorry ! Are you okay ? I can get you some water to wash your eyes out if that helps. You weren’t waking up so I thought I might try wake you up with water and… » I trail off and watch on anxiously. Fortunately he doesn’t seem to be in pain anymore and just sits there, blinking furiously to clear his vision, « I didn’t realise that it wasn’t water because it was a plain bottle but I just assumed, so… » My words die in my throat when I see Blake’s cold glare. His eyes are bloodshot red and his nose is flared in anger.
He closes his eyes and lets out a breath, « Run, » he whispers.
« What ? »
Run isn’t in my vocabulary list.
« Run, » he sneers, standing up.
I stumble backwards, panic rising within me. Blake throws the bed covers off him angrily. His hands are balled into fists, his jaw is clenched, and his eyes hold a sadistic glint.
He was furious.
I let out a yelp and immediately turn and dash out of his room. I dive into the nearest room, which happened to be the laundry, before closing and locking the door behind me. I sink down against the door and let out a deep breath.
Well that was a disaster.
It’s been days since I’ve left that room. My stomach is growling, I’m on the brink of insanity, and I’m contemplating whether or not I should eat my hand to quench my hunger…
Okay, so it isn’t that bad.
I’ve been in here for about 5 minutes, my stomach is growling, I’ve spent most of my time here with my ear pressed against the door and I’m beginning to question whether he even chased after me. I haven’t heard a peep since I made my dramatic arrival.
Deciding that this was all so silly, I stand up and swing the door open confidently, my eyes scanning the room. When I decide that it’s safe enough to leave the confines of the room, I step out and gingerly walk over to the kitchen.
I guess Blake wasn’t bothered to kill me, after all.
What a pity.
Sighing in both relief and exasperation, I decide that I need a distraction and turn the sink on. I then begin to clean the empty plates, bowls and cups from last night’s dinner. I needed to keep my mind active and distracted from this morning’s events. Besides, it was the least I could do for Marisa and Jay.
Once finished, I cautiously head over to my room, being sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Fortunately, the coast is clear and not a Blake was in sight. I enter the room and pick up my phone from my bed to find a text notification on my screen.
Elle-Oh-Elle : Hey Bront, wanna come over ?
I smile and type up a response. Elle has been my best friend (and only real friend) since I arrived at Worthington. She’s a petite girl with light brown hair and big green eyes. The two of us have been like peas in a pod since the moment I sat next to her in year 9 Math class. I would’ve stayed at her house, but things are a little complicated in her family. Elle’s parents split up a few years back, and so Elle doesn’t always stay in one house. Each week it rotates. One week she’s with her mum, the next she’s with her dad and step-mum.
Unfortunately I can’t. Parents are in Africa for the next 5 weeks and I have no car to drop me off.
Elle instantly begins to type up a message and within a matter of seconds she sends her reply.
Elle-Oh-Elle : What !? Dude. How do I not know of this ?
They left yesterday on a business trip ! I was gonna tell you but you were at Dubai when I found out about them leaving so I thought there was no point. I forgot to tell you when you got back, sorryyyy !!!
Elle-Oh-Elle : Don’t apologise -.- So where are you staying ?
Try Blake Parker’s house ;)
After sending the message, my phone begins to vibrate and a photo of Elle pulling a funny face pops up on the screen. I roll my eyes amusedly and press answer. I had a feeling she’d call me – She glorifies Blake Parker just like the rest of the student body.
« What the actual fuck, Bronte, » are the sweet words I am greeted with.
« Oh Elle, I missed your kind, sweet, loving nature, I really did-«
« Shhhh, » she interrupts my speech, « Since when were you all friendly with Blake ? What’s he like ? Have you seen him naked yet ? »