Jared's eyes had gone half-closed, but his eyes went wide open when he felt something wet. The tip of a tongue teasing him — soft lips kissing up and down his shaft as Darnell continued to pleasure him.
Darnell grinned at him when he noticed Jared was watching. He looked into the man's eyes with a teasing smile, while stroking him before taking him in his mouth as far down as he could, keeping eye contact with him. The slurping and sucking drove Jared mad and he tried to figure out the acceptable in-between when screaming moans and squirming in delight. Just before Jared was about to cum Darnell pulled back. His mouth making a small popping noise before he sat up and reached to clean the corner of his mouth.
"Sorry, I'm not really good at this, so yeah, saliva's going to be everywhere," he trailed as he wiped his mouth. Jared didn't say anything in response and watched as Darnell reached out for the condom in the nylon packaging, ripping it open before rolling the rubber down Jared's penis. He positioned himself over Jared, lowering his hips but Jared caught Darnell by the waist, startling the young man.
"What are you doing. Lube—"
"I did that in the bathroom," Darnell explained.
"I'll do it again if it makes you less worried," Darnell said, cutting Jared off. The older man stared at him with his mouth agape. He had a lot to say — like the fact that he wanted to help. He decided that sounded odd, and he didn't know how to go about asking so he gave up. He let go of Darnell's waist, biting his bottom lip as he looked away.
"If you did it for just a little bit that would be great," Jared muttered, looking at Darnell from the side of his eyes.
"Okay," the younger man agreed, raising his hips high again and grabbing the lube tube on the mattress. Jared turned away again, not wanting to be seen as a creep. Apart from the low sighs and moans coming from Darnell, Jared couldn't tell he was there.
"Okay," Darnell said with a breathy voice, making Jared look up at him. The man was hovering over him again, and Jared watched as Darnell lowered his hips. The sight of Darnell's face twisted in brief discomfort as he pressed down sent shivers through Jared's body. Darnell felt warm, but cool at the same time. Jared couldn't really explain the feeling, but he liked it. He liked it a lot. With a throaty groan, Darnell clamped down on Jared completely sending another whirl of emotions through both their bodies.
Darnell started moving, holding on to Jared's sides as he lifted his hips up and slid back down again. The action was sending waves of pleasure through Jared and the way Darnell moaned made things even better. Jared started to arch his hips upwards to meet up with Darnell's movements. It felt great, and they both squirmed and moaned.
"Wait," Darnell said, stopping his movements and Jared did the same. The young man got up, easing Jared out of himself before lying down back on the bed. "Let's switch," he simply said, spreading his legs as he waited to Jared to come over. The man hesitated, but moved, hovering over Darnell before getting help with easing himself into the man again. Darnell let out a string of pleased sounds as he wrapped his hands around Jared's shoulder. He kissed the man, pulling away before looking straight at him. "You can move," he muttered before burying his head in Jared's shoulder.
Jared started moving his hips, thrusting in and out of Darnell as the young man shook and moaned. Darnell started moving his hips too, and soon they were both gasping and clinging to each other.
This was new for Jared, no one ever wanted to be this close to him. The few times he bought sex they would insist on being on top or being taken from the back, but this was different. Darnell was holding on to him, pulling him into a tight embrace like they could mold into one body if his grip was any tighter. It was adorable, and somehow also erotic.
There was a shaky croak from Darnell, and Jared felt a warm liquid on his stomach. He felt his face warm up, noticing that Darnell had come on him. The younger man kept sighing and moaning, letting his hands run down Jared's back.
"Keep moving," Darnell insisted, and Jared came out from his minor shock before he kept on moving his hips, reaching his climax a few seconds later. The two held on to each other after that. Jared made to roll over. He met some resistance from Darnell, but he felt he shouldn't hold on to him for too long. The older man looked up at the ceiling as he heaved, trying to calm his breathing. He tensed up when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking to the side to find Darnell scooting over to him.
"You're against cuddling?" Darnell asked.
"Err, no," Jared said with a shake of his head before watching as Darnell smiled and scooted closer. The younger man rested his head on Jared's stomach, looking out into the room as they laid down in silence. Jared wondered if it would be out of line if he touched his hair, but after a while of thinking it through, he decided it was okay. He let his hand run through Darnell's soft curls, twisting a handful of strands between his fingers as Darnell hummed.
"We should shower," Jared said when he realized Darnell didn't have any plans of getting up.
"We should, but I don't think I want to get up," Darnell said before yawning. "I'm tired."
"Oh," Jared muttered, looking away. He didn't think Darnell would sleep over, but that seemed to be what the younger man was implying.
"So, if you don't mind waking up with caked cum everywhere, is it okay if we just go to bed now?" Darnell asked, making Jared look down at him. The expression Darnell was giving him was making his heart soar. It was a great feeling. Tonight, in general, had been great. And Jared didn't have the words to express how happy he was. Jared nodded, not trusting his words to not come out as stuttering.
"Great," Darnell said, cuddling closer and easing a leg between Jared's. Jared was beginning to understand that Darnell was clingy, but instead of feeling annoyed it made him excited and happy. It was rare that anyone wanted to be physically intimate with him. Most people would just do what they were there for and leave.
"Goodnight," Darnell said, closing his eyes.
Darnell slept well, but Jared couldn't. The whole night just felt too surreal and he was afraid that if he closed his eyes he would open them the next morning to find out everything was a dream.