I was waiting at the cold stone. Sitting in one of those four sitter booths and checking my watch nervously.
What if he didn't come? I asked myself then frowned. This would be so much easier if I had my phone. There's no way Zeus could call me now, my phone was history, but somehow I felt he'll still come just for the sake of it; just like me.
I checked my watch for maybe the hundredth time before ordering a coffee and mint mix. Don't judge me these flavors are like the essence of life.
"I'm not stalling."
I murmured to myself licking the ice cream off the spoon. I had my design templates with me so it was not as if I had nothing to do. Okay, maybe I was stalling just a little. I blushed. But, if he didn't come—although, I hoped he would—I won't hold it against him. I checked my watch after a few minutes.
"Ten minutes to seven," I sighed. He was meant to have been here by six. Didn't he want to see me? Was he just bluffing? I wondered, suddenly feeling stupid for even coming.
"So, I guess he isn't coming," I sighed to myself spinning the spoon absently in the empty paper cup. I scanned the whole ice-cream place with my eyes just in case. Okay, I'm finally losing it. I thought, gathering the design templates on the table. No matter how this guy got to me I am not about to become a fawning puppy.
I heard someone say. Okay, I heard Zeus say, but I was probably imagining things. Okay, just a look. I thought, looking around the room my gaze fell casually on a confused-looking Zeus who was looking around. He looked so cute with his green eyes, and dark long hair was done up in a French braid. How long was it? That hair of his—
"Zeus!" I said. I fidget a bit with too much excitement. I watched his eyes widened in confusion as he turned his head about, then sudden relief as his gaze fell on me. I smiled. He was grinning, he looks nice grinning.
"I'm so sorry. I had some business to take care of," Zeus apologized as he reached the table.
"It's okay," I said, smiling. It was okay at least he was here, right?
"No, it's not okay. I mean, considering it's about seven now," he said, giving me a sincere smile. I blushed. Why did he have to make it seem like I was desperate to see him? I was already aware of that, he didn't have to rub it in like that.
He sat down at the other end of the away from my templates. I followed suit and took my sit the other side.
"I couldn't call you. Your home line was out of service and did something happen to your actual phone?" he asked and I stiffened on my sit. I loosened up but I guess he noticed because he was staring at me with concerned eyes.
"What happened to your phone?" he asked in a concerned voice.
"Nothing," I lied, and blushed. It felt weird lying to Zeus, but it was going to be embarrassing to talk about it.
"Does it have to do with your wife?" he asked, looking straight at me. His green eyes soon got filled with worry. No one has ever looked at me like that before. I thought, feeling my cheeks warm up.
"Yeah..." I sort of whispered.
"Oh," Zeus sighed and closed his eyes.
"I have to be home by eight," I said looking out the window beside the booth, at the darkening sky. Zeus frowned then sighed rubbing his forehead.
"So we have about an hour to get to know each other," Zeus said smiling. He suddenly reached out for my hand on the table and took it in his. His hands were bigger compared to mine. I couldn't stop thinking about how well my hand fit in his. I think butterflies did a happy dance in my stomach.
I loved his fingers. They were long, lean, and perfectly wrapped over my palm. I looked up at him blushing. How could someone's eyes be so green? Perfect. I loved his hair. I loved how unnaturally long it was. My eyes scanned his perfectly sculptured face to his nice lean, not too broad chest. Was he hairy? Did he have sideburns? I thought, still staring at his clothed chest. My eyes squinted trying to look closely and I gasped in surprise.
"What?" Zeus asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Freckles. You have freckles," I cooed. I blushed a bit. Why was this discovery exciting to me? Zeus looked at me a bit confused then looked down at his exposed chest
"Oh," he said before shrugging.
"I can't get rid of them..." he trailed, looking away from me. Was he feeling self-conscious? What was embarrassing about having freckles?
"I like them," I whispered loud enough for him to hear. That was the truth I really liked them. He hesitated before looking up at me, His face hinting at a light blush. I'd never seen him blush before it was—I don't know—perfect?
"You're not just saying that are you?" he asked seriously
"I'm not just saying anything. I really do like them," I said, looking up at him.
"Um. I also have them behind my arms," he blurted out. Still flushed in the face, he rolled up his sleeves and turned his arms around. I gasped. He had light freckles scattered behind his arms. I reached out for his left hand then paused, alarmed at my impulsive behavior. I wanted to touch them—feel them beneath my fingertips. I needed to touch them. I blushed. What would he think of me if I asked?
"Um, can—can I touch them?" I managed to ask blushing. I watched as his eyes widened, then he smiled.
"Sure," Zeus said stretching his left hand out to me. I hesitated before placing two fingers on his arm. God, I think I had a heart attack. His arm was so unbelievably soft. I heard Zeus groan something under his breath. I couldn't help looking up at his face. He had his eyes closed and his mouth parted. I looked down at his arm. I loved how soft it was how the pulse suddenly increased when he groaned. Looking back up at him and blushed. I really loved how silk and soft his hair looked—his hair. It was so unnaturally long—I want to touch him. God, why couldn't I keep my hands off him?
I moved my attention back to his arm, moving my fingers over the freckle pattern. I heard him groan again and I blushed.