
Chapter 7 Seven

Semiloore turned to Maria who had swapped seats with the person in front of her.

"He's cute" Semiloore replied and Maria raised her eyebrow making her laugh lightly.

"You like Nath?"Peter asked thinking he had found something to blackmail her with.

"Nope, and don't even think you've found something to blackmail me" Semiloore said as if reading his thoughts.

"How do you even know what I was thinking?" Peter asked pouting.

"I can read you like a book" Semiloore replied.

"Like you really can" Peter said with a scoff.

Maria laughed a little as Semiloore opened her note and her eyes widened. She flipped about six pages before standing up abruptly.

"What's up?" Peter asks as he glanced at her note.

"Whoa! Who wrote your note? The handwriting is so neat and well organised" Maria said in awe.

Semiloore brought out the emaining the notes she took home the night before and found out all of them had been completed. She picked one and hurried out.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked but Peter just shrugged.

"I don't understand either" Paul replied.

Tamiloore's class was noisy and Tamiloore was chatting with Fisayo when Semiloore walked inside and everyone turned to her.

"Hey, what up?" Tamiloore asked.

"Bring out the notes you took home yesterday" Semiloore said.

"Why?" Tamiloore asked dazed.

"Have you used any?" Semiloore asked again.

"No" Tamiloore replied.

"Just bring them out" Semiloore said.

Tamiloore glanced at her before opening her bag and bringing out the notes. She flipped them open and her eyes also widened. She checked every note and her eyes continue to widen till they can't widen any longer.

"Mom.... " Tamiloore stuttered.

"She probably didn't sleep all night" Semiloore said.

"When did she enter to write?" Tamiloore said.

"I don't know" Semiloore replied raising her notes to her face.

A big smile creeppes up Semiloore's face as she traced the writings in her book.

"Mom, you are the best" she whispered.

Semiloore walked inside the class and a teacher is already in class.

"Where are you coming from?" The teacher asked.

"I went to collect my notes from my sister, we

mixed it up somehow" Semiloore replied.

"Come in" The teacher said turning back to the students.

Semiloore walked in and sat down.

"We'll be doing AP and GP today" the teacher told the class as he turned to the board.

"I don't understand this at all" Peter groaned beside Semiloore.

"Bring your note let me explain" Semiloore told him.

Peter glanced at her to check if she was as joking but Semiloore glared at him. She turned to the back of his note and explained in another way.

"Whoa, you are not dumb after all" Peter said after a while.

"Do I look dumb to you?" Semiloore asked glaring at him.

Peter shook his head slowly.

Semiloore hissed quietly as she reclined on her seat. The teacher wrote classwork on the board and told the students solve it.

"Nath, what's the answer?" the teacher asked.

"12,15,17" Nathaniel replied not raising his head from his book.

"Peter will you come up and solve it?" The teacher asked.

Peter nervously stood up and giggles are heard. Peter is way below an average student and had a reputation for always doing nonsense.

"Can I bring my note?" Peter asked.

"As long as you can explain after dubbing" The teacher said.

The class burst into laughter at the teachers language and Semiloore frowned while Peter glanced at her.

"Your method is different from his" Peter whispered.

"We still got the same answer, you'll be fine"Semiloore whispered back and shoved him forward.

Peter walked to the board and collected the marker from the teacher. He wrote the workings on the board and explained it exactly the way Semiloore explained it to him.

He turned to face the teacher,sweating despite the rolling fan. He had never been scared like this before.

"A big clap for Peter" the teacher said surprised.

The class roared with claps because although Peters method is different from the teacher, they perfectly  understood it. And its the first time Peter comes up with something sensible like this.

"Whoa! That's a much simpler method,seems like you are studying much better now" the teacher said smiling at Peter.

Peter smiled and shook his head "I was taught" Peter confessed.

"Taught? Whoa! Who taught you?" The teacher asked.

Peter pointed and the whole class turned. Semiloore folded her arms with an expressionless face or rather a bored expression.

"Who Peter?" The teacher asked.

"Semiloore" Peter replied earning gasps from the class.

"Semiloore is that true?" The teacher asked.

"Well, your method appeared complex to him so I just taught him an easier one" Semiloore replied and smiled back at Peter.

"That's nice, who taught you?" The teacher asked again.

"I read a textbook that explained it that way" Semiloore replied as the teacher nodded.

"Whoa!" Someone said as murmurs started flying in the class as the teacher silenced them.

"Open to page 38 and finish exercise 2.1" the teacher said packing his books.

"64 questions? " someone shrieked and the teacher nodded his head "Right, bye class" the teacher added and walked out.

"What do we have next?" Semiloore asked.

"Economics" Peter replied.

Semiloore scrunched up her face as she packed her notes

"How I hate that subject" Semiloore said.

"You are not offering?" Maria asked.

"Yeah" Semiloore replied.

"Me too" Maria said.

"Let's go do our assignment" Semiloore said nd they led her to a sorta crowded garden.

"Whoa! This is nice" Semiloore said.

"Its like a lover's garden" Maria said and smiled.

"It really is" Semiloore as she sights two people eating each others mouth.

"So let's get to work" Semiloore said flipping her note open.

The bell for break is heard in the whole garden and people are standing up and moving out to the luncheon.

"How many are left?" Semiloore asked.

"12" Peter replied.

"You guys can do the on your own right?" Semiloore asked getting on her feet.

"Yeah" Maria replied as she got up too. She dusted her skirt.

"Maria" a voice called.

Maria turned red as she stuttered "Snr... Femi" Maria said more of a whisper.

Semiloore shook her head;Oxford got a lot of handsome and hot guys mehn, she said to herself.

"Nervous much?" He asked with a smile.

"Not really.. " Maria replied.

"You are stuttering babe" Femi said laughing.

Maria managed to smile and when she saw Semiloore standing with her usual bored expression she smiled.

"Snr Femi, this is Semiloore, Semiloore, this is the school Library prefect, Snr Femi" Maria introduced.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard about you though and your twin sister" Femi said with a smile.

"I've heard that this morning" Semiloore replied and smiled "Nice to meet you and come to think you are the first senior I've met since I joined Oxford" Semiloore added.

"Ohh,like our school?" Femi asked.

"Its interesting and Snr Femi, you are quite cute" Semiloore replied with a smile.

Femi laughed heartily and raised his eyebrow "You are brazen, you know that?" Femi said.

Semiloore shrugged "What's wrong with complimenting someone?" Semiloore asked.

"The boy compliments the girl in most cases and not vice versa" Femi replied.

"Its called gender inequality" Semiloore replied and Femi laughed to his heart feel;this girl was surely not normal.

"So, Maria wanna come to lunch with me?" Femi asked.

"Yes... I plan.. " Maria started stuttering.

"I'm fine alone shorty" Semiloore replied as she walked off with Peter.

"You know she had a crush on him since SS1" Peter deadpanned.

"How'd you know that?" Semiloore asked.

"Of course I know, I over heard her telling someone back then and I just didn't pay attention to it and didn't you see the way she was acting back there?" Peter asked.

"I have eyes dummy" Semiloore replied.

"I hope Snr Femi guesses soon because he already broke her heart once when he dated Snr Feyi" Peter continued.

"Why doesn't she just tell him?" Semiloore asked.

"How would she?" Peter asked in surprise.

"Why can't she?" Semiloore replied in defiance.

"He'll think she's cheap!" Peter replied throwing his hands up.

"That's total crap man! Just because I tell a guy I have a crush on him then am cheap! What's the essence of having feelings then?! Besides seemed like you forgot the meaning of a crush, its when you like someone who doesn't like you back and you heart gets crushed, that's were the word is derived from, so why not tell him,her heart will get crushed either ways so what the fuck!" Semiloore said in exaperation.

Peter glanced at Semiloore in an admiring way. She totally ignored all life facts and does things her own way. When she complimented Snr Femi, he thought she was flirting but she was just complimenting him.

"You eh" Peter said shaking his head.

"What?" Semiloore asked.

"Nothing" Peter replied.

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