
Chapter 13 Thirteen

Semiloore yawned as she slumped on her bed. Tests were approaching and Oxford was very hellish for her. Tamiloore stretched a bottle of water to her "Its chilled"

"Oh gracious God, thank you so much" Semiloore said as she drained it all in a go.



"She's not back yet"

"She comes home late these days"

"Shouldn't she? You know your mom is a popular surgeon right? The hospital probably found that out"

"Mom said the man actually gave her a quite high position considering her level of experience and the university she went to"

"Yeah, that's surprising though"

"Am so famished"

"Take a break then" Tamiloore replied as she exited the room

"So as usual for the upcoming tests, we maintain our reading groups, I would have loved to re-shuffle us but it might cause a ruckus since someone new joined us" Mr Williams said

Semiloore scoffed "Am fine on my own sir"

"No the fact you are new even makes it more mandatory, Rolake you join Jerry's group and you'll join Nath's group"

"Sir, why am I always stuck with them huh?"

Everyone laughed slightly

"They are the best"

"What even makes you think I can't do fine on my own?"

Mr Williams shrugged "Don't give me headaches girl"

"Roger that sir" Semiloore replied boredom obvious in her voice. Semiloore carried her chair and sat beside Joshua "This is freaking exhausting"

"We haven't even started yet" Christian replied laughing. He just liked Semiloore, to many people she was just loud and foul mouthed but to him, she was just someone who's made life simple and easy for herself. He liked her vibes.

"What subject are we taking first?"

"Normally we take Maths but since Semiloore just joined, let her choose"

Semiloore yawned "Am tired guys" she said as she dropped her head on Joshua's shoulder

"Do you have water prick?" She asked

"Ask Nath"

Semiloore turned to him without a word and just blinked her eyes like a puppy. Nathaniel shook his head as he stretched the bottle to her. Semiloore collected it and drained the whole bottle

"Semiloore!" Christian and John chorused


"You finished it"

"Ohh, sorry"

"Just give me my bottle"


Nathaniel sighed, she was going to drive him nuts if he tried arguing with her.

"Your brain shuts down in the afternoon right, get some sleep, we'll give you an overview when you wake up"

"Hey hey hey,don't sleep there, go beside Nath"

Semiloore glared at Joshua as she moved her chair beside Nath.

"Let's go for Chemistry first then"


"Sorry Chris"

"Am good"

Christian shaked his head to an invisible music as Nathaniel started explaining a topic. Semiloore placed her head on the table and stared at Nathaniel. Their was this magnetic pull around him that just pulled her to him. His voice became a lullaby to her as she started getting drowsy. Other people from different groups came to Nathaniel to explain one thing or the other interrupting their conversations every now and then but the boys seemed used to it as they spoke to each other during the periods.

"Why are you passing that place nah?" Joshua queried "You sha saw that she's sleeping, do you want to wake her up ni?"

"Is it not reading time? Why is she sleeping?  And its even beside Nath again, everyone comes to him for explanation"

"Others saw her and came to the other side, were they blind or stupid that they didn't bother her?" John retorted

"Whoa! You guys are even wicked, she's a newbie right? She doesn't know how a simple test is run here at Oxford, and tests are hard and CAs are what can push her up and instead of you guys to be helping her you are letting her sleep?"

"What's your own? Is it your sleep?" Christian asked as everyone burst into laughter

"I don't know why you are fussing over Semiloore sleeping, everyone in this class knows her brain shuts down in the afternoon why are you bothering her?" Rolake piped in and everyone turned to her


"You are actually supporting her" Peter replied

"She was making a big fuss"

"What do you want huh?"

"Nath, don't tell me you are actually supporting them?"

Peter banged his group's  reading table "Oyin, the fuck, is it your business?"

"Am just trying to be nice here"

"Nice my foot"

"I don't know what's wrong with all of you am waking her up" Oyin replied attempting to kick Semiloore's chair.

"If I were you I wouldn't do that" Jerry said from his group's reading table. The class quietened immediately.

Semiloore rubbed her ears as she stirred in her sleep "You guys are so noisy"

"Noisy?! Ya! Semiloore.... "

"Shut up!" Nathaniel whispered yelled at Oyin who jumped in fright at the suddenly response

"What's going on? You guys aren't usually this noisy"Semiloore said as she continued muttering in her sleep. Jerry and Christian laughed

"This girl ehn"

"Nathaniel what's going on?" She murmured again. Nathaniel glared at Oyin as he stroked Semiloore's back

"Nothing, get some more sleep" he muttered back as Semiloore's slept back.

"Awey go" John snapped at Oyin as Nathaniel continued explaining. He kept glancing at Semiloore from time to time. He picked another of his water bottle and chugged down water down his throat as he stared at her. She was really pretty when she was sleeping, she at least looked normal, he smiled at the thought. Unconsciously his hand reached out to her eyebrow, his fingers traced it as he smiled again.

"She's pretty isn't she?" Christian asked before busting into laughter snapping the latter out of his thoughts

"That's stating an obvious fact" Nathaniel replied trying to act cool and ignore the fact that he was just caught staring at the girl he had continued to claimed  irritated him



"For the record its the first time you are admitting a girl is pretty" Joshua drawled with a mischievous smile on his face. Nathaniel shrugged in reply as he turned back to his books.

"This is an overview of what we talked about, you check through and tell me if you don't understand anything" Nathaniel said as he stretched the papers to her.

Semiloore nodded as she flipped the pages of the overview, she glanced at him through her lashes

"I slept for quite a long time, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Let's meet early tomorrow" Nathaniel said as he slung his school bag over his shoulders


Nathaniel nodded as he strode out. Semiloore turned and watched his lean figure walk out of the class. Joshua was teasing him about something. He laughed showing his dimple and his perfect set of white teeth.

"Staring again?" Maria asked

"He's hot"

"Just tell him"

"Its against the girly code"

"Didn't you say that was gender discrimination?"

"I take my words back" Semiloore replied as Maria and Peter burst into laughter

"I don't know where I got this feeling from, that you guys are going to make a good couple"

Semiloore snickered "You haven't heard him say am irritable before?"

"Semiloore you are really pretty and any girl would be lucky to have you"

"Awnnn, you are a gem" Semiloore said as she high fived him.

"Am a boy" Peter replied

"She already infected with you her sarcasm" Maria said laughing

"That's so much better yunno"

Maria laughed "Let's go else we'll miss the bus"


Semiloore winked in her seat as she stared at the sky. A smile crawled up her cheeks.

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