PROLOGUE : I gasped in pain as my back hit the ground, my head bouncing off the floor right after it. The door slammed shut and footsteps echoed through the room towards where I was laying. Once the dots of lights left my eyes I saw the ceiling, but it wasn’t of the room I was normally in, this one wasn’t textured like the other one. I felt his hands grip my arms, pulling me up. I snapped my eyes shut as he pressed me against the wall. I started to shake, afraid of what he was going to do. « You tried to leave. » ~~ Cheyenne is a 21-year-old college student who works part time as a bartender. Markus is a 23-year-old who is Alpha of the Shadow Moon Pack. What happens when Cheyenne, also known as Chey, runs into Markus, who just so happens to be her mate ? Will she leave her current boyfriend to be with him or will Markus have to go to the extremes to get his soul mate ?
I sighed in relief as I walked off campus, pulling on my sunglasses and pulling my hair out of its braid. After running my fingers through my hair I adjusted my messenger back and sat down on a bench.
I leaned back and cracked my back, waiting for my boyfriend, Owen, to come pick me up. I got out early today so it would be at least ten minutes until he should be here.
I heard someone else sit down next to me so I glanced over towards them. It’s a guy looking at me intently and it is really creepy.
I took off my sunglasses and looked at him, « Why are you looking at me like that ? »
He looked confused at something before breaking out in a grin. It looked like he was going to try to hug me but I stood up before he could and took a step away from the bench.
He paused, looking concentrated until he stood up and took a step towards me. I glanced at him and shifted away without actually moving from where I was standing.
« Hey, can I talk to you ? » the guy asked, grabbing my arm. His hand was strangely warm, in a weird way, and it creeped me out. I yanked my arm away before I heard a honk from the street.
I looked up and saw Owen waving from the driver’s seat and I ran to the car, tossing my bag through the back window before sliding into the passenger seat.
« Who was that guy ? » Owen questioned after we started driving.
I glanced in the side mirror, seeing the man slide into a car with two other people while talking animatedly, « I really don’t know. He just sat next to me and was looking at me creepily. »
Owen started laughing causing me to glare at him, « I could’ve been raped ! »
« I know you, you would’ve just screamed fire and gotten everybody to look at you guys, causing him to run away. »
I rolled my eyes, but he was right, I would’ve yelled fire as loud as I could, « You know me so well. »
« I know, » he said as we pulled up to the club, « I love you and I’ll see you after work ! »
I smiled at him, « Yeah, I’ll meet you back at the apartment, love you too ! » He pulled away, off to work at Red Lobster, yeah, he was a waiter.
I turned around and walked into the club. We still had an hour until opening so it didn’t smell too much of alcohol.
I waved at the DJ, « Hey Kev ! »
« Yo Chey ! How’s it hangin’ ? »
I just rolled my eyes at him, he liked to try to act cool but really he was just super cheesy.
I went to the back in the employees’ lounge/locker room. I opened my locker and took out my uniform which consisted of short black shorts (not booty shorts a little longer than that) and an oversized white tank top with lips on it.
I quickly changed in the employees only bathroom and then side fishtail braided my hair. I stepped into club, grinning as I slid behind the bar.
I loved this job because I would always get a lot of tips, whether people meant to give me extra and leave or not.
A half hour later the music was pumping and the club opened, we had a steady stream of people until it was a loud pile of crazy people.
It was an easy job once you knew how to understand drunk people and knew what drink was what. I was already getting a bunch of tips and it was only 45 minutes into my shift.
I quickly gave a slurring girl her shots and turned to the next person, who just so happened to be the creep from the bench.
« What can I get ya’ ? » I asked him like I did everyone else.
« You, » he told me creepily.
I rolled my eyes, I had changed the name of a drink to ‘You’ specifically for this reason.
« One ‘You’ coming right up ! » I turned away from him and mixed the right liquids together, sliding it over to him, « That’ll be five bucks. »
He gave me a five and I put it in the cash register.
I turned to the next person who ordered a tray of drinks and I set to work mixing them for him.
I turned around and was mixing when I heard a collective gasp from the crowd, which meant someone just punched someone else.
I turned around and saw the strange man on too of the one who ordered the drinks, punching him over and over again.
I slid over the counter, pulled him back and dragged him to the door. I shoved him to one of the guards and rushed back to the other person.
Two guys passed me, rushing to the strange dude’s side and I kneeled down next to the guy on the ground. The DJ tossed me the first aid kit and I gave him the clean rag to stop his bleeding nose. I cleaned up the cuts on his face, probably from a ring, and put band aids on them.
By the time I was done his nose had stopped bleeding so we sent him to the bathroom to get cleaned up and I went back to work, quickly getting everybody the drinks they wanted.
The rest of the night went by quickly and before I knew it it was closing time and I was changing into my normal clothes, a pair of gray leggings, a loose navy blue tank top, and a giant red sweatshirt.
I pulled my messenger bag over my shoulder and started on my way home. I texted Owen, saying I just left, and walked out the door, calling out a goodbye to the owner who was counting the money.
I started walking, it was night but the lights of the city made it dim instead of dark. I always felt calm at this time, there were still people out, just not too many and it was peaceful.
Taxis still littered the streets and tourists were in restaurants, leaving the sidewalks kind of empty but there were still people here and there.
I stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the walk sign to light up and leaned against the pole holding up the traffic light.
The little person turned white to I went to walk across the road when I hand wrapped around my waist and my mouth. A voice whispered in my ear, « Don’t make any sudden moves and I won’t hurt you. »
« Don’t make any sudden moves and I won’t hurt you, » I whispered in her ear. I obviously wouldn’t try to hurt her anyway, but she didn’t know that.
She stiffened in my arms and I began to drag her to the car when she started wiggling around.
She struggled and wrapped her legs around the pole she had been leaning on. I had to admit, she was little but extremely strong. I didn’t want to hurt her so I called out for Jason.
« Jason, get out here and help me ! »
I heard the door open and saw Jason run over to her legs, taking her ankles and tossing them towards me. I quickly moved away from the pole and pushed her into the trunk of the car where I knew she couldn’t get out.
I had completely emptied it and made sure there was plenty of room for her, which wasn’t hard considering she was half the size of me and I could fit into it easily.
I took her messenger bag away and her phone before I shut the trunk.