"Stupid bastard" Mia swore under her breath
How was she to know the way Into the house and how was she to escape when her hands were tied up and her eyes blindfolded by some stupid tie that was supposed to be on his neck?
She decided to go in the way she heard him walk but she has not even taken three steps when she her leg knocked against something hard and she ended up on the floor
"Ahh" she gasped in pain but not loud enough for him to hear wherever he was
She did not want him to hear her cry of her pain because she won't be able to stand him laughing at her plight, one he himself put her in
She decided to crawl with her knees to whatever it was that she kicked her leg on and after reaching it she turned her back around and reached out to feel it with her hands
After much struggle she discovered that it was a staircase so she sat on it. She decided to remain there until he came back or sent someone to get her. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her crawling around to find her way with her blindfolded eyes
"She has been like that since, unmoving, just in one position" Nicole entered Adrian's office to report to him yet again
"Leave her there"
"Yes Alpha"
Adrian leaned back on his chair and sighed, the woman was truly stubborn but it was not going to help her one damn bit because he was not one to entertain disobedience
Maybe leaving her outside for a while will do her good, she has been sitting there on the stairs according to what Nicole reported to him
He thought that she was going to find her way Inside the house but no she sat there, waiting? Maybe she was waiting for him to come and get her
His lips curled up as he stood up and walked to the window in his office which was directly facing the stairs.
He smirked when he saw that she was not sitting again. She had lain back on the stairs. She must be feeling uncomfortable that was why she changed her position
He watched for close to an hour as she lay down, sat up, tried to stretch with her hands tied to her back then lay done again and at the end he concluded that she was really more stubborn than he thought
She was supposed to be yelling for help right now if she was facing as much a discomfort as he thought she was but she was still holding on even with the hot sun that was beating down on her face
"Let's see how much longer she can hold on" he turn away from the window and went back to resume signing the documents that was left on his desk
Adrian was finally done with his work. When he looked at the time he saw that it was late in the night. Eight hours since he got home with that stubborn woman
' is she still there? ' he thought as he stood up and went to his window to stare out
"Interesting so so interesting" he nodded his head when he saw that she was still there
He turned and walked away from his window and then outside his study. When he got outside his mansion he walked in the direction of the stairs
"Are you sleeping? " He used his legs to give her a little kick waking her up from her sleep
Mia groaned as she opened her eyes, she struggled to sit up "what?"
" You must have enjoyed laying down here all day did you not?"
"I have had better days"
" Oh really? Then I won't disturb you" Adrian turn to walk away
"Wait" Mia called out as she adjusted her position
She was stiff from going from a sitting position to a sleeping position all day on the stairs and would give anything to able to lay once more on a bed and not the cold hard ground of a staircase
Her hands were still from being tied together all day that she could no longer feel them. She had tried to work on losing the rope but she did not succeed. It was tied so cleverly
Adrian halted and turned to look at her with a smirk "you want something? " He wanted to hear her beg
"Can you loosen the rope on my hands" Mia held her breath waiting for his response
"Why should I do that?"
" Because you tied them together in the first place?" She said it like it was good enough reason
" And so?" He began to walk back to her
She was tongue tied for a moment and did not know how to respond but after some seconds she told him "can you just loosen it? Am not asking for much"
" Maybe if you ask politely I will"
'Politely my ass ' Mia wanted to snap at him but held herself back
She knew what he was doing and she was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her beg but she knew when to retreat
She knew just when to drop her pride and do things for her own good and she needed to drop her pride now
He was going to leave her here if she continue being stubborn and she knew that because she has been out here for over seven to nine hours and now that he was giving her the opportunity to redeem herself she was going to take it
She knew how to survive because of the world she was brought up in
"I did not hear you well" Adrian was surprised to see her beg. He was sure that she has not learnt her lesson so there must be a reason she was begging
Mia sneered, the bastard really wanted her to shred all her pride. She wished that she could tell him to go to hell but she knew that it would be her going to hell not him
"Please" her voice was louder this time
"A little bit louder sweetheart"
She gritted her teeth "Please"
Then she felt his hand on her. Not on her hand losing the rope binding her hands but on her face. He was caressing her face and then he moved his hands to the tie to lose it
Mia blinked and open her eyes and the first thing that came into her sight was his face which was awfully close to hers
Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes met his intense blue ones and they were watching her. His hands was back to her face, moving from her cheeks to push her hair to the back of her ears
Her eyes rove round his face, he had a handsome face that would make one stare at him for a second and a third time, pointed nose with well defined jaw and prominent cheekbones
"He is perfect" Mia murmured subconsciously
"What?" Adrian asked
Mia clear her throat as she looked away cursing herself for admiring her kidnapper "Nothing "
His hands left her face and moved to work on the rope binding her hands together, in less than two seconds he freed her from them
He moved away from her and stood to his feet "get up" he stare down at her
She did not need to be told twice she jumped to her feet but that was a terrible mistake on her part because she was back to the ground in the next second
"Arghhh" she cried out in pains as she held her bottom with her stiff hands that were aching from being tied together for a long time
Her legs were feeling cramped from being on the floor for too long that when she got up it could not hold her, she glared up at the cause of her problem
He was looking at her with a small amused smile on his face "you can't get up?"
" Who is the cause?" The man was really infuriating she so wished she could wipe the smug smile from off his face
"Your stubbornness"
He reached and gathered her up in his arms carrying her princess style. She wanted to yell out a protest that she could walk on her own but bit her lip and kept quiet because she knew what it caused her the last time she said something like that
She twisted uncomfortably in his arms but after a while she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on when she felt like she was going to fall off. She did not trust him to hold her
He paused in his steps when her arms came around him but it was for a little while because he began moving again up the stairs and into the house that was now quiet as everyone of the servants has retired to their rooms
He went through the corridor before coming to a stop in front of a door, he pushed it open with his leg and entered pushing it close with his leg again
He moved to the bed and dumped her on it unceremoniously before walking out without a word
"Hey" she got up to go after him but she only heard a click sound as the door was locked from outside
"Fucking bastard" she could finally vent her pent up emotions now that he was not there
She fell back on the bed and spread her hands and legs so that her blood could circulate round
When she was sure that she could walk well again without having to fall down she came down from the bed to look round the room
At least she was giving a proper room though everything was in black and white colors it was good. The room could beat any five star hotels VIPs room but she was not feeling important at the moment
All she wanted was to be able to get out of the room and out of the house and as far away as possible from this man who has kidnapped her against her will
She knew that she had to escape one way or the other because she needed to look for money. Money to send to that dreadful man that was holding the most important thing in her life
She walked to the window and stared up at the star, she saw that they were on the ground floor but she could not jump out of the window because it had burglarproof protecting it
She sneered in her heart before turning away from the window and walking to the second room which held the bathroom
She did not even stop to admire it she just directly pulled off her clothes and walked under the shower
She stood lost in her own thoughts thas the water continued to come down hitting her head. She knew that there was guards everywhere though she did not see any of them she just knew there were around just like in that man's house
After some time of thinking under the shower she smiled as she got an idea. She stepped out from under the shower