Once those plummy pinkish lips of hers made that utterance, a thick round of silence descended in the room.
There, she stood, cladded in a simple maxi dress that hid the divine curves her body possessed, and her eyes radiating sheer eagerness. A pair of almond-shaped dark eyes were as rare as hell yet heightened the beauty of Annalise Gregory.
At a glance, any could tell she was nervous as fuck, and why wouldn't she? Who wouldn't be apprehensive when breaking news of your betrothal with another to your long-time boyfriend?
While those green eyes of his stared deeply at her soul, rage gradually seeped in.
“My ears better be dysfunctional, Anna! What the hell do you mean by you are getting married to someone else? What about me? What about our relationship?” Seven, obviously outraged, yelled at her, and she sighed sadly.
His anger was expected, yet there was nothing she could do.
“Babe, I know you're angry, but hear me out, please. I've no say in this — Father insists I get married to some stranger and…”
“You're going to do so without giving a shit about me, right? Let's run away then! Me and you!” Seven declared, coming closer than holding onto her hands while locking eyes with hers.
But Annalise avoided his eyes, clearly not in approval of the plan. If she runs away with him, then what about her sister, Melissa?
Her family, although somewhat rich, was messed up like fuck. If she runs away with her lover, how would Melissa, her 19-year-old sister, survive?
That witch for a stepmother would kill her — Annalise wouldn't forgive herself if Melissa got maltreated. What would her deceased mother think of her?
“Seven… I'm sorry, but I can't leave” In a mutter, she responded, and he felt immense rage.
“I knew our three-year relationship meant nothing to you. Did you never love me, did you, Annalise? I was a fucking toy to you, wasn't I!” Seven's yell grew louder, and her lips quivered while trying to say otherwise.
“I do love you Seven but-”
“Don't fucking say anything. Out! Get the fuck out of my house now, you cheater!”
Was there any point in reasoning with an angered man? Annalise wasn't sure, so she bitterly left the apartment.
Tears brimmed in her eyes, and glancing at the handsome sweetheart who was now her ex-lover broke her heart.
“I'm…sorry” she sniffed once more then dashed out of there. The instant she left, consumed by rage, Seven began breaking anything breakable in sight.
His hands bled crazily, yet he didn't give a damn.
“Fuck!” He gritted his teeth hard, then ruffled his brown hair with his bloody hands in frustration.
“You can't get married, Anna. You're mine alone — whether you like it or not!” A bit cynically, Seven declared.
Meanwhile, Annalise, walking through the sidewalks of a busy and colorful Los Angeles, had only one place in mind.
The tears caused by heartbreak had already dissipated, and halting in front of the biggest strip club in the state — The Angel's Lounge, sighed inwardly.
Time for a show.
Shortly, Annalise made her way into it, then using a discreet hallway emerged at the backdoor of an overly raucous stage.
“Annalise? What the fuck's your problem? Ya late” The voice of a middle-aged man caught her attention, and facing the club owner, Mr. Zayn, she greeted.
“Fuck 'em greetings! Go get dressed — y'know your show's bout to begin”.
“Yes sir”
Sharply, Annalise went straight into a dressing room where her outfit was already laid out — her stripper's outfit.
In the quest to further her sister's education, Annalise had to raise enough money to fund Melissa to stay in college.
And being a stripper, and letting dozens of hundred lewd men feast their eyes on her voluptuous body just for her sister's sake, wasn't anything.
Annalise would kill for Melissa.
Once she stepped out in her slutty stripper's outfit,her appearance was unholyily hot!
Even a saint at a glimpse of this sultry angel would fall into temptation — the main attraction of the Angel's Lounge, ‘Angel’ was that otherworldly!
Annalise inhaled hard then closer to the slowly parting curtains.
“Time for a show” Once the large curtains gave way, she posed magnificently and the lustful roars from the countless men dominated the place.
“Here's your pay for the night, Angel” Mr. Zayn, leaning against the door to Annalise's dressing room, said while placing a bugly envelope on a table.
Angel's show was over, and Annalise could be seen in her former dress. It was spectacular how easily she switched from a seducing angel to a sweet devil.
Even her identity was hidden from anyone apart from Zayn — he agreed to keep her identity a secret due to how rapidly she pulled customers in.
Her shows were always top-notch.
“Thanks” Sullenly, Annalise reached for the money then did a quick check — fortunately, it was complete.
“Today's shitty for ya or what? Then hit up the bar, Angel” He chuckled while reaching for a stick of cigarette. She contemplated briefly about it, then shrugged.
It wasn't a bad idea, truly.
“Night Zayn” As she headed for the door, he spoke again. “There's a rich fucker, Lucas Rome, that wants you for an n-”
“I don't do nightstands — tell him to fuck off!” Icily, and without halting, Annalise resounded then exited the dressing room, heading for another pub.
A local one.
Zayn secretly grinned mischievously while watching her leave.
“Oh, you'll have one alright.”