Chapter 5
The woman would drive him crazy. There was no doubt about it. Jacob listened to her as she paced the living room floor the next morning, the cell phone headset attached to her ear as she listened to Wolfe. He had known their Pack leader would be calling her, but he hadn’t expected the slow anger he saw burning in her.
She was dressed in those damned jeans that she had tried to wash earlier. They were stained with blood. Hers and others, he knew. They were ripped at the knee, but they cupped her ass perfectly. Jacob leaned against the doorframe, watching as she paused in front of the large windows overlooking the side gardens, and listened to Wolfe talk.
Damn, that butt was cute as hell. He couldn’t get over it. Nice and round, without sticking out too much. Just a perfect handful. His cock reminded him it was a nice tight fit there, too. He had spent the night tossing and turning, tormented by memories of just how tight.
“That’s bullshit!” Jacob winced at the anger in her tone. She wasn’t listening to Wolfe anymore.
“Dammit, Wolfe, I don’t have a week to hang around here and deal with him—”
Jacob lifted a brow as he watched her push her fingers impatiently through her hair. Deal with him? A pleasant way to phrase how she could handle his intentions towards her.
“Who cares? I have things going on—”
Things? A unique way of phrasing her affection for her vibrators. He should call Wolfe himself and have the damned things blown to hell for her.
“He’s a big boy—” she snarled, and Jacob winced. Damn, she was getting mad.
“Wolfe. No. Wolfe. That’s my damned place. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find? To secure at that price? Don’t you do it—”
There was definite alarm in her voice now. Jacob could practically feel her sense of fear increasing. Her body tightened with it, her fists clenching at her sides as she fought for control. She listened for long moments, but Jacob could feel her anger building with each word her Pack Leader spoke.
“I’ll leave the Pack, Wolfe.”
Jacob frowned at the hardened purpose in her voice, then shock filled him as she continued.
“No. Evidently, you have a problem with the efficiency in which I perform my job. That’s fine. I can handle that. But no one, Wolfe, even you, Pack Leader that you are, can tell me when and who to
fuck—I’m not arguing it, Wolfe—dirty bastard left me six years ago and you want me to just spread my legs for him,” she bit out. “Find him another whore. Better yet, leave him alone, from what I’ve heard he’s good at finding them himself.” Her voice rose with each word until it vibrated with rage. She was angry because he left? Not angry over the night he had taken her, but angry because he had stayed away? It made no sense to him. She should hate him, despise him for the way he took her, for the violence of his lusts, not sound furious because he had left her after hurting her. Jacob watched her body tremble now, could hear the hurt and pain in her voice and decided enough was enough. When her voice began to thicken with tears, then it was time to step in. Damn Wolfe, after sending Faith to Jacob, he no longer had rights over her. Jacob was her blood mate, her alpha now. Wolfe had no rights over her.
He stalked over to her, surprising her when he jerked the phone from her belt, released the headset and brought the receiver to his ear.
“Fuck off, Wolfe,” he bit out.
There was silence over the line.
“Hope thinks she’ll hold onto the apartment and the toys, Jacob, rather than give in to you.” Wolfe’s voice was hard, commanding. “We need the place for another Liaison as well. We don’t have time to pamper her feelings.”
Jacob frowned. At the moment, he considered nothing more important than pampering her feelings. It was a surprising revelation for him.
“You forget, the pack doesn’t own that place. I’ll pay the rent for another apartment,” he growled, hell he was paying the rent for the one Faith had now. “Take it out of my account, and set it up. But leave her place be. Period.”
“I can fight my own battles, Jacob,” Faith hissed, her hands propped on her hips, fury radiating through her body. “I don’t need your help. Let him put someone else in my place and he’ll see just how well I can fight.”
“What the fuck is wrong with her?” Confusion filled Wolfe’s voice as he heard her furious declaration.
“She knows better than to challenge me. I don’t understand that woman anymore.”
“She can’t challenge you, Wolfe, but I can.” Jacob kept his voice low, his gaze on Faith as he watched fire glittering in her black eyes. “Let her things alone. You don’t have the authority to do this.” As Pack Leader, Wolfe’s demands were automatically obeyed to a point, but Jacob wasn’t about to let him upset Faith like this.
The hierarchy of the Pack was cemented. Wolfe was Alpha of the pack, but Jacob was only a periphery member. He was Alpha Enforcer, the head of all Pack’s security, and holding as much authority as Wolfe did himself.
There was another silence. “We could lose her, Jacob.” His voice was hard. “I can’t afford to lose any of my Pack. Especially a female.”
“I’m going to kick your ass, Jacob,” Faith raged as he narrowed his eyes, his anger flaring at Wolfe, his impatience rising.
“If you had brains, you’d be a danger to yourself.” He then heard Hope’s voice in the background.
“What does female have to do with this? She’s part of the family, Wolfe. Not a damned breeder.”
Jacob rolled his eyes. He heard Wolfe growl in exasperation.
“Leave it be, Wolfe,” Jacob advised him. “It’s not worth the fight. And I won’t see Faith upset in this manner. “
“So I need you to fight my battles?” she asked him, furious, her face flushed, her breasts heaving beneath her T-shirt. No bra. Damn her, and her nipples were hard too. On the other end, Hope was raging as well; evidently unaware of what Wolfe had been doing until the last moment. He wanted to feel sorry for his Pack Leader, but in this case, Wolfe had brought it on himself. Besides, it appeared he had his own furious female to deal with at this point.
“Leave the apartment, Wolfe. Faith can decide for herself what to do with it. And who to fuck, I believe?” He was asking her more than he was Wolfe.
“You’re a brave man,” Wolfe sighed. “I thought only to make it easier. She seemed pretty angry with you. I thought perhaps if I made it an order—” He could hear Wolfe’s shrug in his voice. Then Hope’s sarcastic comment behind it. This didn’t seem to be the week for mate pleasing. Jacob wondered if it was a mood phase, or some strange PMS.
“Like I need you to tell him that,” Faith snorted. “Who went and made you Sir Galahad, asshole? I haven’t needed you in six years, and I’ll be damned if I need you now. And give me my friggin’ phone back.” It was jerked out of his hand before he could do more than grunt at her sarcastic comments.
* * * * *
Faith swore she was going to kill Jacob and Wolfe. Damned men. First her Pack leader has the nerve, the unutterable nerve, to order her to fuck Jacob, then he threatens her apartment. Her beautiful, bright home, where all her treasures were stored. Where her vibrators rested on velvet, her coffee grinder ground her coffee beans to perfection, and her refrigerator, the modern dream that it was, reminded her when her stash of beer and cola was getting low. Love his heart, she was going to cut it out.
“Dearest Wolfe?” Her voice was sweet as sugar, but there was murder in her heart. “May I please speak to Hope? Woman stuff, ya know?”
Wolfe hesitated. “Faith, I will leave things as they are for now. There is no sense in angering Hope further.”
“Why would I do this to my Pack Leader?” She wanted to sneer but confined the baring of her teeth to Jacob instead as she met his amused gaze. Damned men. Overbearing jackasses. Wolfe sighed.
“Faith?” Hope’s voice was furious.
Faith turned from Jacob, her body shaking with anger, with hurt. She had thought that Wolfe understood all the years she had suffered. Thought he knew the hell she had experienced living without Jacob.
“He ordered me to fuck Jacob, Hope,” she growled, keeping her voice low, her pain hidden from everyone but the woman who, during late night phone conversations, had kept her sane in the past months. “Ordered me to let another have my home. Do not let him take my home, Hope.” It was all she had that was hers and hers alone. Every inch of it, decorated to suit her taste, lovingly cleaned and cared for by her alone.
“Don’t worry, Faith.” Hope’s voice was trembling in fury as well. “Take care of yourself, and your own needs. I’ll take care of my mate.” The determined anger in Hope’s voice eased the knot of fear that had been steadily growing in Faith since Wolfe had begun his little private discussion with her. She took a deep, calming breath.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome, Faith. I’ll talk to you later. I have a mate to deal with at present.”
The phone disconnected. Faith stood silently, her back to Jacob, fighting the well of fury and hurt that continued to grow in her.
“Since when did you decide to become my protector?” she asked him, fighting not to scream, to keep her voice calm, even, despite the tremble in it.
She clipped the phone back in its small holder on her belt, then turned to face him, her fists clenched to keep from smacking the bemused expression from his face.
“He was wrong.” Jacob shrugged. “I was merely trying to help, Faith.”
“I do not need your help.” She fought to breathe normally, to still the hard, furious beat of her heart. “I have not needed you in six years, and despite Wolfe’s belief to the contrary, I do not need you now.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at her in lofty amusement, his lips curling into that little half smile of superiority that she so hated.
“Your body does,” he said with such confidence that she was grinding her teeth together in fury. “But, I don’t believe Wolfe has the right to order you to my bed. I want you there because you cannot deny me, not because you are ordered.”
Her eyes widened.
“You think I cannot deny you?” She bit out, so furious, so enraged with his patient amusement with her that it was all she could do not to attack him. “You think fucking me is a done deal?”
He chuckled. Bastard. He was laughing at her. “My dearest mate, I have no doubt it is. But it always has been. You’re a big girl now, I think you can take me.”
Shocked fury filled her system. He stood so tall, so confident before her. As though he knew the ways of all things, supreme in his own knowledge. She wished she could refute his claim, but knew she would choke on such a lie.
“As I remember it, I had no problem taking you before,” she reminded him, feeling the need for violence rising strong and steady inside her. “I think your done deal is more like an itch that needs scratched in your case,” she sneered. “What, miss out on your weekly piece last night?”
His eyes narrowed on her. The amusement in his expression dropping by several degrees.
“You’ve developed a smart mouth, Faith, it could get you into trouble,” he warned her, his voice low, irritated.
“And you’ve developed a domineering attitude that could land you on your ass,” Faith assured him furiously. “Stay out of my business, Jacob.”
Enough of this! Hard-headed damned man, there would be no way to make him see sense, to make him understand that she didn’t need him to pave her way with Wolfe. And she didn’t need Wolfe ordering her to fuck her mate. Damn him. Damn Jacob. What gave either of them the right to suddenly decide they knew better than her, after six years?
“You are my business,” he growled, his voice rife with irritation as he faced her, his own anger growing.
“Am I?” she demanded. “Then why did he order me to fuck you, instead of the other way around? You are the one who left. Remember?”
His face flushed and for a second, just for a second, his gaze flickered. Faith narrowed her eyes, her chest blooming with pain.
“Don’t worry, Jacob. You’re off the hook. You and Wolfe both can go to hell.” She moved to rush from the room to get away from him, and the unbearable pain suddenly radiating inside her. Jacob stopped her as she went to pass him. He pulled her to him, his hands sliding down her arms in a slow caress. His hands touched her. Faith drew in a hard, shuddering breath as his fingers moved further, dropping to cup her hips, pulling her into his thighs until the hard length of his erection was pressing against her lower back. Heat seared her body, burst through her veins like an explosion of wildfire. She gasped, flinching as her womb contracted hungrily and her clitoris began to throb in need. Dear God, only a touch and she was ready for him to mount her.
She could barely breathe for the physical demands of her body. Could barely stand the agony of suspense, the overriding needs, both emotionally and physically, that ripped through her.
“You feel it,” he growled, his hands tightening on her hips. “It can only be denied for so long, Faith. I know. I have fought to run from it for six years; awaiting Wolfe’s call, praying daily that you would reach the maturity of your body, and be ready for me. Do you think this was easy for me? Do you think my lusts have not nearly destroyed me?”
“You were with others,” she cried out, her hands going to his where they rested on her hips, even as her head fell back on his chest.
His breath was doing wicked things against her neck, sending shivers of pleasure coursing over her body. It was heated, whispering over the mark he had left on her while still a captive within the cursed Labs. She burned in response. So long, she had dreamed of his touch, so long.
“I could not come to you before,” he whispered as his lips stroked over the small mark. “I could not trust myself, Faith. I remembered too well the taste of your honey flowing into my mouth as I shoved my tongue inside your tight channel, sucked at your clit and heard your screams of climax, your pleas for more. You were so young. Not ready for the mating our natures demand. Too young to know the violence of my passion. I had to leave, or I would have taken you and harmed you far more than I already had.”
Where had he got the idea he had hurt her? She wanted to protest his feelings, but she couldn’t for the pleasure suddenly washing over her.
“No.” She didn’t know if she was protesting that decision, or the hand slipping slowly inside the waistband of her pants as the other eased beneath the loose folds of her shirt.
“Yes.” His teeth raked her neck. “I would not have been able to wait. I would not have been able to allow you the time of growing, of learning that you needed. Do you know, do you have any idea the hell I endured trying to stay away, to wait until you were ready for me?”
His voice was strained, ferocious in its hunger. As he spoke, one hand cupped her swollen breast, though the other paused at her lower stomach rather than traveling further to her throbbing cunt. She was on fire. She needed his hand to touch her, stroke her. The lightning arcs of tortured arousal were not unlike the drugs she had been injected with so long ago.
“I didn’t ask you to restrain yourself.” Her eyes closed as she moaned with her need. She had forgotten how strong the needs could be, how they attacked, stroked and flamed through her system with just the threat of Jacob’s touch.
“I would have hurt you, Faith. I had no other choice but to leave.” His tongue stroked over the mark. Faith cried out, her neck bending further to grant him greater access as the hand holding his wrist applied pressure, trying to push it from her abdomen to between her thighs.
“You did have a choice,” she whispered, she could barely speak. She was breathing hard, heavy, her body was flaming, sensitized and aching almost painfully.
The anger and fury was dissolving beneath the onslaught of a fury of lust. She was shaking, needing so desperately she didn’t know if she would survive the ache.
“God, Faith, you feel so good. You taste so good,” he whispered, his own breathing rough, heavy. His chest rose and fell hard beneath her head, his tongue stroking over the small, sensitive scar he had left below her neck. “I want to mark you again. I need to, Faith.”
His voice was desperate, so hot and dark she could only melt against him, a prisoner of her body’s needs, held by chains of arousal so strong, so hot she could only tremble against him. She felt the scrape of his teeth, the sharp canines as they rasped over her skin, sending sensual daggers of erotic sensation through her body. She knew what was coming, remembered with perfect clarity the all-consuming, raging lusts that would fill her body. Sharper, more intense than even the needs that tormented her now.
Emotions she had so long denied, swamped her now. Her chest tightened with them, her flesh prickling with enjoyment at his touch. She was weak, too weak to fight him, and her own body.
“No,” she whispered her denial of such tormenting sensations even as her neck arched for another scrape of his teeth, and her hand bore down on his to push it closer to her tormented cunt. His hand slid in further, beneath the edge of her silk panties, glancing over the honey-slick, bare lips of her pussy. She arched on her tiptoes to get closer, feeling the heated rasp of his fingers over her clit.
“More,” she whispered.
He growled, breathing hard, fighting the same battle she was for oxygen amid the growing, painful arousal rising between them.
“I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to take you, Faith, and show you all the things I could not before,” he promised her heatedly, his fingers sliding through the slick, honey coated slit. “You’re so hot,” he panted at her ear, nipping at the lobe as she bucked against the pad of his hand. “So hot and sweet you burn me alive.”
“It’s too much,” she cried out, barely able to breathe, her body no longer her own, uncontrolled, riding a crest of pleasure that terrified her.
She could feel her vagina spasming, her juices leaking from her entrance, coating his fingers, soaking her panties. She wanted more. She needed relief for the overwhelming hunger now attacking her body. His fingers moved further. Faith lost her breath as she felt one circling the entrance to her vagina, spreading the thick cream of her arousal, teasing, taunting her.
“Please—” her whispered entreaty became an agonized gasp of pure sensation as he penetrated the entrance to her burning core.
Jacob groaned at her ear. She felt his finger filling her, pushing inside her, hard and hot. She was trembling, her knees weakening, her breathing loud and rough in the silence of the room. Oh God, it was better than she had ever thought it could be. Hotter, more intense, searing her from the inside out. Oh hell, control. Where was her control?
“Mine,” he growled at her ear, his tongue laving the lobe with a slow, sensual sweep. “My woman. My mate.”
The words penetrated her dazed senses slowly as his hand moved from her soaking flesh to push at her loose pants.
“No.” She shook her head in dazed rejection, denying his claim. If he claimed her now, took her, she knew she would never survive another desertion.
“Yes,” he snarled at her ear, ignoring her weak attempts to keep him from lowering the material over her hips.
He was claiming her. Taking her over. Anger surged through her once again. She couldn’t allow him to do this. If she let him claim her now, she would never escape the hold he thought he should have on her.
“Stop.” Gathering her strength, Faith pushed away from him roughly, fighting not just Jacob and his lust, but herself as well.
Moving jerkily, her flesh protesting loudly at the separation from Jacob’s body, Faith quickly put several feet between them, watching him closely. He looked intent, dangerous. Brooding sensuality stamped his features, giving him a dark, erotically dangerous look. That look speared through her womb, causing it to clench almost painfully.
“Faith, you are mine,” he breathed in roughly. “You know this—”
“I belong to no one, Jacob.” Amazement and anger surged through her. “You cannot just decree this, you and Wolfe, after six years, stinking of other women, and claim your rights as a mate. I will not allow it.”
She shook her head, unwilling or perhaps unable to understand his assurance he could just take her.
“You want me as well, Faith. You cannot deny it,” he began to advance on her, his body tense, ready to spring.
Breathing hard, Faith watched him warily. If he touched her again, if he drew her to him, she would not be able to resist him further.
“Jacob, I will not be forced into this,” she told him furiously. “You cannot order me to your bed, and I will not allow you to try.”
Jacob moved closer, his intent to seduce her into giving into him was reflected in the brilliance of his pale blue eyes.
“You want me, Faith, just as much as I want you,” he growled. “I have suffered six years waiting for you to mature—”
“Oh, poor Jacob,” she snapped out as she backed away from him, ignoring the fuming look on his face.
“Why, he’s just fucked his way through the world waiting on poor little Faith to grow up. Well, news flash, Big Boy, Faith grew up a long time ago. Without you, or your help.”
For a second, astonishment flashed in his eyes.
“Faith, I left for your sake,” he argued, irritation cording the muscles of his shoulders.
“For my sake?” she questioned him furiously. “Did I ask you to leave, Jacob?”
“You were too young.”
“You don’t know that,” she bit out. “And how was Wolfe to know that? You and your damned know-it-all attitude. It wasn’t up to you to decide if I was ready to have sex. Well, tell you what Jacob. I was ready six years ago. I’m not ready to fuck you now.”
That lie was a whopper. She sent up a quick, fervent hope for forgiveness. Some lies were just too damned big not to.
“Your body says differently.” He began to advance on her again. Faith didn’t back up from him. She wasn’t going to run from him. She wasn’t afraid of him, and she would be damned if she would lie beneath him, the stink of old lust still clinging to his body.
“My body does not control me now, Jacob,” she fired back. “You do not control me. You had best figure that out now.”
Jacob reached out to touch her. Faith smacked his hand away immediately. She couldn’t afford the lust firing through her to blaze further. Jacob’s lips tilted in a half grin as the lids lowered over his brilliant eyes.
“Will you fight me now?” Amusement laced his voice. “I can take you, Faith. You know I can.”
“You can try,” she told him softly as she relaxed her muscles, preparing herself for his next move.
“I’ll mount you as I take you down, Mate,” he promised her. “You won’t get away.”
“Go for it,” she whispered with a smile.
Adrenaline surged through her. Fiery, blazing lust pulsed in her cunt. Her eyes narrowed on him, her body preparing for him.
He wouldn’t be ready for her. She knew he wouldn’t be. When he moved, it was a smooth flex of muscle, his arm circling around her waist. Faith ducked under the arm, hooking her ankle around his in a lightning move that pushed the foot off balance as she pushed her body into his back and delivered a quick, hard push to the opposite shoulder and moved quickly out of the way.
“Shit.” He fell. She knew he would.
Flipping around, she watched as he came to his feet, his eyes narrowing on her, his big body graceful and dangerous as he prepared his retaliation.
“Good move,” he complimented her. “I’ll remember it.”
She tilted her head mockingly in acceptance of the compliment.
“You should have run when you had the chance,” he warned her, the soft growl in his voice making her heart rate pick up with excitement. “Because when I get hold of you, Faith, I’m going to make you pay for that little maneuver.”
“Rape is a dirty word, Jacob,” she jeered. “I told you ‘no’, and I meant it.”
He paused, suddenly seeming uncertain. “You want me, Faith.”
“My body is reacting to you,” she corrected heatedly. “You are my biological mate, Jacob. Not my lover, not my love or my friend. And I refuse your claim to me. You left, lived your life and gained your experience as you saw fit. I believe it is now my turn to live my life as I see fit. I demand you release me.”