She shivered inwardly for his eyes, in their languid measure of study as they trailed over her, seemed the most startling feature. She had never seen such compelling amber eyes with their uncanny coloration of gold as if all the sun's magnificent luster shown from the iris's of one man.
Alana tilted her chin, determined not to be wavered by such an alluring stare. He had a commanding presence about him, an aura of power that was clearly unmistakable. His golden eyes seemed to unravel her composure and that alone was enough to make her uneasy. She was not one to be easily unraveled.
Her eyes hardened, "It would be wise of you, Sir, to keep your obscenities to yourself."
His eyes danced with a glint of amusement as his perfectly sculpted mouth titled at the corners into a devilish grin. "My apologies milady, I shall attempt to damper my notions."
She eyed him suspiciously, not quite convinced of the sincerity behind his words. Lynette and Rowan's voices clashed in union within her head, warning her that she had made a mistake in bringing this man to their village. Had she truly put her village in danger because of this one man? But what of this one man did she know?
"I would have your word, Sir that you do not intend neither me nor anyone of this village harm?"
His gold eyes intensified with a compressed anger but just as quickly as it appeared it vanished. Had she offended him? "I give you my word."
His compliance came without difficulty and that made her cautious. Though she had argued with Lynette and Rowan about him being Norman, he was nonetheless her enemy and she had to remain vigilant.
She was silent a moment as she weighed his vow thoughtfully. "Do you feel any pain?" she cleared her throat as she crossed the cottage to prepare some broth. She was very much aware of his eyes boring into her back and she couldn't seem to keep her hands from trembling as she reached for a clay pot.
"Why do you do this?"
Alana turned and felt her heart flutter against her breast. His eyes gleamed like burnished warmth, giving her the impression of a fierce lion with his tawny mane and fixed golden stare. "What do you mean?"
"Why do you help me, knowing what I am?"
"What are you other than a man injured at the moment? I am a healer of my people and I have the ability to restore you, and I intend to do so, whether you are enemy or ally." She paused a moment and added, "You gave me your word that you intend me no harm. I trust in that."
His eyes regarded her with a hint of disbelief. "How can you put so much faith unto me when you know naught of this Norman?"
"Have I a need to be wary of you, Norman?"
He felt a grin tugging at his mouth as he surveyed her amusingly. Despite her delicate size, she had the fiery nature of a man his size and he found himself utterly enthralled by her. "No, fiery one, you need not fear me."
She eyed him for another moment before turning back to her tasks. He found pleasure in watching her, captivated by her lithe movements and agile steps.
She crossed the room and knelt to gather a bundle of bandages. She stood and their eyes met and for a moment she hesitated, her thoughts turning before she finally started towards him.
As she grew closer, Fallon was suddenly struck in awe by the distinguishing shade of green that surveyed him from beneath thick, black lashes. Her eyes were an extraordinary combination of gray tinged with a yellowish green and the more he studied her, the more he seemed mesmerized by her.
Her hands were small and elegant as they slowly worked to unravel the length of bandage but 'twas not her hands that had him intrigued but the perfection of her mouth; full and luscious, a delicate shade of soft pink that seemed to draw him closer despite the unimaginable pain that ripped through him.
He must have groaned aloud for her head jerked upright, her green eyes widening with concern. "Are you alright?" he gritted his teeth at the gentleness of her tone, the velvety softness that wrapped him in sensual warmth as he bit down on another groan.
"I need to change your bandages." She said softly, "Try to not joust about or it will cause you great discomfort."
Fallon resisted a grin, having certain to have never been ordered about by such a small female.
He relaxed his muscles as he anticipated her touch but he had not expected the sudden jolt of desire that flared beneath her fingers, sending tiny pinpricks of electricity along his flesh and inducing a maddening urge to touch her. As absurd as it was, he had to ensure that this lovely creature was real.
He reached out with her unaware and captured a tendril of red hair within his hand. His heart jumped wildly against his chest as he rubbed the soft strand between his forefinger and thumb, amazed by its fiery hue and silk texture.
Fallon cursed inwardly as he released the lovely strand and his hand fell to his side. He caught her grimace as she turned to glower at the boy fuming at the door.
"What is it, Rowan?"
Fallon caught eyes with Rowan and felt his anger intensify all the more. He was beginning to dislike the lad and with greater reason for the boy was naught but a pompous urchin who thought himself compatible to one of severe prowess such as himself but aside from that, had a possessive gleam to his dark stare as his eyes slid over the woman standing between them.
"May I have a word with you?"
"Can it wait?"
"Nay, it cannot. It is a matter of urgency."
She exhaled sharply but said nothing as she gathered her skirts and got to her feet. Immediately the scent of earth and flowers left him and Fallon cast a heated glare upon Rowan.
He strained to hear the muffled words exchanged between them but could detect naught of their conversation aside from Rowan's angry expression. It was then Rowan gripped Alana's arm as she attempted to turn away, inciting a sudden rage that seemed to flow hotly in his veins.
After Rowan left, Alana returned to his side and proceeded to change his gauze. He watched her in a stretch of silence, very much aware of her hands upon him, creating a flurry of emotions that were not only alarming but exciting for he had never felt such feelings for any woman.
So enraptured by this woman, he had not realized when she finished and started to gather the used bandaging. As she started to stand, his hand lashed out and gripped her arm, and forced a startled yelp from her throat.
Her green eyes widened fearfully as she peered at the large hand wrapped firmly around her wrist. "Have you a need of something, Sir?"
Those words alone seem to unravel him, forcing his thoughts aloud. "I have but one need, maiden, a need that only you could appease."
Her audible gasp resounded sharply in the cottage and for a moment she stood captured within his golden stare before wrenching furiously free of his grasp. "I am needed else where-Norman, so within my time of absence, I think it wise you survey the cottage for your marbles, for it appears you have lost them."
He grinned, "I have offended you."
"And you find this amusing?"
He shook his head as his grin broadened, "What I find amusing is the boy's hopeless attraction for you."
"You know naught of Rowan's feelings." Alana replied angrily, "Nor are they any of your concern." She whirled away from his smirking face, clearly unnerved by his sudden change of nature and the unwarranted feelings he stirred in her.
As she started towards the door, his last remark caused her heart to pulsate madly against her breast; his voice fastening around her like a sensual caress.
"The boy may fancy you but only a man could love you."