As the pissed-off redhead stormed back to the dorm, she couldn't stop thinking about all the ways she'd get back at Jackson. So, what was she pissed about? Well, not only did he drag her out of a perfectly good nap, but he also made her wait in a ridiculous line for two hours to pick up a schedule that he knew he had taken.
Yeah, she could buy a new one for a buck, but she had sworn off spending any more money here beyond what her tuition covered. She was already broke enough as it was.
Azalea burst into the room again, and Jackson, still sitting there staring at his phone with a frown, looked up at her. Yeah, he hadn't moved an inch. He needed to see her reaction when she realized he was about to make her last year a total nightmare.
"Where's my schedule?" Azalea demanded, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Jackson.
"Uh, the office?" he replied casually, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He gave a soft chuckle, then snapped a photo of her, no doubt to add to his collection of annoyances.
Azalea's patience snapped. She snatched the phone right out of his hand and glared at him, her eyes sharp with frustration. She wasn't in the mood for his games today. Last year, he'd made it his mission to get under her skin—hiding her things, messing with their beds until she noticed the small changes, pulling every little prank he could think of. She'd known exactly what he was doing; he was just trying to get a rise out of her. And, for the most part, she hadn't given him the satisfaction.
But this year? She wasn't going to take it anymore.
"You're not pulling this crap again this year and getting away with it. I'm fighting back," she declared, her voice firm with resolve.
Jackson raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his eyes. "Really?" he asked, his voice sounding like a kid who'd just been told they were going to Disneyland.
Azalea couldn't help but smirk, her determination growing stronger. "Watch this." Without another word, she turned and walked toward the door, ready to make her exit.
Jackson blinked, then scrambled to his feet, clearly caught off guard. "Wait, where are you going?" He followed her into the hallway, calling her name. "Azie!"
Azalea turned back to face him, a sly grin on her lips as she continued walking backwards. "We're going swimming."
With that, she spun around and took off down the hall, her footsteps quickening as she made her way toward the pool. Jackson stood there for a moment, his smile fading as the realization hit him. Swimming? Was she serious? The words had barely sunk in before his pace slowed, the full meaning of her words processing in his mind. What exactly was she planning?
"Wait. Azie!" Jackson took off behind her, passing the few people in the halls. He pushed past the red double doors and hopped down the five steps leading down.
Ahead of him is Azalea who's absolutely sprinting across the grassy terrain to get to whatever building she's targeting on the other side. He's completely forgotten that she's actually athletic. Him on the other hand? Definitely not. Couldn't run a mile to save his life.
"Azie!" He shouts as he tried to avoid knocking into people and causing them to fall. Some of them did voice their few cents but he ignored them.
Jackson sprinted across the grass, leaping over a picnic table that was probably occupied by a couple enjoying their lunch.
"Hey, watch it!" the person yelled, barely dodging his flying feet.
"Sorry! Damn it, Azie, why are you so fast?" he muttered under his breath, frustration creeping into his voice.
As he ran, Jackson couldn't help but gripe about the one thing he'd never understand about Princeton University: its ridiculous campus layout. Why did every single thing have to be in a separate building? The library was in one, the dorms in another, the pool in yet another... It felt like they were all miles apart. Why not just make everything a little more convenient?
"Azie!" he yelled, but she was already disappearing through the double doors leading to the indoor swimming pool and locker rooms. Jackson cursed under his breath and pushed himself harder, finally reaching the building and bursting through the door.
"Fuck," he exhaled, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. He glanced around, his eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway. There was only one door at the end of it, the one she'd gone through.
He jogged down the hall, his shoes squeaking loudly against the polished floor as he approached. When he entered the room, it was almost eerily quiet, except for the soft echoes of his footsteps bouncing off the walls. And there she was—standing on the right side of the fifty-meter swimming pool. Jackson couldn't help but shake his head. He thought the whole thing was absolutely ridiculous. Who needed a pool that long? What was she even planning on doing in there?
His eyes narrowed. Whatever it was, he had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy to stop her.
But then again Princeton University isn't famous for nothing. It's huge and the expectations are always met. Funny how it's a public college other than a private one.
Very unique.
"Okay fire ant, calm down. We could talk about this." He finally says.
"Two hours wasted and I got up early for nothing."
Jackson slowly made his way towards her. She took a step back and he stopped.
"Okay okay, I give. I'm sorry. But Azie, it's the new year and it's still same you."
"You know what, you're right. This is very immature. I should learn how to get up early and make it to my classes on time and know when to get my schedule."
Jackson sighed a breath of relief and smiled. "Yes. I'm glad we're on the same page."
Azie sighed and handed out his phone. Jackson pranced over to her and when he got close enough she tossed it.
"No!" The ravenette watched as his phone made a 'ploop' sound when it touched the water and sank. He reacted quickly and pushed her in. His turmoil turned to instant happiness.
"That was for my fallen comrade!" He laughs. Shocked, she emerged to the surface.
"Are you serious?! My phone is on me!"
"Well would you look at that, similarities," he grins.
Azalea exhaled a breath and held up held up her hand. Jackson grabbed her hand to pull her out but she had other ideas and pulled him in with her.
"And now we have similarities." Azalea pulled herself out and squeezed water from the hem of her shirt. Jackson came back up a moment later and wiped his face.
"Your schedule was in my phone by the way, but don't worry I've already memorized it. Also, does this mean we're up for Jett's party tonight?"
"Come on please, this is y- our last year and I want you to have fun. I promise I won't mess with you after this."
She sighs. "Fine."
"Yes," he celebrates. Azalea smiled faintly and shook her head.
"By the way you owe me a new phone. And I'm only staying an hour since classes start tomorrow."
"Deal. By the way, wear green, it'll made your red hair pop."
With that she left. Jackson glanced around the quiet room and dipped into the water to get his phone. He came back up a minute later and inhaled sharply.
Jackson pulled himself from the pool and checked his phone. When the screen lit up he chuckled.
"Waterproof iPhone for the win."