
Chapter 3

Doris couldn’t help feeling a little envious of this young vivacious beauty living next door to her. She had known her ever since she moved in, about seven years ago. Jessica claimed she worked for a private airline, and often had odd and long work hours. She also seemed to have a lot of money and a very expensive taste in clothes and accessories. Blonde, blue eyed and full figured, the younger woman was also very free with the opposite sex, for as far as Doris could remember, she had never seen Jessica date the same man twice.

“So you must be very tired then.” She said softly, hoping that her neighbor would turn in early and leave her to her special book.

“Heck, not at all.” Jessica smiled and pushed her way inside. “I got a bonus and I want to celebrate with my lonely neighbor lady.”

“Oh!” Doris stepped back to let her in. “Well, congratulations… how are we celebrating.”

“With these.” The blonde held up a large bottle of California Red, a small wheel of Swiss cheese and a box of assorted dried fruits and nuts.

“Ohmigod!” Doris gasped at the exorbitant sight. “All this must have cost… Jesus! How much was your bonus?”

“Many times more than this, babe.” Jessica kicked off her shoes and took a seat, “Come on, break out some cups, let’s party.”

Half an hour later, and several cups of the rich red wine, the gossip and laugher ebbed for a little. The two women sat in silence, staring at the ceiling.

“You know what?” Jessica broke the silence. “I’ve often wondered about you, Dory. I mean, I’ve never seen you with anyone… don’t you ever go on dates?”

It was none of her business, but Jess was the only friend she had. Doris exhaled deeply and a nervous laugh escaped her lips. “I… I can’t seem to get comfortable when I’m close to them… to men, at any time.”

“Why is that?”

“Uh, I don’t…” Doris felt petrified even to think of an explanation for her strange affliction.

“Did something happen…” Jessica leaned closer with concern in her pretty blue eyes. “Were you abused when…?”

“Oh, no…” Doris raised her hands and shook her head vigorously. “No!

Nothing like that.”

“So what then?” The blonde looked confused.

“Let’s just say, I’m strange that way.” Doris laughed nervously and wrung her hands. “When I am close to a man, just standing or sitting near one… I kind of freak out… but…”

“Geez, Dory!” Jessica threw up her hands. “That’s insane… you can’t live this way. It’s all in your mind then… and you need to get mind over matter.”

“Yeah, I know that.” Doris stared at her feet. “Well, I’m older now and I know a lot more about the world… so I think…”

“No, you know nothing about the world, woman.” Her neighbor reached over and grasped her upper arm. “You can’t get to know about anything by just reading about it… you have to experience it first hand.”

“I don’t know… I think I’m pretty comfortable…”

“No, you’re not.” Jessica put pressure on her grip. “I’ve heard you, Dory… I’ve heard you sobbing in the night… I’ve even heard you getting yourself off.”

“Ohmigod!” Doris jerked back as if she had touched a live wire. “How did you do that?”

“Sound waves travel farther at night, and when I came home late on Tuesday night, I could hear your whimpers from across the wall, and then again last Saturday evening… you need a man, lovey… you need a man real bad.”

Doris swallowed hard and looked away. Those two were the exact nights when she was reading the first and second books of Fanny Firth’s Forbidden Escapades. She hadn’t realized that drowning herself into those racy yarns would make her lose sense of her surroundings. There was no point denying that now, she was a lousy liar anyway.

“I… well, yes… I will admit to that, Jess.” She took a deep breath and looked the younger woman in the eye. “Lately I’ve been having these strange longings, these sinful needs that I never had before.”

“Those are neither strange nor sinful, Dory.” The younger, yet more experienced, woman shook her head. “Those feelings are natural, and every living thing has them. Every woman and every man. It’s the nature of life, and if you’re not living naturally, you’re not living at all.”

“Oh, but what the heck am I going to do?” She wrung her hands even harder. “I don’t know the first thing about dating, Jess.”

“Listen.” The younger woman said assertively. “I’ve had this idea for some time. Since I had a fair inkling of your problem. You will need to break into this easy.”

“Uh, I’m not sure how… but I’m listening.”

“Great. Willingness is the first hurdle to achieving anything.” Jessica smiled at her warmly. “Hear me out completely before saying anything. First off, I don’t really work for an airline at all. I’ve been working for a professional escort company. The airlines job is a front.”

Doris’ eyes went wide and she gasped but she didn’t say anything. “Yes, a front.” Her young neighbor nodded. “And this isn’t any kind of

run-of-the-mill easy lay escort service, no. This is an exclusive, high end undertaking catering only to a specific class of clientele, billionaires and multi- millionaires, the top of the line end of business.”

Doris stared at her in silence, taking a large gulp of wine.

“And the first rule of this escort service, one that’s respected by both sides, is that it’s a strictly no-intimacy deal. None at all. We are not whores. We are just trophies for the client to show off when he attends all of his numerous gala balls, ship launchings and sports events.”

“There’s no sex… at all.” Doris finally squeaked.

“None.” Jessica shook her head. “And that’s why it’s the best way to break the ice for you.”

“Huh? But… I’m nothing like you.” Doris was completely floored by what her lovely young neighbor was suggesting. “I mean, you’re young and beautiful… and so sexy. Men will want to be with you… but me, I’m just an old maid.”

“Yes, you are.” Jessica smirked disdainfully. “In your clouded mind. But your body says different, and in this business, your body trumps your mind.”

“But I’ve never…”

“Leave it to me, Dory.” Jessica was all sweet and syrupy again. “You are long overdue for a life worth living. And you can make an easy ten grand a night doing this.”

“T-t-ten thous-s-sand?” Doris was stunned. No wonder Jessica always had such expensive things.

“Yes, Dory. That’s the standard fee for each gig.”


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