Chapter 3: A Shocking Deal
Rain was hit by Randy’s revelation. Was he lying? He couldn't be. He'd known her name and everything about her even before she told him. It was difficult for her to accept this truth in her heart, but her head knew that there was no coincidence: this man, who was supposedly her stepbrother, was, in fact, telling the truth.
Randy continued, "you’ve given absolutely NOTHING back to my father or the family. But, that's all about to change," Randy stated, a wicked smile forming on his face.
Rain shuddered. Why was he suddenly smiling? Was this about the job he claimed to have for her? She thought as tears began to stream down her cheeks,
"You see… our father, Who was also your father and the man who made your life easy Is dead. He was killed a week ago. Shot dead on the highway." Randy said.
Rain shuddered again. Dead? So now, she was basically an orphan? And the relatives she was left with were men like this one before her? She instantly began to wish for death, too.
"And, we know who killed him." Randy said.
Bobby, at this point, was standing at the door, he screamed, "No, Randy, we don't. You merely think we do."
"Verdammt, Roberto, we've talked about this enough, alright?" Randy boomed impatiently.
Bobby, not wanting an argument, raised his hands as though to say 'have it your way' and then proceeded to take a seat.
"My brother is…” Randy paused as he searched for a better word to describe Bobby then continued as he couldn't be too bothered, “He's a different breed. You should pay him no mind. We do know who killed our father. His name is Vincenzo Griffo. He is an Italian, and his family runs the biggest drug organization in the city. Our organization is just as big, but they have a slight edge. Now, before our father died, this Vincenzo man was betrothed to marry our sister, Anastasia. They were betrothed because his father, their former don, was killed five months ago, and a huge uprising was brewing. So our father, in a pathetic attempt to make peace, used our sister, Anastasia, as a bargaining chip."
Rain nodded, getting a good understanding of what was being said to her, even though she felt completely lost and heartbroken to find out that her mother had lied to her all her life. Her fast mind thought it was better to first know what was asked of her, do it, and get the hell out of there, before she took the chance to mourn and be angry about her mother's lies and secrets.
“But now, Vincenzo has gotten his misplaced revenge on us. We didn't kill his father, but he has killed ours and we will not let this slide. Never!" Randy boomed once again. His voice, laced with ill-concealed malice, made him sound like a savage. He was envisioning how he would get his revenge and pull the trigger.
Rain slowly raised her hand.
"Do you have something else to ask?" Randy asked.
"Um. Yes… yes sir." She replied politely.
"Oh, please, call me Randy. We are siblings after all." Randy said, feigning niceness.
"Okay, um. Mr Randy. Please don't be mad but, how do you know it was this Vincenzo man who killed your father?" Rain proceeded to ask.
"Because his organization's fingerprints were all over the job! He and his organization kill people with silver bullets. One bullet costs about a thousand dollars. The chances that someone shot with silver bullets will live are next to zero, and this is why they use it. They're the only ones who use this, so it could have only been them. Do you understand?" Randy explained the basic knowledge to Rain, already getting impatient and annoyed by her questioning.
"Yes, sir. I mean, Mr Randy." Rain replied, quickly bending her head, and staring at her half-cold coffee.
"Good. And so, since we know he killed our father, I can't have my dear sister married to the man who murdered our father, now can I?” Randy paused, “So, here's the plan; You, my dear Rain, will be given to him as a wife." Randy declared.
With this declaration, Rain was agape. This man who was apparently so dangerous, was who she was going to be married off to?
Randy continued, though, "But there is a catch. Since you are family and we Clayton’s look out for family, “ he said, earning a scoff from Bobby. Randy gave Bobby a death glare before focusing his attention back on a freaked out Rain “It's not a forever deal… you'll marry him and show no signs of displeasure. You'll be a good wife to him, make him food, obey his orders, and you know, wifely duties. And in all of this, you'll remain in contact with us, giving us information about anything and everything about Vincenzo’s movements and following our instructions accordingly as they are dished out to you. And then, after three or even four months, we'll tell you exactly how to sell him out to us. When you do, we will kill him and get our revenge. Then, and only then, will you be free to go back to your life. Back to your monthly trust fund, never to be worried again."
Rain was already feeling terrible. ‘Why me?’ she thought. "But, sir… Mr Randy. Your sister is already betrothed to him, so why can't she do it-" she started to say, sounding slightly hysterical as the realization and reasoning behind her half brothers suddenly showing up and abducting her dawned on her.
Randy cut her off, "Because she is a legitimate and useful child! This mission is dangerous. She's liable to get killed while doing it. She has already gone through enough, getting betrothed to that wretched Italians then watching her father die right before her eyes. I will never let her get caught up in any of this crossfire. But you? You're nothing but a privileged bastard who's been given everything all your life for merely being the product of an unfaithful marriage. You're pathetic."
Tears began to run down Rain's eyes as she realized. ‘So, I'm the DISPOSABLE one?’
Bobby, now seated, had so many protests in his mind but knew that Randy would only shout him down if he uttered them, so he said nothing. He felt for Rain, but there was nothing he could do. Serge and the other men didn't care about all that was going on; they were simply doing a job for which they'd be paid, and so all this drama wasn't their problem.
"You will do as I've said, and no more," Randy added.
"B-But... I have a life. This isn't fair." Rain said, amidst warm tears, streaming down her face.
"Fair?" Randy barked, "What's not fair is you getting weekly deposits of thousands of dollars you didn’t work for! What's not fair is us bleeding out and doing the dirty business while you reap from it, unscathed! What's not fair is how you plan to strut through life on our father’s money but remain unwilling to make even a small sacrifice for him!"
Rain was whimpering, now. Randy had been screaming at the top of his lungs and leaning in with every statement. Rain was past her breaking point and silent tears flowed incessantly.
"Listen to me and listen to me carefully," Randy said. He walked towards her and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes before adding, "I wasn't asking your opinion. I was passing instructions. And if you refuse to comply, I'll treat you like I do my enemies. And trust me. You don't want to be my enemy."
“Welcome to the Family. Schwester," He added before walking off, leaving Rain to ponder on the bomb he had just detonated.