When Vren asked his friend Nathaniel Forester to have a drink with him, he half expected him to decline. He gets that he has kids to spend his time more productively, and don’t forget the beautiful Chassie George he’s happily married to.
It’s not like Vren Parkinson is the type to settle down. However, something gnaws at him like an insistent itch he couldn’t scratch. It was wise to shun commitments when he was younger. But now that he’s lagging behind his friends, it isn’t fun as it used to be – not that it makes him any lesser than a bachelor that he was once proud to be.
« Where are your kids ? » Vren noticed the lack of cherubic cheer from a mile away. Hell, he would’ve noticed over the phone when he talked to his friend.
« At my parents. But they’ll be home soon. » He took a swig from his bottle of beer and glanced at the swimming pool.
It was predictable to be invited for a few drinks at his house by the swimming pool. He’ll never have the heart to leave his wife alone… even with the help. He’s that sort of a family man. And a devoted husband. « That doesn’t leave us enough time for skinny dipping, does it ? » He feigned disappointment.
Nathaniel chuckled. « Don’t make this weird. »
« This is anything but weird. » He shrugs. Of course, he was kidding.
His friend shakes his head as he glances down to his watch. « What are we having these drinks for ? What mess have you gotten yourself into this time ? »
« Am I really that readable ? » A wry smile curved his lips.
Nathaniel sits back on his chair. « Yes. »
« Damn. I thought chicks dig me for being unpredictable. »
« Do I look like someone loaded with estrogen ? Come on. Just tell me. »
Vren lets out a laugh. He traces the condensation on his bottle of beer and anticipated how the words were going to sound aloud – not just in his head. « I may or may not have gotten Audrey pregnant. »
« Right. » He held back a laugh.
« No. I’m not fooling around. I swear. » His hand smoothed down his hair.
« Wait, you really did ? » Nathaniel narrows his eyes on him like he was an organism in a specimen jar. « You may have gotten Audrey pregnant. »
He could only answer with a nod.
« The Audrey Danler ? » A female voice came from the sliding doors of the kitchen. « Wait a minute. Is that why you were trying to reach her ? »
Great. Now a female brain is on the mix. Maybe he can finally figure out an enigma of a woman that is Audrey Danler.
« Audrey Danler slept with you ? » Chassie was on her husband’s side before he can even register the fact that she was eavesdropping on them.
He sighed. This is harder than he thought. « Can we please be fair here ? We slept together. »
She didn’t bother pulling a chair next to her husband. She lowered herself down to his lap, her eyes fixed on him. « Okay. Was she drunk ? »
« Are you kidding ? Where’s the fairness in that ? It was a mutual decision. I didn’t trick her. »
She smiles unconvincingly. « Oh, sorry. »
Vren braced himself from whatever was to come. If her crinkled brows were a tell-tale sign that she still has something up her sleeve, color him unsurprised.
« Did she willingly go with you after the reception ? »
He sighed frustratedly, turning to his friend for support. Nathan merely shrugged his shoulder and snaked an arm around his wife. Well, so much for moral support. The potential ‘support’ seemingly enjoys having him grilled by his wife.
« Come on, just tell me the details, » she says impatiently.
His brows arched up on that. « Are you sure about that ? »
« God, not the details running in that dirty head of yours. The decent ones. »
« Why does everybody makes me feel like a polar opposite of decent ? I’m a good guy, you know. »
She snorted. « Says the heiresses you collected like trophies. »
He turned to his friend. « Did you hear that ? Your wife is a bully. Doesn’t she know I have feelings too ? »
« Leave me out of this, Vren. » He grinned, pressing a soft kiss on her shoulder, unquestionably out of habit.
« I can’t believe this. My own friend is turning his back on me. » He pinches the bridge of his nose. « Just so you know, Chassie, I am your husband’s first love. He loved me like a brother way before you were even born. »
« And that was supposed to make me jealous ? This shows how you never encountered jealousy in a relationship. You never cared enough to be insecure and jealous. »
It’s true. And boy he hates how it hurts. « What exactly do you wanna know ? Your sister is going to kill me if you tell her. Are you aware of that ? »
« Sort of. But I can’t promise I’ll take this information to the grave. »
« Unbelievable, » he groaned.
She was leaning over to him expectantly. And he’s never been grateful of the sound of the doorbell ringing from the house than he is at the moment.
Saved by the fucking bell !
Chassie went back inside, murmuring it must be their children.
« Daddy ! » Two kids came barreling from the sliding doors. A little boy that looked so much as his daddy was trying to stay behind a beautiful little sister, wearing a sparkly tiara. It’s obvious they were racing and the boy was trying his best to make her win.
« Here comes the hurricane. » Nathan puts down his beer and stretched out his arms like he was about to embrace the storm. Georgina crash landed in his arms followed by Ethan. « Hi, how was your day ? Anything good happened with grandma and grandpa ? »
The little girl smothered her father with kisses and answered in her cute hyper voice, « They took us shopping. Look at my new tiara. »
« They’re taking us to the amusement park next weekend, » Ethan enthused.
« Grandma bought me another strappy sandals. I had a hard time choosing so she said I could get as many as I like. But I insisted I should only get one. »
« Grandpa promised he’ll buy more paint for our birdhouses. »
« And then there was this pink one next to the yellow one. I’d like them both but I thought I’d have so much pink and yellow in my room already. »
« He got me a set of brushes too. »
How Nathan understands their stories is beyond him.
« Slow down, you two. I can’t keep up, » Vren chuckles.
The two kids turn their heads, eyes broadening as if only noticing him now. « Uncle Vren ! »
« I didn’t know you were here. »
« I thought you were busy. » Georgina climbed to his lap and kisses both of his cheeks.
Ethan engulfs him in a hug, warm and tight. « I’m so glad you came over. »
« Do you notice anything different ? » Georgina bats her eyelashes, showing off the glitters on her precious eyelids.
« Wow. Did you draw those to your face by yourself ? »
She snorted. And now she looks exactly like her mother. « It’s an eyeshadow. You don’t draw on your face like a pen. »
« He doesn’t know about that. That’s girl stuff. » Ethan shrugged.
Georgina giggles. « Oh, right. Do I look really pretty ? »
« Of course, you do, sweetie. »
« Are you staying over ? Please, let’s play video games. » He was giving him the puppy eyes and his hands are looped together.
« No. We’re playing Princess and Knight. We played video games the last time. »
« It was a long time ago, Georgie. »
« But it still counts. »
« Ethan, Georgie, uncle Vren is not staying over. He’s a busy man. » Their mother came back, towels over her shoulder. « Bath time. »
« You’re busy again ? » Ethan asked disappointedly.
« But that’s what you said last time. » Georgina pouted at him.
« I’m sorry, guys. Maybe next time. » He hates to say no. But he really does have something to do. His mother’s expecting him and his siblings to drop by for dinner. And he’s aware he’s running late. Or maybe he just ran late.
« Fine. But next time we’re playing Princess and Knight. » Little Georgina tucks her arms over her chest.
« And video games, » Ethan added.
He shoots his hand up, laughing. « Okay, okay. We will do all that stuff. Now give Uncle Vren a goodbye hug. »