Chapter 4
At the end of my last class of the day, I went to sit on one of the benches under the big tree with a book in my hand. This book was one of my favourites. I had read it already and was now rereading it. I was occupying my time until Jasmine's final class finishes, which was in fifteen minutes. We were going to grab something to eat at the Deli down the street. Kevin and Lucas were going to meet us there. This was something we did every Friday after classes.
"Harry Potter huh?"
I turn around from my book to the sound of the voice and saw that it was Travis. I was so caught up in the book that I didn't notice him walking up behind me.
"Hey, Travis." I greeted. "What's up?"
"Well, I saw you over here sitting and since I don't know anyone else yet, I decided to come over." He replied. "Mind if I sit down?"
"No, not at all." Travis walked around and sit on the bench opposite me. He took up the book that I rested on the table earlier and read the title out loud. "'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'." He looked up at me. "So, you like Harry Potter?"
"Who doesn't?" I say with mock horror, crossing my arms in the process.
He held up his palm in defence. "You're not getting any argument from me here."
"Good," I said in the same playful, defensive tone.
He chuckled at my response. "So what are you doing over here by your lonesome?" He asked after a short while.
"I'm waiting on my friend," I replied.
"Okay. Mind if I keep your company until then?"
I shook my head. "No."
We were quiet for a short while until he spoke again. "I'm glad that we are lab partners in class. I heard that you are one of the smart ones." He said jokingly.
"Well, you heard wrong. I know as much as everyone else in the class." I replied.
"You're only saying that." He said, before changing topics. "So, how is it here?"
"It's great. The teachers are nice and I love the environment. I really like it here." I responded truthfully. "Why did you transfer anyway?" I asked curiously.
He shrugs his shoulders. "I didn't really like it at Durbline plus, here offers more for my program of study."
Just then I saw Jasmine walking towards us. I look in her direction when she reaches us. "Hey, Jasmine."
"Hey." She returned. Her eyes then shift to Travis curiously.
"Oh, this is Travis. He's new here." I introduced Travis. I then turn to Travis. "Travis, this is my best friend Jasmine."
Travis threw a quick smile Jasmine's way. "Hi. Nice meeting you."
"Likewise," Jasmine said.
"So, are you ready?" I ask Jasmine.
"Yes. Let's go." She waves to Travis, before turning around and walking away.
I put my book in my bag quickly and got up. "Bye Travis. It was nice talking to you." I waved as well and ran to catch up to Jasmine.
"You too." I heard Travis return as I caught up to Jasmine.
We walk the short distance to the cafe and took a seat at the back of the cafe. We were there for only five minutes when Kevin and Lucas joined us.
"Hi girls. How's it been?" Lucas asked as he sat down.
"It's been great. I'm a little tired and frustrated with my assignments, but I'm hanging in there." Jasmine responded with a heavy sigh. "Thank God it's the weekend."
"You can say that again." I agreed. Just then the waiter came and took our orders and left again. "So, how have you two been?" I ask, directing my question to Kevin and Lucas.
"Everything's been great," Kevin answered.
I smile teasingly at him. "I notice that and you're glowing more and more lately. Does this have anything to do with your new girlfriend?"
"I'm glowing? Kayla, I don't know what you are seeing, because I'm not glowing." Kevin said adamantly.
I laugh. "Whatever you say," I replied, then added. "You know, I still can't believe it; Kevin, the ladies man, has found the girl for him. I thought you wanted to be free and disengaged during your college years?"
"Yes," Kevin said, with a grin on his face. "But that was before I met Tracy."
"You're so whipped, dude." Lucas put in, slapping Kevin on his shoulder.
I turn to Lucas. "Speaking of which, what's going on in your love life?"
Kevin turn to Lucas. "Yes, tell them what's going on."
Lucas shot Kevin a look, before replying. "Nothing's going on. Just the usual."
"You look like you are hiding something, Lucas." Jasmine said in a sing-song voice. She then turns to Kevin for information. "Kevin?"
Kevin smiled, happy to be divulging, what he was about to share. "Lucas here has his eyes on a girl in his class, but afraid to ask her out because he's afraid she'll say no."
"I'm not afraid to ask her out." Lucas defended.
"Lucas, you're afraid to ask a girl out? That's not you. You're always so smooth." I said. I mean, seriously, back in high school both Lucas and Kevin had the charm and any girl would've been happy to go out with them.
"He must really likes her," Jasmine concluded, staring Lucas down.
I noticed Lucas' cheeks turn slightly red. A bright smile came over my face. "You really like this girl!" I said excitedly. "You know, I think you should ask her out. Who knows, maybe she likes you too."
"I think she does." Kevin put in. "You should see her around him. She's just really shy."
"I want to ask her out, but the timing isn't right. I don't want to blow it." Lucas tried to reason.
I looked at Lucas shocked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was obvious he was nervous about this and Lucas is never nervous. Well, it's good to know that there is a girl out there to make him like this.
"Lucas, if you wait until the right time, it will never come." I declared. "And before you know it it's going to be too late. I think you should just go for it."
"Well, then it's settled. You're going to ask her out." Jasmine added. "You have nothing to lose."
Lucas flung his hands in the air. "Okay, okay, fine." He took a deep sigh. "I am going to ask her out."
"Now that's what I want to hear." Jasmine said.
After this, our food came and we ate while continuing to have a light conversation. I really missed my friends and I'm glad we get to meet up like this once in a while.
After we all left the cafe, I took a taxi to Carson's apartment. Most times I'll spend the weekend at Carson's apartment and this weekend was one of those times.
When I reach Carson's apartment, I knock on the door and waited, but I didn't hear any response. I knock again, but still nothing. Carson must still be out with his friends. I look at the time. It was eight fifteen. Carson had told me earlier today that he's going out with his friends and will be back by eight. I guess he's running late.
I took out the keys that Carson had given me for his apartment a year ago and opened the lock. I pushed the door open and entered the apartment. I went over to his couch in the living room and sat down.
I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. I'm going to kill some time while waiting for Carson to get here.