

She crawled into bed as Mike got up and put the pillow and covers back on the bed. There was definitely room for two in the bed, but just barely. Mike had a king size bed back at his place so his perspective was a little skewed, but he guessed this bed was a little smaller than a queen size. He was able to lie next to her fairly comfortably but they did have to rub against each other to keep from hanging over the edges. They finally ended up on their sides with their backs facing each other. Mike could feel her ass pressing against his as he finally drifted off to a deep sleep.

Mike couldn't remember a time when he had slept so soundly. As the light came in through the small window that looked outside he started to stir. As he very slowly began to wake up he felt his girlfriend Cindy wrapped in his arms in front of him in the spoon position with her ass pressed into his crotch. As usually happened when he woke up his cock was nearly fully hard and it pressed tightly into her ass. Almost out of habit he snuggled tightly against her and pressed his hard cock tightly against her.

It took him a few moments to remember where he was when his mind began to register that he was in an unfamiliar room. It then hit him like a shot that it wasn't his girlfriend in his arms but his mom. Clearly, at some point in time during the night he had fallen back into his more familiar sleeping patterns from when he and Cindy spent the night together. When the realization of his current position hit him his eyes flew open and he wanted to jump back from her. At this point she still seemed to be sleeping and he worried that if he made any sudden movements that she might wake up and catch him in this embarrassing position. He decided that his best bet was to try and slowly roll away from her and hope that she stayed asleep.

He slowly lifted his arm from around her stomach and rolled onto his back. Almost the second that his cock moved away from her ass she rustled slightly and said, "Good morning." Mike lay flat on his back mortified that she had been awake and had felt him pressing up against her. He held his breath for a few moments half expecting her to say something about it but she never did.

Instead, she began to stir and make casual small talk with Mike asking how he slept. She finally asked if he wanted the shower first and he gladly agreed as this gave him a chance to get out of bed with her. He walked quickly to the bathroom with the remains of his morning hard on still poking into the front of his pants. He moved quickly and tried to keep turned away from her so she wouldn't notice.

As he shaved and brushed his teeth he played the morning's events over and over and wished that somehow he could go back and redo the whole thing. He was totally embarrassed by what had happened and tried to convince himself that she must have been asleep the whole time and just woke up when he rolled over.

In the shower he began to doubt that she had been asleep. She had said good morning so soon after he moved that she must have been awake already. Still, she hadn't said anything so maybe she somehow hadn't noticed his hard cock shoved tightly up against her ass. Then a thought occurred to him that made him freeze in the shower. What if she had been awake and knew what had happened but just chose not to say anything? Surely she wouldn't have said anything just to protect his feelings, he reasoned. That was still pretty bad because she would have known, but at least she didn't feel the need to raise the embarrassing subject with him. Then another idea crossed his mind. Maybe she didn't say anything because she liked it.

For just a split second Mike let the idea that his mom liked feeling his hard cock on her ass roll around in his mind. The idea seemed dirty and forbidden and somehow a little exciting all at the same time. However, almost as soon as the idea formed he pushed it away telling himself he must be some kind of pervert to have those kinds of thoughts. Certainly she either had been asleep or she was just being nice and sparing his feelings. In either case, he was glad that he wouldn't have to admit to her out loud what had happened.

He finally finished showering and quickly got dressed before stepping back into the bedroom. "I thought you were never coming out," Wendy teased. She was sitting up in bed reading a magazine. She was wearing the more familiar think glasses that Mike remembered from before. She stood and collected her clothes before going in the bathroom to start her shower. As she walked around Mike tried, but he couldn't stop himself from glimpsing at her body in her satin pajamas. Her tits swayed slightly as she moved and the last thing Mike saw before she disappeared behind the closed door was her ass covered with the shiny fabric. The sight caused a reaction in Mike that he never expected to be generated by his mom.

Fortunately, Wendy took a long shower and Mike was able to regain his composure. He briefly considered jerking off to relieve his pent up energy, but the only thing worse than what happened this morning would be for her to catch him jerking off. He decided to wait and just concentrated on calming himself down.

She emerged dressed in sandals, shorts, and a tight tee shirt with a sheer loose fitting top worn unbuttoned over the tee shirt. They went out and ate a late breakfast before walking around and exploring the rest of the huge ship. For a while they sat near the rail of the ship and looked out at the open blue ocean under the hot sun.

"I don't know about you, but I could use a little workout to clear some of the cobwebs from last night and get myself feeling a little more normal. You want to come along?" Wendy asked.

Honestly, the idea of working out on a vacation didn't really appeal to Mike. He did work out regularly at home and kept himself only a few pounds over his playing weight for baseball in college. Usually on vacations he let himself stop worrying about working out, but clearly Wendy's newfound commitment to fitness was working for her and was important to her. "Sure," he said, "what the heck?"

They made their way back to their cabin and changed into some workout clothes before going to the huge fitness center. Not surprisingly, it was nearly empty as Mike figured that most people would want to find better things to do than exercise. Wendy asked if Mike wanted to join her in her usual routine, but he declined and went to one of the treadmills to take a light jog. He watched her move from station to station and use the various weight equipment. In some ways it was hard to believe that this confident, fit woman was the same person as the mother he had during high school. Her last stop was the treadmill next to Mike and by the time she finally finished her tee shirt was drenched in sweat and her hair was matted to her forehead. Mike, too, had worked up a pretty good sweat but nothing quite like hers.

Back in the cabin they each took a shower before getting into their bathing suits and going out to the pool. They ordered a little bit of food from the poolside snack bar and settled in to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing in the sun or in the pool. A short while later another couple came over and sat down in the two chairs next to Mike and Wendy. Not long afterward the woman from the other couple struck up a conversation.

She introduced herself as Alice and her husband as Bob. They seemed to be pretty nice and Wendy and Mike both chatted with them off and on for a while. At one point Alice said that she had seen Wendy and Mike the previous night and had wanted to talk with them because they seemed to be the same sort of couple as she and Bob. At that point she said that she was 40 and Bob was 28. She said she thought it might be fun to talk to another couple with a similar age profile.

"How long have you two been together?" Alice asked.

"Well," Wendy answered, "quite a few years actually."

"Ohhh, so you caught him young," Alice laughed, "good for you." Wendy didn't say anything but seemed to almost blush a little.

They chatted a while longer and then Alice asked, "Have you ever been on one of these cruises before?" Wendy and Mike both shook their heads. "No? Oh well they are just amazing. Bob and I first went 2 years ago and we swore we would make it an annual trip." Alice paused a moment before continuing, "I don't know how your trip has been going so far but something about being on a boat away from all the usual cares and worries does wonders for our sex. On our first trip I don't think we ever left bed other than to eat and it was the best sex I'd ever had. Since then we've starting going to the classes and have learned some things that have really kept our sex hot. I hope I'm not being to nosey," she said in a slightly quieter tone, "but have you two found the same thing?"

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