
Chapter 1


(Six months later)

I sit at my cluttered desk in the heart of New York City, surrounded by bolts of fabric, sketches, and the faint scent of lavender. The morning sunlight filters through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a warm glow over the studio. With a pencil in my hands, I begin to sketch the perfect wedding dress for my newest client, Reina Felipe, a Spanish aristocrat planning to marry into nobility.

Reina, my client, perches on a plush velvet chair, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she describes her dream wedding dress. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and I can't help but smile as she gestures animatedly, her words painting a vivid picture of the gown she envisions.

"I want it to be ethereal, like something out of a fairytale," Reina says, her voice filled with anticipation and her eyes sparkling as she gestures with her fingers. "I want layers of delicate lace, a flowing train, and just a touch of sparkle. It has to be perfect."

I nod, my mind already spinning with ideas. "I promise you, Miss, your dress will be everything you've ever dreamed of. You'll look absolutely stunning on your special day," I assure her, and she grins, a wistful sigh escaping her lips.

Focusing all of my attention on the sketch before me, I continue to work like a madwoman, my hands bringing to life the most amazing dress I have ever seen. Pausing slightly, I glance at her, my brows furrowed in question. "Is your fiancé here with you today? I'd love to get his input as well."

Reina's expression falters for a moment before she quickly recovers, a half-smile gracing her lips. "Oh, he's here, although he's not too keen on things like this. I don't think he'll be interested," she says, and I nod.

I can't help but feel a pang of concern, but I push it aside, focusing on the task at hand. The studio hums with creative energy, and I lose myself in the intricate details of the design, my fingers deftly sketching the delicate lace and flowing lines that will bring Reina's vision to life. Once I see myself nearing the end, I lower my pencil, showing her the design.

Reina beams, her eyes sparkling as she regards the drawing. "Do you like it?" I ask cautiously, feeling slightly nervous as I my move the piece of paper towards her.

"I can totally see myself in this dress," she says, her excitement infectious. "It's so amazing! You really are talented!" she exclaims, quietly clapping her hands.

"I'm glad you like it," I say, relieved she found it satisfactory. I'm about to launch into the next steps that I would be taking when the doorbell chimes and someone walks in. I glance over, but stop midway, all the blood rushing away from my face and my heart hammering in my chest. The person in question stops as well, his emerald green eyes locking into mine, recognition dawning on them. A barrage of emotions crashes through me, but more importantly, I stiffen as the memories I had spent so many months hiding flood back once more.

"Oh, there you are!" Reina chirps up, unaware of the tension in the room, waving her hand at him and motioning for him to come closer. I tear my gaze away from him, biting my lower lip as I try to focus on the drawing in front of me but it's hard.

Oh well, Just my luck.

He walks in, his cologne filling up the small space, making it hard to breathe, cold sweat breaking on my back. The air is thick with emotions I thought I left behind. Reina, still oblivious to everything that is going down, introduces him to me, a huge smile on her face as she grips his hand.

"Sophie, meet my fiancé, Marcus Van Orange-Nassau. He comes from a royal family and is the prince of the Netherlands," she states proudly, smiling up at him.

Prince? He's a Prince!?

I gape open-mouthed at him, before hurriedly standing to my feet and giving a haphazard curtsy, my face burning with mortification. He sees this and smirks, his eyes sparkling ever so slightly.

"You didn't need to say all of that. Introducing me as your fiancé would be just fine." He says in that velvety voice of his and I feel my body start to heat up, butterflies rampaging in my belly. I swallow the lump in my throat, willing myself to be calm and collected. "Hello, it's a pleasure meeting you, Sophie." He says, stretching out his hand for a handshake.

Hearing my real name from his mouth has me feeling all dizzy, but I take his hands, doing my best to ignore the sensations coursing through me from that singular act and the memories racing through my head as well. Memories I wish weren't floating around in my head right now. Memories that are totally inappropriate to have in front of his fiancé.

"Likewise, Your highness." I say, inherently grateful that my voice hasn't betrayed the storm of emotions coursing through me.

Pulling my hands away, I gnaw at my lower lip, presenting a stiff smile as I listen to them speak in a totally different language, trying so hard not to gawk at him. He finishes what he wants to say and turns his gaze to me and my heart skips a beat, the temperature in the studio shooting up a thousand degrees.

"We have to go now. I trust that you are through with her?" He asks and I nod, not trusting myself to speak just yet. "Good, we'll be leaving now." He announces. I nod, forcing my lips to move.

"Thanks for coming, have a safe trip back home." I say, thankful that my voice is still calm. Reina bids me goodbye, leaving first, and it's just me and Marcus in the room. I swallow, not knowing where else to look. The air feels charged, like there's something unspoken hanging between us. And there is. He leans towards me and I swear the temperature rises another ten degrees. I can feel the singular sweat drop rolling down my back and I want to hide away.

Those haunting green eyes, once so serene and captivating, now stir a whirlpool of emotions inside of me. "Didn't expect to see you here," he says, his voice smooth and silky, and I feel very close to melting into a puddle on the floor.

I shrug, feigning nonchalance. "Life is full of surprises."

His lips curl into this half-smile that's both infuriating and attractive at the same time. "Sophie... Franklin. Fashion designer. Should have known." He mutters to himself and my heart rate spikes up.

He straightens back up, tilting his head to the side as he regards me quietly, a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. "Guess you're designing my future wife's dress. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with." He mutters, his piercing gaze cutting through my soul.

He starts heading to the door, but before he leaves, he turns back, those eyes holding mine. "I'll see you again soon, Sophie." He drawls the last word for extra effect, casting one final glance in my direction, his gaze darkening ever so slightly. My face flushes but I manage to maintain a calm expression, leveling him with a stare of my own.

"I hope we don't." I mutter, half amused and half annoyed at how the universe has this twisted sense of humor. He just shrugs and walks out, and I feel like all the strength has been drained from me. Rubbing my hands against my face, I let out a groan. What just happened!?

The door closes behind him, and I can't help but wonder if this is just the universe's way of throwing me into the deep end—again.

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