Cassandra's hairs were already scattered and her head was bended side way due to the impact of the slap.
Slowly, she straightened up.
“Did you just slap me?...” Cassandra asked in disbelief and Cassidy smirked.
“Of course and I'll do it over and over again if you don't shove that shameless feelings of yours into your filthy @ss...
Before she could conclude, Cassandra returned the slap and swiftly Cassidy pulled her on hairs threatening to get rid of them.
A fight literally ensued, Cassandra tried to fight back but Cassidy overpowered her by pulling Cassandra's hairs wickedly.
“I'll fuçking kill you bitçh!!!”
“Let go Cassidy, are you crazy!!!” Cassandra yelled wincing in pain, Her scalp were hurting like hell.
She swiftly snatched a flower vase nearby and crashed it on Cassidy's head.
“Ahh!...” Cassidy yelped in pain staggering backwards and she felt a liquid substance trickling down her head.
Whatever that substance was? It was quite warm and slowly her hand went to her head.
And there it was!...She was bleeding.
Cassidy's eyes widened on beholding her own blood, Cassandra was of no exception.
“You're bleeding...” She said throwing the remain piece of the vase as she moved closer to Cassidy who pushed her roughly.
“Stay away!!!...I hate you Cassie, I fuçking hate you!!!” She yelled like she had lost her mind, And her blood kept trickling down non-stop, Staining her outfit while some dropped on the tiled glassy floor.
Cassandra instantly regretted her actions, She went to far, Obviously.
A lone tear slid down Cassidy's cheeks as she stared at Cassandra
With rage- “I fuçking kill you!!!” She yelled as she charged towards Cassandra.
Cassidy grabbed her on her collar jerking her close to herself, In the next minute something unexpected happened.
Cassidy puked blood, She vomitted blood right on Cassandra's shirt.
“Shit!!!” Cassandra cussed pushing Cassidy off but she regretted that again- Because Cassandra fell directly on the broken pieces of vase.
Cassidy's blood splattered around, She was still bleeding from her head and She won't stop vomiting blood.
The scene was darn messy.
Okay?...She only smashed a flower vase on her head was she suppose to vomit??...
Cassandra's eyes widened in shock, She was entirely terrified to get close to Cassidy again.
Cassidy on the other head held her stomach, She felt her intestine twisting within her and more blood escaped her mouth.
Slowly, She surrendered to Death, She died instantly.
It was just like movie, playing right in front of her!.
Cassandra was still standing there unsure of her next move.
“Ca...Cassidy...” She stuttered in a shaky voice totally terrified.
But no response.
She moved closer still shivering like a drenched fowl, Slowly she crumbled to her twin sister's lifeless body.
She noticed - Cassidy wasn't breathing!
It better be not what she's thinking.
“Cassidy?...” She called nudging the lifeless body, Cassidy's blood stained her hands and her cloth was soaked red by Cassidy's throw-up.
“Cassidy?...Why aren't you saying!!” She said in a shaky, Still trying to believe...
Finally, Tears cascaded their way down her cheeks.
“Cassidy! I know you can hear me, Fuçking wake up or snatch your darn boyfriend” She yelled in agony.
But no replies, Only the breeze of that disastrous night was heard.
It dawned on her.
Did she just kill her own twin sister?
The answer was two sided and she was still trying to make sense out of the current situation when the door flung open.
Mr Evans (Reginald) & Mrs Evans (Rachel) walked in to behold the scene that'd forever be etched in their memories.
Almost immediately, It started raining.
Their eyes were as wide as saucers as they stared at Cassidy who was in the pool of her own blood, Cassandra was beside the body and her shirt was soaked with blood.
Cassandra gazed at them and even though they didn't say anything, Their eyes held the information; Cassandra killed Cassidy, Her own twin sister?!
“No Mom! it's not what you think!, I can explain!” She said rushing over to them but they scared away from her.
And from that day, Cassandra knew her life would never remain the same.
A night forever etched in Cassandra's Evans memory, A night that left her scarred and it triggered a wound that would never heal.
Her hands were tucked in the Sweater cloth she was wearing along side the baggie trouser, Her once long hair was now short and a face cap was on her head.
One could mistake her for a guy.
She was in deep thought as she walked slowly on the sidelines of the busy city, The skies were dark seeming like it'd rain soon, But that wasn't her problem.
The event happened, A year ago but it's still evergreen in her memory like it all happened yesterday.
If it was left to the audience to decide, They'd have suggested for her execution.
Thanks to her Dad, He's the only one who cares about her Even her mom detest her to the core.
Suddenly, It started raining.
The downpour of the rain was really heavy and the skies won't stop grumbling alongside the interval strikes of lighting.
Those who were taken aback ran nearby for shelter while those who had raincoat and umbrella walked on, Obviously hurrying home.
Cassandra was less concerned, Lost in her own thoughts, She took slow strides as the downpour of the rain drenched her mercilessly like it was punishing her on Cassidy's behalf.
What's wrong with her??
Can't she see, It's raining??
Maybe another mad woman on the street
Isn't she the Cassandra Evans girl
Yeah, I think so but she has changed Alot
Can't she see it's raining
Perhaps she has intentions of commiting suicide
She should die for all I care, People like her don't deserve to live
She killed her own twin sister out of jealousy
I wish a car would just run over her
I wonder why her Dad stopped the arrangements of taking her to jail
He defended saying it was Manslaughter but I believe Cassandra murdered her sister on purpose!!
Go to hell Cassandra!!!!
Even though Cassidy's dead, She'll always be better than you!!!