
Chapter 4


This is a joke, right?

I ask myself as I stare at the message, I couldn't possibly be picked. I'm about to dismiss the message when another one comes in. Startled, I click on it.

Dear applicant,

We hope this E-mail finds you well. We've read through your application and have decided that you would be a perfect fit for the job. If you're interested, please reply.

Stunned doesn't even begin to cover what I'm feeling right now. Despite my better judgment, I start to reply.

I'm interested.

I click on send. After a few agonizing moments of waiting, another mail comes up again. With a bated breath, I check it out.

In that case, we would have to meet physically. Which day would be most suitable?

I almost type that today is fine but I don't want to come off as desperate. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

Wednesday will be perfect.


In that case, we would be having our date then. We would be sending you the details later on. I look forward to seeing you, Miss Franklin. Thanks for applying.

You're welcome. I reply. Just like that, the conversation ends. I stare at my phone, my head strangely blank. Falling back to the bed, I let out a groan.

What have I gotten myself into?




Sleep eludes me the entire night as I think about my current predicament. I had gone to check the post immediately after only to find out it had been taken down. What's worse, I can't seem to figure out who it was in the first place. As a result, my brain automatically goes to a worst-case scenario. What if he's a kidnapper? Or trafficker? Or even worse, a serial killer who enjoys collecting the body parts of the women he killed?

That would be such a wonderful way to go. The voice in my head sneers. I grimace, trying to push such disturbing thoughts away from my head. I finally fall asleep during the wee hours of the money only to be lwoken up by my alarm clock. Bleary from lack of sleep, I trudge out of my bed. I'm sure the dark circles under my eyes have gotten worse. Since there's only one bathroom in the apartment, I shower and start to prepare for work.

Once I finish dressing up, I head to the kitchen and after combing through the fridge for something to eat, I manage to find a box of oats and some fruits from yesterday. I start to make breakfast. Emma comes out of her room then, still groggy from sleep.

"Good morning." She mutters, yawning. "You're up early."

I glance at her, giving her a tight smile. It's because I didn't sleep at all. "That's because I slept early. I'm making oatmeal, you should have your bath and come eat.

"Oh, let's eat together! I'll be quick.." she starts to say.

I check my watch. It's rather early so I still have time. "Hurry."

"Okay!" She says and runs to the bathroom. Turning back my attention to the oatmeal on fire, I realize it's ready and dish it out, cutting the fruits on top. Setting it on the table, I sit down

Emma joins me soon enough and we eat together, neither of us talking. When we're done eating. I wash the dishes and she prepares for school. She leaves first so I bid her goodbye before heading to work.

I go on with the motions of my life, arriving at the breakfast restaurant where I worked most of my mornings off, before heading on to the next job where I'm a factory worker. It takes an E-mail notification on my phone to pull me out of the weary routine and I remember the stuff I had done. Slightly nervous, I click on the message and read through it.

It's the address of the date. A nauseating feeling begins pooling a the bottom of my stomach as I read it. I check the time as well. "By 5:30 pm, tomorrow." I mutter aloud. A shudder works through my body. This is really happening. I'm about to rush out of the restaurant when I realize I have absolutely nothing to wear for my date, I'd given all my nice clothes to Emma and it would be strange to ask for it back. I also can't afford to buy new clothes as well.

I turn to Stephanie who's busy munching on a doughnut. "Do you have any evening dress I can rent? I'll be sure to pay you back."

Stephanie looks suprised. "Me?" She asks, pointing to herself. I nod.

"O-of course I do." She stutters out.

"Great, I'll see you this evening then." I tell her.

"Okay." She answers, still dazed.

And with that, I leave the restaurant.




After my second job, I visit Stephanie at her apartment. Although we're not close enough to called friends, she's the only I can be sure of to help me out right now. Knocking her door, I wait till she replies before stepping in, closing the door behind me.

I glance around before looking at her. She seems excited that I'm here. "Hello Jess! Welcome to my house!"

"Thanks." I mutter, still at the entrance.

The walls are filled with pictures of her and her family and they're painted in such warm, bright colors they make me sick. Happy thoughts Jessie, you're here to borrow a dress.

"Come on in," she urges me, gesturing inside. "Would you like to have anything?"

"No thanks, I already ate before I came here. Maybe some other time." I tell her, managing a smile.

She nods before the walking ahead, turning around to look at me. "So, you want to borrow some evening dresses?"

"Yeah," I mutter, look around. Then fix a glance at her. "I have a date tomorrow and I have nothing to wear."

"Well, lucky for you. I have some dresses I think will fit you! This is the first time you've ever talk about a date." Stephanie lingers towards me, her eyes glimmering. "Tell me, who is it?"

"I don't know. It's a blind one."

"Oh... That's even more exciting!" Is it though? Sounds terrifying to me.

She brings me to her room where she has a few dresses laid out already on the bed, her wardrobe still wide open. Walking towards them, she starts to speak.

"Tell me, what kind of clothes do you like?"

"Anything will do."

"Come on, be specific."

I let out a breath. "Something simple, classy maybe? Bold colors."

Stephanie grins, her eyes shining. "You sure do know your style. I think I have a few options." She brings out a couple of dresses, placing it on my body to see if it'll fit. I try my best not to roll my eyes. I only need one.

After a couple of tries, my eyes catch something. It's a red velvet bodycon dress with thin straps and a high slit. "What about that?" I ask, pointing at the dress in the wardrobe. Stephanie eyes turn to look at it and she jumps in excitement.

"Of course, why didn't I think of it before? This would look PERFECT on you!" She immediately brings out of the wardrobe and places it on my body, giggling excitedly.

"You think I can have them?" I ask her. She nods vigorously, still putting the dress on my body.

"You need some jewelry to go with that!" Leaving the dress in my hands, she rushes to her table and bring out some gold earrings and necklace. Wearing them on me, she walks around to access it. "Perfect!" She exclaims clapping her hands. "What about shoes."

"I have lots of heels at home." I tell her.

"Make up then? I've never seen you wear any."

"Well, I don't think i do."

"I have a perfect shade of lipstick for you. It'll be sure to compliment your outfit." She announces and hands me a lipstick.

"Thanks, I'll pay you back." I say, collecting it from her.

"But you don't have to. I'm just glad I was able to help."

"I'll pay you back." I reply, even more firmly this time. I glance at my watch, noticing how much time had gone. "Is it okay if I leave now? It's getting late." I tell her.

"Of course, have fun on your date!"

Fun, never had that. It's all work. I smile at her, grateful for her assistance. "Thanks once again. See you later." I say before putting the clothes in my bag and walking out of her house, straight to mine.




When I arrive home, it's already late at night. I enter using my keys and meet Emma studying. Grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, I take one to her, placing it on her table. She looks up at me, smiling.

"Thanks." She whispers, headphones in her ears.

"You're welcome." I mutter before walking to my own room. Dropping my bag on the bed, I stand in the center of my room, wondering what the hell I'm about to do. I bring out my phone, staring at the message once more. I swallow, my mouth dry.

Look at me once again, jumping head first into danger. Didn't the past times teach me anything?

I have no idea who I'm about to meet or what he could possibly want. I don't even know the person's name.

I catch my reflection in the mirror and different versions of me stare back at me, all with one silent plea. Don't do it. Will I listen, of course not. If I don't do it, who will? My sister's future is at stake here. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

Well, if I'm going to die tomorrow, I'm at least going to look pretty while at it. Right?



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