

Time flies, and our midterm exams are approaching. I’m often with Kim now; she’s still flirtatious and talkative, but I’m starting to get used to it.

We’re on our way to the park; our first class for the day ended early. I’ve been planning to talk to Adri, but I don’t seem to be in the mood. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. If I were someone else, I’d probably be scared.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pretending to sit on the bench we passed by. Walking is tiring. Luckily, this spot is under a big tree, so it’s nice to hang out here. It feels good because it’s cool.

“It’s annoying because of Aldrin,” she said with a frown. She’s referring to her boyfriend, whom she started dating before college, so probably they’ve been together for three or four months. From her look, it seems they had a fight, or worse, they’re close to breaking up. It’s obvious that the guy isn’t that serious about her. She’s just blinded. That’s the problem with people who are too in love; they can’t see the flaws that could be reasons for a breakup.

“Did you guys fight?” She nodded. I sighed and took the bread from my bag; I’m starting to get hungry too, so I’ll eat first while waiting for our group for the oral presentation tomorrow.

“I caught him flirting with someone else. I took his phone, good thing he hasn’t changed his password yet. His fling messaged him, so I read their messages,” she said in annoyance. I wasn’t surprised that’s what they were fighting about.

“Oh, what did you do?” I offered her the bread I was holding, but she shook her head, so I almost laughed. She really doesn’t refuse food; she’ll take anything I offer.

“He apologized,” she said, then she suddenly faced me, causing the bread I was about to eat to fall. “What do you think? What should I do?”

I sighed, picked up the bread I dropped, and threw it in the nearby trash bin before looking at her. She was just looking at me, waiting for my answer to her beautiful question, note the sarcasm.

“Come to think of it, you’ve only been dating for a short time, and he’s already cheating. What if you’re already married? You’d be even more pitiful,” I said.

“But he said he loves me.”

“The vendor at the market also said the apples she’s selling are fresh. When I got home, I was so happy because I thought I bought good fruit, but when I opened it, that’s when I realized I was fooled by the person I talked to.” Explaining is tiring. Ugh. If it’s a breakup, just break up. There’s so much drama!

“Thanks, but I’ll believe him first,” she said, sitting up properly.

I shrugged. “Okay.” I’m used to not being believed because of my advice, which is actually realistic.

Two weeks have passed, and our midterm week just ended yesterday. It was quite easy, but we also had a lot of work, so we haven’t had much sleep. That’s why I immediately went to the library and got two thick books. I walked towards the far end of the hall and pretended to sit. I’ll sleep first; my next class is at three. Adri is also busy since we split up from our group.

I was about to be lulled to sleep when I heard the notification tone of my phone, so I quickly reached into my bag to see who rudely disturbed me.

From: Adri “Ely! Let’s have lunch together? My treat!”

I furrowed my brow at her text. Is there an event? Why is she treating me?

So I replied simply - Why?

From: Adri “I have something to tell you! Yee! Imma excited!”

I just shook my head and chuckled. She’s obviously excited, just from her text. So I didn’t sleep anymore; I stood up, returned the books I was supposed to use as props, and texted her that I’m on my way to the park. I waited for her for a few minutes before she arrived.

“Elyyyy!” she shouted, making some students who were also hanging out and having lunch turn to look. This girl is really embarrassing.

“Calm down, what is it? What are you going to say?” I asked, but she just grabbed my arm and pulled me. “Hey! Where are we going?”

“I’ll treat you, remember? Let’s go there so I can tell you!” she said, so I just let her lead me.

She took me to a restaurant near the school. Luckily, it’s air-conditioned; it’s so hot outside. I fanned myself and pushed my hair back to cool down.

“What do you want?”

“I’m having a heavy meal.” I said, so she laughed. Even the waiter who was waiting for our order laughed, so I gave him a stern look. Is it right to laugh at me? Does he know me? Why is he laughing? Feeling close? When the waiter left, she immediately took out her phone. I thought she was going to tell me something?

“Ely! See this!” she said, showing me her phone. I saw a picture of a guy.

“Oh? What am I supposed to do with that?” I really didn’t know. I don’t recall having an assignment like this. “Since when did you become interested in this? I thought you’re not into Hollywood? But I guess he’s not American.”

“Really? Isn’t he handsome? Doesn’t he look like a foreigner? Doesn’t he?” If the shape of a person’s pupils or even their eyes could change, his would probably turn into hearts.

“No. His color isn’t that fair, unlike Americans who live in cold weather. His nose isn’t that pointed, just right, and he’s skinny. Americans are usually well-built because of their environment and food. That’s why he’s not American, I know.”

She rolled her eyes at me, so I laughed at her. She’s annoyed again.

“Wow, you’re really something,” she pouted.

“What? Who is he?” I tilted my head.

She immediately became excited again. “He’s my current M.U.!” She’s obviously thrilled.

“Oh? Where’s Aldrin?” Her stupid boyfriend.

“We’re done; I broke up with him last week. I’m getting tired of him.” She said, but who’s she fooling? I know she’s still hurting. “Then I met Jaxon just last Monday. He’s so fun to talk to!”

I furrowed my brow at the unfamiliar name she mentioned. “Who’s Raver?”

“Here he is! The one I showed you just now! Look, these are our conversations! Read it!” She handed me her phone and tried to make me read it.

I just skimmed through their conversation because I’m really not interested, so why bother reading it? I handed her phone back to her while she was smiling widely.

“What? He’s so sweet, isn’t he?” she said.

I shook my head. “Stop this M.U. thing of yours.”

“What?! Why would I do that?”

“Can’t you see? He’s a total playboy. With the number of boyfriends you’ve had, you should know that.”

She hit me hard, so I almost shouted; it hurt!

“He’s different, Ely. I feel like he’s the one.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “You never learn nor listen. Don’t come crying to me when he hurts you.” I said before leaving. It’s annoying dealing with people like her, you give them advice, but they don’t listen.

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