
Chapter 3: He knows

?Hidden Scars?

(Pain within?)


✏Written by Authoress Kamara✏


Episode 3???



Mr. Stephen stood up angrily. "Which of you miscreant did this?".

As he said that cheese fell on him at once splattering all over his books and desk.

A loud laughter could be heard from the back and I knew it was Reece.

Bella gasped. "Oh boy, Mr. Stephen is gonna be pissed".

Mr. Stephen growled. "Reece Carter!!".

Its no surprise how Mr. Stephen knows its him. Reece is always the one who has the guts to pull pranks like this on teachers, its like this is the only thing he's good at.

"I'm present". He replied amidst laughter.

"To the principal's office right now!!". Mr. Stephen huffed and walked out of the classroom.

I was expecting Reece not to comply with the instructions like the disobedient kid he is but he stood up following Mr. Stephen.

"If the principal gets hold what he did then thats five warnings for him". Bella said.

"Four warnings". I corrected.

"Someone has been keeping touch of Reece doings". She teased me.

I rolled my eyes. "Just get to the point, Bella".

"What am saying is that if Reece gets seven warnings then he's out, he gets expelled".

What Bella means is that, if teachers reports him to the principal frequently then he's gonna get in the black book. If it continues, after seven warnings from the principal, he's gonna get expelled.

"Its none of my business". I replied with a shrug.

"Tasha, do you realize its Reece we are talking about?".

"Do you realize I'n getting bored of having this conversation with you".

"You know, they are rumors flying around that Reece has a crush on you". She whispered.

I cracked into laughter. "That's the funniest joke ever".

"Tasha". She gave me a look.

I sighed. "What now?".

"Why don't you like guys?".

I frowned. "What are you talking about?".

"Ever since freshman, you've turned down every guy that asked you out, you are not even friends with any guy".

"I'm best friends with Jeremy". I pointed out.

She ignored what I said. "I'm beginning to think that you are a lesbian".

"Bella just leave__".

"Good morning class".

I looked up to see I was interrupted by Harley Worth, remember her? The girl who almost ran me over. She sat on the teacher desk facing us.

"Whats Harley Quinn up to?". Bella whispered.

I snickered at that name. Harlequin. I don't blame Bella for calling Harley that because its true.

Harley Worth is the perfect definition of hot, cool, sexy and crazy. She has outrageously shining glossy blonde which she dyed pink last summer.

Harley has never had any boyfriend, maybe because the guys are afraid of asking her out or maybe they are afraid of Reece.

Reece and Harley are definitely lookalike in characters because they clearly act the same way and are really troublesome but Harley has a flair to it. She's the most popular girl in school but still the nicest, weird right?

"So since we have a free period thanks to my darling cousin, Reece". She continued.

Everyone hooted in class as she said that, I rolled my eyes.

"How about we all play my favorite game, Truth or Dare". She said mischievously.

I'm totally not into this kind of games at all. They do nasty things and nasty things turn me off like literally.

"I'll be in the library". I whispered to Bella as I stood up.

Bella dragged me back. "Don't you wanna play?".

"No thank you".

"Is Little Natasha afraid of playing a little game, how chicken like". Shannon, one of the mean girls said standing in front of me.

Shannon is just doing again, she's mocking me. Just let go of it, Natasha.

I gave her a fake smile. "Get out of my way".

She crossed her arms. "Or what?".

"Shannon". Harley warned. "If she doesn't want to play then let her be".

Shannon paved way for me to pass and I left the classroom shoulder checking her.

I exhaled a sigh of relief as I walked out of there going through the empty hallways. These students called classmates really give a toll on somebody.

I need to use the restroom, i went there in a matter of seconds and stepped in.

I went to one of the cubicles and did what I had to do then I came out and turned on the faucet washing my hands.

I stopped when I heard sounds, more like moans. Wait!! What? In the girls restroom? I turned back, it was coming from one of the cubicles.

I walked towards it and pressed my ear softly against the door eavesdropping, it was more accurate. I stepped backwards and went back to the washroom.

Whoever that is in that place is really shameless? In the school? Really?

I glanced at the mirror and stared at my reflection, i fluffed my hair around and smoothened my cheeks with my fingers.

Just look happy, Natasha. At least your nightmares are going away one by one.

I heard the door click open and I turned around staring at them gobsmacked.

Andrew Pitts and Jolie Myers.

Jolie opened her mouth agape as she saw me, she quickly adjusted her short skirt embarrassingly and walked out of the restroom.

I slanged my backpack over my shoulder and proceeded to walk out of the restroom when a hand drew me back.

I quickly yanked my arm away. The only thing apart from Alan that makes me want to vomit is a boy touching me. They are all the same.

"How long have you been here?". Andrew asked, his eyes piercing into mine.

I tried to go out again but he blocked the path. I frowned as he did that.

"Don't you talk?".

I glared at him. "What do you want?".

"Oh wow, she finally talks". He mocked me.

"Let me through".

He crossed his arms. "I don't think so".

I didn't respond to what he said as it was stupid talking back at a fool. Andrew Pitts is like the jock of our school, he's known for wanting to get into every girl's panties.

"I just want to make something clear". He continued. "Whatever you heard between me and Jolie is not of your business".

I scoffed. "Like I care anyways".

"Thats what y'all say at first". He came closer to me.

This stupid motherfucker shouldn't even think of doing anything. I held my backpack tightly and pushed him running out of the restroom.

I left him cussing and groaning there. It serves him damn him right, he thinks all girls are like cheap Jolie.

I walked to the library as planned before, i stepped in. This silence is just what I did not playing some stupid game in the classroom.

I selected a few books before taking my seat placing the books on the table.

After a while, i felt bored, i sighed staring at the books. I need Bella to cheer me up.

She's the only one that always make me laugh. When we first met, she tried to talk to me countless times but I just ignore her but then i liked her company so we just naturally bonded.

Oh God!! Please send an Angel to keep me company, i'm dying of boredom.

"You read shakespeare?".

I groaned at sound of that voice. Why does it have to be Reece Carter.

"I can tell you are happy to see me". He said sarcastically taking a seat beside me.

Oh God!! Out of the Angels available, you just had to send the stupid one.

He picked up one of the books. "So Romeo and Juliet huh? Drastic ending".

I know he's just trying to make me talk to him like a conversation with me but I'm not gonna give him that privilege.

"To me I think that__".

I cut him off. "What are you doing here?".

He smiled, a genuine one. I have never seen Reece Carter smile, he only frowns, smirks and other things but not smile like that.

"You talked to me". He chuckled softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's so special about that?".

"Since freshman year you never talk to anyone apart from Bella and Jeremy".

How did he know that ? Has he been watching me? Or stalking me? Creep.

"Why do you always act that way? Your voice is beautiful". He stated.

Okay whats happening? Reece is being nice to me.

"Its a bet right?". I asked.

He paused. "A bet?".

"I'm not going to sleep with you".

His mood changed. "You think I'm talking to you because of a bet?".

"Then why are you here?". I asked exasperated. "Or where you following me?".

"The principal gave me a punishment to be the librarian's assistant for a month". He explained.

"You do deserve it".

"You not taking sides with me breaks me so much, Nat". He placed his hand on his heart dramatically.

I raised an eyebrow. Nat? Something is definitely off.

"What you did to Mr. Stephen is really not acceptable, he's your teacher".

"Enough of the talks, i've had enough from the principal, don't add to it".

"If you continue that way then you are gonna get expelled".

"Awww". He cooed. "Nat cares".

I rolled my eyes. "I'm being serious".

"Alan never got expelled".

I was taken aback. "Excuse me?".

"You might not know this but your brother is a fake".

I was astonished as I stared at Reece, how does he know that Alan is hiding himself under a true facde.

"The truth is that Alan is a jerk, a big time one". Reece added. "No offense but I hate your brother".

Finally!! Someone that knows the real Alan.

"Why do you say that?". I asked curious.

"I've seen what he does to people, girls actually". Reece muttered lowly.



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