
Chapter 5

My eyes shifted around the place in utter astonishment. A penthouse on the highest floor of the building. It was huge and had the air of loneliness like no one had lived here for years. Nonetheless it was beautiful, chic and perfect for a bachelor. Perfect for the bachelor who stood before me.

“You can sleep on the bed. I’ll go sleep on the couch.” Looks like it has only one bedroom here.

I shrug, giving him a playful smirk. “If you insist.”

Why did I end up here exactly? Standing inside Nile Veselov’s penthouse. I’m assuming that he felt guilty and so he adopted me like a cat in a box wet from the rain. And I’ll gladly take his bed. I hope his back aches from sleeping on that couch.

He offered me to shower in his bathroom first. He rummaged through his drawers looking for something to wear probably for me since he gave me one of his t-shirts and pants. I took them heartily since fresh clothes are always better.

I didn’t question his sudden kindness because in the first place, I didn’t have the choice. I certainly don’t want to make a makeshift bed in the office and wake up with a body aching all over the place. This was by far the best deal I could get and I’m enjoying it since I’ll be happily taking his bed.

When I was done, I changed into his clothes. The sweatpants were so big, they didn't cling to my waist so I discarded them and stuck to the t-shirt that seemed like a dress that reaches mid-thigh. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw him lying on his bed, an arm covering his eyes. My movements woke him up and made him immediately sat up.

His eyes met mine for a second before travelling down slowly, taking his time and then back up and stopping just below my head. I raised a brow when our eyes finally met.

Was that a fucking blush? Holy shit.

He awkwardly cleared his throat before stomping towards the bathroom, brushing his strong arms against mine. I grinned mischievously at how much I affected him.

I decided to go to the kitchen to search for something to drink. Thank goodness, I already ate dinner. Caleb, one of our employees slash my assistant, brought me dinner before the team went home. He is always the one who sends me food whenever he notices I haven’t eaten. He was typically my errand boy and my right hand in work.

There were liquors in his cabinets, beverages and a little food stored in his fridge. His supplies were not that much. I figured he seldom stays here probably when he can’t go home. For instance, this unfortunate event happened to me. I sigh, picking up the super expensive champagne I happened to find. I deliberately chose the most expensive one in his collection.

I sat on the couch of his living room, turning on the tv and selecting on random channels just to add noise through the silence. After popping up the champagne bottle, I drank the contents straight to my mouth. Who cares about using a wine glass? I’m not the one who’s going to get mad.

“What are you doing?”

I paused, not minding the bottle was still in between my lips while I peered up at him. He was drying his hair with a towel while watching me with an annoyed look. He changed into his white fitted shirt and grey sweatpants. I smirked as I pulled back the bottle and offered it to him.

“How dare you use your mouth on this? Do you know how much this costs?” Snatching away the champagne from my hand.

I roll my eyes. “I’m pretty sure it’s just 0.00001 percent of your billions. Now give me that.” I tried to steal back the bottle but he evaded. I keep on reaching but he manages to successfully evade. I was already growing frustrated. I eyed the couch behind him before lunging at him. He bellowed as we both fell to the couch. I hurriedly snatched the bottle from his hand when I saw the perfect opportunity. The contents didn’t spill luckily as it was already almost halfway. I grinned at my successful plan.

“What the hell! We could’ve been injured.” He exclaimed.

My eyes rolled upward not appreciating how much of a killjoy he was. “Don’t be a sissy. I knew there was a couch behind you.”

“What I meant was the bottle could’ve broken and wounded you.”

“I knew there’s always warmth in that cold heart of yours.” I teased, provoking him. I then put the bottle between my lips. I saw his hand move to reach it but I stopped him first by grabbing his hand. I hugged the bottle against my chest with my other arm, keeping it from him. “Ah, ah, ah. I know you’re going to do that.”

His other hand moved and I swatted it away letting the other one free.

“Fuck, don’t move.”

I stilled. “Fuck?” I laugh deeply. “My, what a dirty mouth you have, mister.”

“I said don’t move.” He warned, gritting his teeth. “Don’t even laugh.”

I froze when I followed his sight. Why the hell did I not notice our position? I was so fixated on getting the drink that we didn’t know that he was lying flat on the sofa while I was sitting on his crotch. My thighs fully displayed for him, my underwear almost visible. If the red face of his wasn’t obvious enough. He was fucking embarrassed and holy hell, aroused.

I grinned evilly.

“Oh, dear.” Placing the bottle on his chest, steadying it with my hand. He long forgot to take it away from me.

“Get off.” He demanded but the bottle was stopping him.

I grind my hips. His face was redder than before if that was even possible. I could feel his member harden at the movement.


“I will.” I grind again. “If you apologize for being a dick to me…” Grind. “All.“ Grind. “This.” Grind “Time.”

He was gritting his teeth, taking his time to speak. Probably to think if I deserve his apology or not so I grind again. “I…apologize.”

“Well, it wasn’t that hard, was it?” I tried to get off but he sat up and reached for my wrist, stopping me.

“Do not provoke me.” He growled. The bottle was in between our chest. I was still sitting on his crotch because well, he stopped me. His smell wafted through my nose. We smelled the same. Lavender.

The short distraction gave him the chance to steal the champagne bottle from me. I stared at him in disbelief when he gulped down the content straight to his mouth, kissing my DNA.

He then reached for my neck pulling me down towards him. Our lips met halfway.

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