

At some point right before dawn, I wake in a strange bed and it takes me a moment to remember where I am and why I'm twisted up in a man's big, warm body. The panic subsides when I remember Gideon and breathe in his clean scent which instantly calms me.

I can't believe I went through with it and gave my virginity to a stranger. What's even more unbelievable is the fact that he turned out to be so incredible in every single way. I don't regret a thing, but a panic suddenly flares within me and I need to leave.

Somehow, I manage to remove his heavy, muscled limbs without waking him and then I slip out of bed, throw my clothes back on and sneak out of the bedroom on my tiptoes. But right before I walk out, I look back over my shoulder and watch him sleep for a moment. He's lying on his back, arm thrown over his head and his angular face looks almost boyish in repose.

The sheet sits low on his hips and I lick my lips, knowing what lies beneath it. I'm sore, but in a delicious sort of way. As though I can still feel him inside me.

Time to go, I tell myself. As much as I'd like to stay, the one-night stand time is over. I don't want to be one of those women who hangs around and expects something more. We both know what this was and it's better for my ego if I leave now rather than wait for him to kick me out later.

I grab my purse, unbolt the door and walk out.

Even though it's still early, I manage to grab an Uber and take it back home. Once I reach my family's brownstone, I sneak back in the way I left - climb up the fire ladder and crawl through my unlocked window.

Back in my room, surrounded by the silence of the house and everyone still sound asleep, I drop down on my bed and breathe out a sigh of relief.

I did it. Mission accomplished. I managed to sneak out, be braver than I've ever been before, and I gifted my virginity to someone other than Antonio Dombruso. But there's something bothering me now and I think it's that I snuck out on Gideon without even so much as a note.

No, it's better this way, I tell myself. We had an amazing night together and I'll always treasure it. If I had left my number and he never called, I would always wonder why. Now there's nothing to do but gather the memories and safely tuck them away where I can pull them out and relive them whenever I want. Especially after I'm married to Antonio.

There's no way I can possibly go back to sleep after the night I had so I take a shower, get dressed and head downstairs. I make a cup of steaming espresso and I'm sitting at the kitchen table, sipping it when I hear my father start yelling. It's barely 8 AM and I can only imagine what could possibly have him so riled up this early in the morning.

A moment later, my oldest brother Gio walks in, and his brown-black eyes are lit with fury. Alarmed, my hands tighten around my cup, and I hope to God no one saw me sneak out.

"Nolan Mennetti was just gunned down," he grits out.

"What? By who?"

"We don't know but, of course, the blame is on us. Connor Mennetti just declared war on our family."

"Oh, God. How do you know all this?"

A muscle flexes in his jaw. "Antonio was captured near the scene of the crime by some of Volkanov's men. He just returned and filled us in. Apparently, Mennetti is still alive, but barely."

I let out a shaky breath. "At least they let him go."

I know our families have never gotten along, but it always seemed so melodramatic and a bit archaic to me. I mean, I've heard of the fighting and turf wars, but I was always far away from the action.

Gio has been more involved because he's the oldest son and will eventually take control of our father's businesses. But for me, the stories were more that — scary bedtime stories told to frighten a child and warn them about the big, bad Mennetti family.

"Yeah, they let him go alright. After torturing him."

My jaw drops. "They tortured him?" As much as I don't care for Antonio, I don't want him hurt or suffering. "Why?"

"Because if you haven't heard, the Mennetti family is a bunch of monsters."

"So what does this mean?" I ask quietly, my mind racing. "You said they declared war on us."

"It means they're coming for us me, you, dad, anyone with the last name Volkanov or anyone who works for us. Until further notice, don't leave here. They want retribution and it's safest for you to stay here where we have guards and 24-hour protection."

I slowly nod and can't believe this. It's like a nightmare and my active imagination goes into overdrive. What if they try to hurt mom? Or Sofia? Or anyone for that matter. My stomach turns sickeningly at the thought.

"Gio, are we to blame for Nolan Mennetti?" I ask carefully.

He releases a pent-up breath. "I'm not sure, Trish. Just stay in the house, okay?"

"Yeah, I will."

"I'm going to check in with Dad and see if he has any new information."

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