"Listen."Sergio said down the line."Right now I don't have time for this and quite frankly my patience has run out.These people have been giving us the run around for three weeks now,I have a company to run and if they don't get their shit together the deal is off.I've already given them two extensions,not anymore either they deliver as promised at the end of the day or the deal is off.That's my final offer,I've got better things to do at this moment.Don't call me again unless it's something I wanna hear.Do I make myself clear."He dropped the call and growled in frustration he hates people who don't take their work seriously never again will he make the mistake of hiring someone because a business associate had said so.
The project should've taken off by now if they want to meet the deadline of launching his new hotel in a few months.He dragged a hand through his hair and stood from his chair,his gaze scanning his office.Within this seven years he's come far,made a success of himself sometimes he still can't believe he rose from cleaning boats at Las Vegas harbour to becoming the most successful eligible businessman ever.He'd risen from having nothing to making a name for himself,many respected him and want to do business with him.
He owns a chain of hotels and resorts all over the world never did he thought when he would invest all his savings from all the jobs he's been doing in an old outdated hotel that it would be the beginning of a new life for him.He doesn't regret his decision and for these six years he has been dominating the industry,and only getting successful by the day.He works hard day in and day out he made a promise to his mother that she would never have to worry about money again and it's a promise he'll live up to.At thirty five he has no serious relationship or children,one woman had broke him from the inside a long time ago and from then he never lets anyone get too close.
Piper had brought him to his knees,her beautiful blonde hair and sea deep blue eyes had captivated him despite knowing she comes from a family that has money he fell for her only to have her break his heart in the end. He had thought money doesn't matter to her but it had been far from the truth, she was just like all the other women,money and comfort is what rules them, drive them.He had been an idiot to believe someone as gorgeous as her would actually fall for him and spend the rest of her life with him.He truly had been a complete fool for believing they could have a future together.
After their break up he has never been the same,neither has he forgotten how cruelly she had broke his heart,since her departure from Madrid he never did look back. Although the last time he'd been in Vegas her late husband's secrets and scandals had made headlines for weeks.The man has defrauded millions of people through investments that never existed he made his fortune with other people's money,he never did see her in the paper although people had began to question her principles whether she knew about what her husband has been doing or not.
Publicly she never release any statement if she'd known or not,after all the questions and allegations she had disappeared till date no one knows her whereabouts he can only guess she did knew what her husband had been up to no wonder she has gone into hiding.She must be somewhere on an island enjoying whatever money they have stolen from people he never would've expected something so unforgiving from her yet again she broke him.
So what else can one expect from a woman like her, someone who has no morals or dignity to think he loved her.Angrily he shoved her out of his head she means nothing to him,she's a part of his past and will remain there.He must stay focused on his goal and move forward,tomorrow he's leaving the country for a global business summit in Japan he'll be gone for two weeks.He sometimes asks himself what is he running away from or from who.The ringing of his cell interrupted his thoughts,he doesn't know the number and not many people has his personal mobile number."Hello."He answered.
"Am I speaking to Mr Marquez?"A woman's voice asked.Who is this he wondered.
"Who's asking?"He asked back.
"My name is Rose Crawford,you don't know me but I do know you.Is it possible for us to meet."
"I'm afraid not Miss Crawford.Don't call me again."He was about to end the call but stopped when she addressed him by his first name.
"Sergio please.I need to speak to you it's quite urgent.Five minutes is all I ask."
He fell silent.Who is this woman?And what does she want to discuss with him that's so urgent."Who are you ma'am."
"I'll explain once we meet."She said."Can you come to Alaska?"
He realise she won't say anything further until they meet."I don't know when I'll be in the states Miss Crawford I'm leaving tomorrow for a business trip."
"When you come back.Please Sergio we need to talk.This is my number call me when you land."He was about to tell her he doesn't know when he'll be back when the line went dead.He stared at his cell.Who the hell is Rose Crawford. And from where does she know him...
Rose stroked her daughter's hair."Piper honey."She stirred and met her mother's eyes."You need to go home honey.Get some rest I'll be here to look after him."Piper looked at her son,he's sound asleep she caressed his cheek. Cristian has been in hospital for two weeks now.He'd been transferred here to this children's hospital after he had collapsed at school they had conducted every test possible and two days later the doctors had told her Cristian has myeloma leukemia and needs to begin treatment immediately or else he won't make it.Her world crashed down around her,she couldn't handle the news neither did she want to accept that her six year old has cancer.Why him she had asked herself.What has he done to deserve this.She had cried until no tears would come but every time she looks at him her heart constricts and fresh tears falls,he's been taking chemotherapy Piper prays it works.
"I can't leave him mom."She whispered."He needs me."
"So does Aurora.You need to be strong for her too honey."
"All his hair is gone."She muttered,standing to kiss his head."All that thick black beautiful hair just like his father's."
"I'll let you know if anything changes."Her mother said.
She nodded."Thank you mom for the support.For everything.Your presence means alot."
"Don't mention it.I left Aurora with Miss Hart.She's been asking about Cristian when will you tell her the truth."She can't bring herself to sit Aurora down and explain what's happening with her brother it's too painful.
"I can't mom."She admitted.
"You have to Piper.They are twins don't forget she can feel something is wrong."
Aurora is so obedient she never speaks out of turn or asks questions,she only does what she's been told."I'll tell her when I get home."The hour drive home gave Piper time to think she's been fighting with herself to call Sergio,he has a right to know he needs to be here.But something always stops her from finding out where he is.She must have hope that Cristian will be alright.She has used all their savings to pay for Cristian's medicals bills so he can begin treatment Mr Knight has given her time off and also paid her in advance.
The little she got will have to do for the next coming month,after all expenses will be paid there won't be much for left for anything else.She's also received a final notice to pay the remaining amount of the twins school fees everything seems to be falling apart and the longer Cristian stays in hospital the higher the cost,she's thinking of going and taking out a loan to help pay his bills the hospital here charges a fortune but so far they've been doing their job.She stopped at Miss Hart house to pick up Aurora once at home she went to take a hot shower, Aurora was busy in her room doing homework when Piper went to look for her."What are you doing sweetie."She sat down on Cristian's bed.
"Homework?"She said.
"How's school."
"Okay.Where's Cristian and why hasn't he come home yet.I miss him."
"Aurora my angel.Mommy has to tell you something.Come here for a minute." She patted the empty space on the bed,she came and sat down.Piper thread her fingers through her golden locks.
"What's wrong mommy.Why are there tears in yours eyes."Piper blinked hard to stop the tears from falling.
"Aurora honey.Your brother is sick,he's very sick that's why he fainted at school the other day."
"Will he be okay."She hopes so."When is he coming home?"
"Soon honey."She said.
"I miss him."Aurora's eyes filled with tears,Piper pulled her close.
"I know sweetie.He'll be okay I promise you."
"Can I see him."
"Of course you can.We'll go as soon as you done with your homework."She nodded her head."Should I make you lunch."
"Miss Hart already gave me something to eat."
"Call me when you done."Piper was at the door when Aurora spoke.
"Mommy can I ask you something."
"Whatever you want honey."She went back into the room.
"Who's our daddy."Piper was completely taken aback by the question never in a million years had she thought Aurora would ask that question.And now that she has Piper doesn't even know how to answer her own daughter.What will she say.Where will she begin."Doesn't he want Cristian and me.Is that why he isn't a part of our lives."
"No Aurora.Never think that sweetie.Your daddy is a good man one of the best I know he would be so happy to have you and your brother in his life."
"Then why isn't he here."She asked.
"Aurora sweetie one day mommy had to make a hard decision that would keep you,your brother and your daddy safe because of the decision I made I never could tell your daddy about you and Cristian."
"So he doesn't know about us."She shook her head."Do you think if he knew about us he would be here."
"He wouldn't have left your side honey."
"Did you love each other."She nod her head."Do you still love him."
"Yes honey.Your daddy is the only man I'll ever love."
"I wish I can meet him."
"Me too.Now finish up so we can leave and come back before it gets dark."
"I love you mommy.Do you have a picture of him.Our daddy."
Piper wished she had."No I don't."Another thing she regrets not having anything of him to remind her of their wonderful time together.
Sergio can't stop thinking about this woman who had called him it's been weeks now since their phone call.His private investigator has come up empty no one knows Rose Crawford that's why he has decide not to go to the US or meet her.She didn't give him much information about herself and that made him skeptical of who she truly is maybe it's someone who tried to play a prank on him,he can't tell but he's told his PI to dig deeper until he finds something.It still bugs him that she called him by his name not many people address him by his name because not many know him that well despite his wealth and success .
He likes to keep his life out of the tabloids and has been doing that over the years he's a very private man,and loves his space.Not many know about all the investments he has in America,he's a silent partner and prefers it that way.Even his life here in Madrid is private and out of the media's eye.All the woman he beds knows how things stand between them,he only sleeps with them to satisfied his lust,he doesn't even share a bed with them it feels wrong. After Piper he couldn't sleep next to any women again that's why when a beautiful woman captures his attention he takes her back to his hotel for a few hours of fun after that it's goodbye and it ends there.No strings attached.So far it has worked perfectly.His cell beeped it's Mark the PI he's found a lead and it's promising he'll be in touch in a few days.Finally he thought,if there's one thing he hates it's being ambushed.Control is something he must have.His mobile buzzed.
"Mother."He said gently.
"Sergio.Can you come home for dinner.I invited Brigitta over."
His mother has been trying to get him to settle down and she thinks her friend daughter is the right candidate."Playing matching again mother."
"You not getting any younger Sergio.You need to find a wife and have kids. What's the point of building such a big empire when you don't have a heir to leave it to."
"Where's Papa?"He asked instead to avoid the truth of his mother's words.
"Resting.Can we expect you for dinner."
"I can't mother."
"Sergio please.Give Brigitta a chance."