
Chapter 7


“So the arrogant bitch favors you, does she?” The dark haired woman sneered. “Why are you here then, among us… slaves?”

“I too am a slave, Alexia.” Milaca replied softly.

“That you are, little one.” The Gaulish woman sighed. “You were meant to be of servitude… but I am a chieftain’s daughter… I will fight my way out of here.”

“It’s rather foolish of you to say that.” Milaca said sadly, eyeing the many bruises on the taller woman’s shapely form. “Defying them will only bring you pain and suffering and you will still remain a slave.”

“Are all of Anglos like you, Milaca?” Alexia laughed exasperatedly. “…so ready to fall on your knees and kiss behinds?”

“At least I do not suffer as you.” The blonde replied timidly.

“Ha!” The dark haired slave snorted. “These bruises you see… they are not from beatings.”

“Then from whom…” Milaca’s blue eyes widened.

“A monster of a man… if you were ever to see him, you would die of fear.”

“Ganon?” She couldn’t stop from blurting.

“So you have seen him, and yet you’re here?” Alexia shook her head with a rueful smile. “I’m willing to bet your whore of a mistress sent you here to find out about the man.”

“What did he do to you?” Milaca asked emphatically.

“Everything a woman would want a man to do… everything.” The Gaul replied dreamily, caressing her own body.

“But the bruises…” Milaca stared at the woman in disbelief.

“They are worth the price to pay for pleasure like none other.” Alexia smiled with a mystified look on her angular face.

“Why did you...”

“I was the first of our group to be sent to him, he ravaged me the

entire night.” The taller woman leaned closer to the petrified blonde. “What vigor and strength… he made my world go upside down several times through the night.”

“Oh, I… will you be sent to him again?” Milaca inquired apprehensively.

“Not for a week… and you too were meant to be with him for one night each week.”

“Uh… no, I can never…” The little blonde swallowed hard, her eyes close to tears.

“Then why are you here?”


“Go back there and let Barascu know that you will be sent to Ganon as intended...” Taleela stood naked with her hands on her hips, staring out at the setting sun outside her window.

“But, my Domina, that brute will kill me.” The blonde slave pleaded.

“You have seen him make love; he is nothing like that bitch of a slave says.” The Domina laughed, making her bare breasts jiggle. “Her bruises were inflicted for insubordination again. Her kind is a glutton for punishment.”

“But Alexia knows you intend to…” Milaca protested.

“That slave is of no consequence.” Taleela dismissed her fears. “She will be thrown to wild animals in the next games.”

“When must I go to Barascu, My Domina?”

“Right now.” Taleela inspected her finely painted nails. “Tell him that you will be with Ganon this very night.”

“But I…” The blonde stared at her mistress in horror.

“You forget your place, slave.” The redhead said softly, yet her tone was lined with menace.

“Forgive me, my Domina… I shall go now.”

All the while she spoke to the hulking Barascu, the little blonde slave trembled with fear. The huge man couldn’t care less. Ganon’s insatiable lust was to be met, by any woman he could find, and a willing one was more than he could bargain for. He agreed instantly, giving her

directions of how to get to the giant gladiator’s sleeping quarters. Milaca hurried back to the safety of the palace, the colors of the Domina on her tunic granting her unhindered passage.

“What news have you?” Taleela demanded as soon as the blonde stepped into her chambers.

“Ganon awaits my favors this night.” Milaca bowed low, trembling. “Excellent.” The redhead rubbed her well-manicured hands in glee

and paced around the lavish room. “At two turns of the glass from now, that

beast will find himself a slave like none he has ever enjoyed before and ever will thereafter.”

“I don’t understand, my Domina.” The young slave stared at her mistress in alarm.

“Of course you don’t.” Taleela laughed shrilly. “That’s why I am the mistress and you the slave… and also why I chose you over that arrogant


“She said that you desired the gladiator.” Milaca dared to venture. “Yes, all the more reason for her to be thrown to the lions.” The

Domina laughed, stretching herself languidly.

“But how will you…” Milaca stood with a worried look on her pretty face.

“Don’t hurt yourself overmuch, my slave.” Taleela glared at the blonde. “Leave the thinking to your betters and hand me your robes.”

“Yes, my Domina.” Milaca immediately stripped and held out her slave clothes to her mistress.

“Tonight, I become the slave in your stead.” The taller woman snickered. “And let none be the wiser.”

“And what shall I do?”

“Remain here, in my quarters.” Taleela smiled, smoothing the rough linen down over her sexy body. “I shall have Luisa and Liana give you


“I’d rather be ravaged by Ganon.” The blonde thought and cowered back down as she watched the Domina of Denarius admiring herself in the simple garb of a house slave, then throwing a hood over her head and

walking out of the room.


“You slave girls keep getting better each night.” Ganon said, nodding appreciatively.

“The master is pleased by your victories… and thus rewards you according.” Taleela purred, walking seductively around the Spartan

accommodations of the champion gladiator.

“He is a wise man.” The large warrior grinned, admiring her voluptuous curves.

“Yes, indeed.” The redhead nodded, slipping off her hood.

“But you are unlike any slave I have ever known.” Ganon reached out and grasped her slender wrist, gently pressing the smooth skin with his hard, callused fingers.

“I am no low-born wench of the pits, warrior.” Taleela replied, unable to hide her excitement of his robust touch. “I have been bred for pleasure.”

“I have heard of exotic slaves from the east, trained in the arts of love.” Ganon drew her closer, feeling up her smooth thighs one by one. “Are you one of them?”

“I might be, but it is not your need to know…” The noblewoman

almost gasped, placing her hands on his massive shoulders to steady herself. “…all must you do is request pleasure of me.”

“Oh, I will indeed.” He smiled, his rugged handsomeness suddenly softening and sending a flutter through her belly. “And as you, I am not

some mindless brute who just knows to fight and fuck.”

“I think I believe you.” She said hoarsely, unaccustomed to the sudden surge of desire rising in her.

“Yes, I know you do.” Ganon slid his large, battle-scarred hands up her short skirt and gently squeezed her soft, yielding buttocks.

“What makes you such a great champion?” She tried to contain her lust, seeking not to let herself lose control of the situation.

“I have more up here than your average sword swinger,” The large man tapped a finger at his left temple. “…and that brings me the victories

Denarius is so proud of.”

“Yes, Dominus is proud of you… rather overmuch.” She pushed her dainty hands against his rugged shoulders, trying to pry herself from his hold without success.

“And with good reason...” He held her even tighter, his face almost between her heaving breasts. “…he would rather give me all the women in the world than my freedom.”

“Indeed, and you are well equipped where it matters to have all the women of the world.” She couldn’t help but let her desire govern her otherwise collected and calculating mind.

“How would you know the wellness of my equipment?” He looked up at her with a slight hint of suspicion. “Have you seen me before?”

“I merely deduce, from the way the rest of you is…” She hastily replied, undoing the front of her slave robes to distract him. “…that you must be overly impressive down there as well.”

“Well, you are not wrong.” He laughed softly, admiring her exposed breasts. “And this is the longest conversation I have had with a slave sent to entertain me otherwise.”

“I was thinking the same thing, not that I find conversing with you less entertaining.” Taleela agreed and pulled away from him as he released his hold on her.

“Yes, I would agree on that front.” His dark eyes stayed on her as she seductively swayed her curvy hips, stepping back from him. “Now

come, show me what treasures you have been saving.”

“Oh, you will be pleased.” The Domina of Denarius smiled sexily and shrugged off her robe completely.

“Without a doubt.” His eyes lit up in admiration of her naked

sexuality and he reached for her again. “Your skin is flawless, credit must go to your keepers… I have never seen a slave girl this well preserved.”

“And I have never been with a man of your legend.” She breathed huskily, letting his rough hands send shivers down her spine as they roamed all over her gleaming naked body. “Are rumors of your brutal nature true?”

“Only in the arena…” He groaned thickly, kissing her soft skin. “… in this environment, I am as gentle as a lamb.”

“I was looking forward to the lion you are rumored to be.” Taleela purred, cupping her breasts up to his face, the nipples as hard as rubies.

“Did I say lamb? …I meant a lion in lambskin.” He grinned and gently took one of the offered treats into his mouth and covered the other in his huge hand.

“Oh, Ganon… you are a man-god.” She gasped; the sensation of his hot mouth on her sensitive flesh made her knees buckle. “Ravage me.”

“All in good time, my dear.” The powerful arena champion replied patiently, enjoying her succulent breasts with languid grace. “And you haven’t told me your name.”

“Call me anything you want.” She groaned, every fiber in her being screaming for him to take her.

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