
Fat and Lazy

Steve's grip on the glass tightens. "Not until you answer me, Lucas. What's going on with Monalisa?"

Lucas' eyes snap back to Steve, a hint of defiance in their depths. "Give me my drink, Steve. Now."

Steve shakes his head. "No, Lucas. You're going to tell me what's going on first."

The two friends lock eyes, a silent standoff between them. Lucas' anger and frustration simmer just below the surface, while Steve's determination and concern refuse to budge.

The stalemate continues, neither friend willing to yield.

Lucas' face twists in frustration, his words spilling out in a torrent of anger. "Everything about her is pissing me off, Steve! And today, she refused to give me food! Can you believe that?"

"She refused to feed you? What happened?" Steve's eyes widen in surprise.

Lucas' voice rises, his anger boiling over. "I came home from work, starving, and she had the nerve to tell me that there's no dinner prepared, Can you believe that?

Steve starts. "Lucas, that's not like Monalisa. Something's going on with her, something that's making her act out like this."

Lucas' laugh is bitter. "You think? You think something's going on with her? I'm the one who's going crazy, Steve! I'm the one who's dealing with her crap every day!"

Steve's grip on the whiskey glass loosening. "Whoa, Lucas, calm down. This sounds serious."

Lucas' anger boils over, his voice rising. "Serious? You have no idea! She's suffocating me, Steve. Her size is even making me crazy because she gets tired every second and I can't take it anymore!.

Lucas' eyes flash with anger as he raises the cup to his lips, taking a long swallow of the whiskey. Steve watches him warily, his hands held up in a calming gesture.

"Lucas, calm down. Let's talk about this."

But Lucas is beyond reason. He's consumed by his anger and frustration, and he doesn't care who he lashes out at. He takes another swig of the whiskey, his eyes never leaving Steve's face.

Lucas waves the bartender over, his hand still clutching the empty whiskey glass. "Another one " he slurs, his eyes fixed on Steve with a mixture of anger and desperation.

Steve's expression turns from concern to alarm as he realizes Lucas is spiraling out of control. "Lucas, maybe you've had enough," he suggests, his voice calm but firm.

But Lucas is beyond reason. He shakes his head, his eyes flashing with defiance. "No way, Steve. I need this. I need to forget."

The bartender, pours Lucas another shot, his eyes flicking to Steve with a questioning glance. Steve shakes his head, a silent warning to him to cut Lucas off.

But Lucas is too far gone. He downs the shot in one gulp, his eyes glazing over as the alcohol coursing through his veins. Steve watches in horror as Lucas' eyes lose focus, his body swaying precariously on the stool.

"Lucas, stop. Please," Steve begs, but Lucas just laughs, a cold, mirthless sound.

"I'm just getting started, Steve," he slurs, his voice dripping with malice. "I'm going to forget everything. Forget Monalisa, forget you, forget my own name."

And with that, Lucas signals Jordan for another round, his descent into oblivion accelerating with each passing moment.

Steve's eyes narrow, his voice low and urgent. "Lucas, is that what this is about? Are you using this as an excuse to drink all the glasses you missed after your three years of marriage?"

"What are you talking about, Steve? I'm just having a few drinks." Lucas said unconcerned.

Steve's eyes flash with anger, but before he can respond, Jordan the bartender arrives with the next round. Lucas grabs the glass greedily, downing the whiskey in one swift motion.

Steve watches in dismay as Lucas signals for another, his heart sinking with the realization that his friend is indeed trying to escape his troubles at the bottom of a glass.

Steve's eyes bore into Lucas', his voice low and direct. "Lucas, I need to ask you something. Did you come to this bar to talk to me, or to drown yourself in alcohol?"

Lucas' gaze falters, his eyes dropping away from Steve's intense stare. He shrugs, his shoulders barely lifting off the stool. "What's the difference, Steve? I'm just trying to forget."

Steve's grip on Lucas' arm tightens. "The difference is, Lucas, if you're trying to forget, you're not dealing with the real issues. You're just masking the pain. But if you're willing to talk, to really confront what's going on, then we can work through this together."

Steve's voice is firm but gentle, his words piercing the haze of alcohol surrounding Lucas. "Lucas, listen to me. Monalisa's weight gain isn't her fault. She's been struggling with her own demons, just like you."

Lucas' eyes blur, his gaze wavering. "What are you talking about, Steve? She's just getting fat and lazy."

"That's not fair, Lucas. And it's not true. Monalisa's going through a tough time, just like you. But instead of supporting her, you're drowning your own sorrows in whiskey. C'mon man pregnancy is no joke. "

Lucas' face twists in defiance. "Pregnancy you say. Okay, where's the baby? ."

Steve's eyes widen slightly as he processes Lucas' words. He realizes that the alcohol is talking, fueling Lucas' defiance and anger. He takes a deep breath, his expression softening knowing that his friend, Lucas would never mock their shared pain, the loss of his baby. Steve's mind races back to the memories of their little one, the joy and the sorrow Lucas and Monalisa shared as new parents, including him as a new uncle.

He shakes his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "No, Lucas, it's not you talking. It's the alcohol. You would never make light of our baby's memory. You're hurting, and I'm here for you, but it's not you saying these things."

Steve's words are laced with conviction, his eyes locked onto Lucas' glazed ones. He knows that Lucas is struggling, that the pain of their loss still lingers, but he also knows that his friend would never intentionally say hurtful things of their memories.

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