
Chapter 5: Do I Know You?

The GPD girls filed into the living room and looked around. They openly admired the layout of Gary and Luke’s new house. One of the girls made a comment about it not looking like a dog kennel and that made them all laugh.

While they were still in the living room, they got the chance to exchange hugs and kisses with the fraternity members who arrived just after them.

“Hey Kris,” Gavin grinned his lopsided grin.

“Hey Gav, what’s up?”

“Nothing but a fashionista movement.” He shook his head, “Are you sexy ladies here for a frat BBQ or a photo shoot?”

They laughed.

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” Ronni said, doing a slow motion dance emphasizing the swing of her hips.

“Well, girl,” Luke grinned slyly, “I certainly don’t have some things!” he took a saucy look at their backsides.

“Watch where those eyes roam Luke, these are ladies from GPD.”

“Gamma Phi Delta!” they cheered.

Luke barely resisted rolling his eyes at the team spirit.

“Excuse me for staring, madam, but some things cannot be unseen.” He set his twinkling eyes downcast momentarily and then said, “Okay enough is plenty, let’s hit the deck!”

Marco was at the back of the group and he called out to the host, “Hey Luke-!”

“Let me guess,” Kristina and Carnerie giggled, “where’s the fridge?”

Everyone laughed at the most expected question at any gathering they had with Marco.

He smiled, “Gimme a break guys, I haven’t eaten for three hours.”

“Oh, my poor Marco.” Demise put a hand on the man’s solid flat torso and put her head on his chest. “He’ll just die without a nice cold drink.”

“Hey, woman,” he retorted softly, “the only thing I need to live is you.” Slowly he brought his head down towards hers as she raised herself on tip toes to accept the kiss he had to offer.

The rest of the group broke the romantic moment with cat calls and cooing.

“Ugh, you people are so embarrassing!” Demi groaned, covering her face.

Marco hugged his girlfriend close and chuckled as she tried to hide the furious blush that infused her face. Kissing the top of her head, he took their friends’ teasing with a smile.

“Thanks guys. Now she won’t kiss me in front of you for weeks.”


“So where’s Gary, Luke?” one of the sorority girls asked.

“He’ll be coming back- he went to get more BBQ stuff. God knows where,” Luke muttered good-naturedly, “I’m sick and tired of telling legends.”

Kris laughed. “I feel as though I know this guy.”

Everyone seemed to pause.

“You do.”

“I do?”

“Yep, he joined the fraternity just before the end of first semester. Before that Greek oral of yours.”

Kris remembered the Greek oral because she had holed herself up in her room for almost a day.

“I see…” this confused her more than slightly. “Carnerie, why didn’t you tell me?”

Knowing she would only flounder with an answer, Carrie shrugged.

After a moment Kris was still looking at her expectantly, so she ventured into a vague response. “I suppose it’s only coming out now because he is on his way and you kind of asked.”

“Well,” Kris said, “when do I get to see you, Gary Vaughn?”

She didn’t see him come through the doorway to stand near her. So when he said, “How about right now?” she froze momentarily, caught unaware.

She then relaxed and turned to look at the person who had spoken. She smiled genuinely, pleased with what she saw.

He was better-looking in person than she had imagined possible. In fact he was downright remarkable!

Every other person present at the barbecue kind of held their breath while the two of them sized each other up. No one had any idea what was going through either of their minds but it was crucial that it went easily.

To him, Kris was as gorgeous as she used to be, if not more. He took in every inch of her face as if he had a mental checklist to go through.

Perfect complexion. Granted, a little pale now because of all her time in the hospital, so the contrast with her ebony hair was more pronounced. But her eyebrows still arched perfectly over dark-lashed blue eyes that made his chest tighten. Sculpted cheekbones were currently a little flushed, which he liked. Her nose still sloped gently and were the perfect segue to that sexy mouth with a full bottom lip that just begged for attention.

Her slender neck was still the same and so it seemed was the rest of her enticing body. He didn’t trust himself to further the close inspection without getting seriously distracted in front of all their friends, but he did notice that she was a little thinner than she had been before going into hospital. He supposed that was natural. She’d gain it back if she wanted to.

Nothing seemed out of place, he concluded. She was still Kris.

To her, Gary was a dream come true for any woman.

He was seriously built and super hot.

Before she got too caught up in checking him out, Kris wondered just what her relation to him was and also how Carrie was taking her open observation of this particular guy. She turned to see what her friend’s reaction might be and was slightly surprised to find her watching them with a glint of what looked like hope in her eyes.

Carrie caught Kris looking at her, so she looked away and busied herself with taking some of the stuff Gary had just put down. Walking away, she missed the slight frown on her best friend’s face.

It didn’t last long, anyway.

Kris went back to checking him out. His shorts weren’t the typical surf or yacht type. He looked more like someone who was about to step into a boxing ring for sparring practice- black shorts and dark grey sleeveless shirt.

Swallowing hard, she quickly dismissed the picture that was forming of him with sweat dripping down his bare chest. Keeping it superficial, she noticed that Gary’s shoulders were broad, he had a flat torso and he had strong arms. His skin was smooth and bronzed from the sun. He wore dark sunglasses and a dark-coloured cap.

He let her look all she wanted, with the hint of a smile playing at his lips. When he spoke to her it was in friendly tones. “Kris, it’s been a long time, how about a hug?”

She felt at home with him instantly and gave him what he asked for. “Hi. Ok.”

When Kris got up, Gary stepped forward and put his arms around her.

She fit just like she used to.

He didn’t let the embrace last long. After a moment, he let her go and stepped back.

“How are you?” he asked sincerely.

“I’m doing okay,” came the candid response.

“Good.” He nodded as he scrutinized her. She felt a little shy because the shades hid his feelings and thoughts from her.

Perhaps she could sense her friend’s discomfort or she was simply making the conversation a broader one, but Sondra said, “Well what about us? We haven’t been gone long,” she teased, “but you can say hi to us too, Gary.”

He obliged, opening his arms wide and giving all the girls a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. When it was Carrie’s turn, Kris noticed how they really looked at each other and the hug was a little longer. She raised an amused eyebrow.

Gary looked everyone over and in a loud voice welcomed them to his and Luke’s new place.

“Hmm.” He was silent for a moment, then he said in a serious voice, “I think there is something wrong with this picture…”

“Something wrong?” the girls chorused.

“Yes,” he replied gravely.

“What is it?” Lisle asked, pretending to be worried.

“I told you,” Luke supplied, “you all look like this is supposed to be at a tea party instead of a barbecue by the pool side. You need to take some clothes off!”

“Correctamundos,” Ricardo cackled gleefully.

Luke directed them all to the pool house. Minutes later they came out, still in their sorority colors, waving like pageant queens.

“Exactly what the doctor ordered,” Luke declared clapping his hands together. “Yes!”

The catcalls and whistles were all directed toward the young ladies this time.

“Now you’re a sight for sore eyes. You know, however,” Gary said in a way that made girls generally trip over their own feet, “that we are not satisfied until you are wet. So ladies let it be my pleasure to walk you off the plank.” He gestured to the diving board and said, “I haven’t unpacked the tom-tom yet so you’ll have to do with the vocals of our local dirge choir.”

“What did I do my hair for then?” Lisle grumbled good naturedly.

“I know right,” Demi said, poised at the edge of the diving board, getting ready to hop in the water.

Some, like Carrie, dove and others just jumped and tucked their knees. Then Kristina was up.

“Here comes the princess of the mermaids- let’s see if she still dives like a dolphin.” That had been Gavin’s pronouncement.

It made her laugh. Everyone knew she loved the water.

“You wanna see huh?” she grinned wickedly, then glanced at Gary and said, “Catch me if you can, Captain.” She stood at the tip of the board and took the leap. She was nearly at the other end of the pool when she resurfaced to the sound of cheers. Gary was waiting to one side with a towel. With a wave, Kris submerged herself once again and headed in his direction. At the edge of the pool, she thought she felt pressure on her shoulder and a sudden wave of panic attacked her. She gasped, terrified.

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