Swiping left I answer the phone. « Hello ? »
I hear shuffling and yelling on the other side before I hear my brother’s voice.
« Where the fuck are you ?! » My brother yells over the voice in the background. « Where are you ? Why is it so loud ?! » I questioned back as I glance up at Chanel’s house before starting my trip back to my hell hole.
« Your wife is losing her fucking mind, what did you do ? »
What did I do ? I just let my business partner’s daughter suck me off. On top of that, I don’t even regret It. But I fucking told her it couldn’t happen again, causing her feelings to be hurt. Fuck.
« Don’t fucking worry about it. Why the fuck are you in my house ? » I queried as I jerked the steering wheel left.
« Don’t fucking worry about it. » He mocked back, frustrated, I hung up the phone and threw it in the seat beside me. Fuck me.
I slowed down as I approached our house. Seeing my brother’s car is still here, I sigh. Pulling up in the garage, I quickly fix my pants and tuck my phone back in my pocket. Getting out, I open the door to the house just to find Bianca pacing in the kitchen with Nico sitting on a stool.
I clear my throat to make my presence known, Bianca’s head turns in my direction showing me her anger-filled eyes. She came charging at me yelling like a madwoman.
« You Bastard ! Who is she ?! » She yelled throwing her hands towards my face. « Who was the bitch in the background !? »
Grabbing her arms to stop her from hitting me, I push her away and undo my tie. « Why do you care, this marriage was long gone when you cheated. » I remarked with a smirk on my face.
« Quello è fratello freddo. » Nico says as he downs whatever’s in his glass.
{ Translation : That’s cold brother }
« Ma è vero. » I replied shrugging my shoulders letting my jacket falling off.
{ Translation : It’s true }
« You smug bastard ! That was 2 years ago…I’m trying to make it work ! » She fumed, her lips twisted into a frown, and eyebrows arched. « Don’t forget how you got here. »
How I got here. I got here when I met her…
It was a really dark period in my life, my father was a corrupt businessman, and my mother was a cheap whore who was never home. So it was me and my siblings until I got a scholarship and went off to college.
« Hi, are you new ? »
I glance up to find a pair of aqua blue eyes staring down at me. The beautiful blonde smiled and stretched her hand out to shake mine.
« Yes, I just-«
« That’s great ! I saw you in class earlier, you looked frustrated. Do you need help with something ? »
After telling her about my struggles in that class, we started studying together and eventually ended up dating. I think that was the only time during our relationships that we were happy. We loved each other.
After years of dating, she became paranoid about me hanging out with friends. She started becoming insecure and blamed me for it, saying ‘If I stopped hanging out with girls then she’d feel better.
When I started to struggle with my company, she introduced me to Mr. Steller. Her family had money and friends in high places, so after meeting him, he practically got my company the air it needed and we started to bring in big money.
And I believed it. I believed her because I wanted to work it out. So after I got my big break and starting making big money, I bought a ring and asked her to marry me. Of course, she said yes and I bought a house and we moved in.
It was only a few months after our wedding when things started going downhill. I got busy at work and she was always at home.
I told her to start a hobby and she did. Yoga. She picked yoga and I regret telling her that because a few months later I found them fucking in our bed, in our house.
She told me it was MY fault, If I was home she wouldn’t HAVE to cheat. Un-fucking-believable.
That was the day I lost all my trust in her. I pretended that we weren’t married anymore, I starting having affairs and staying out late. Until I met her…
*Flashback Over*
« You may have helped me get here, but that ALL you did. » My voice turned harsh and full of anger. Turning away from them I went upstairs to my bedroom. Slamming the door shut, I run my hands over my face and drag myself to the bathroom.
I lean against the sink thinking about the brunette beauty that had my dick on her luscious lips. Fuck. I turn on the sink and splash my face with water, I can’t do that again…She’s barely legal, she fucking 18.
« Men are such dicks ! » I groan as I flop down on my bed beside Maeve who was texting Noah.
« You just aim too high Chanel. » she giggled as she playfully smiled at her phone.
« What if he is a happily married man ? What if he just wants to stay faithful ? » Samantha says sticking her head out from the bathroom with a cucumber face mask.
I tilt my head to the side with a questioning look. « Faithful ? Men ? Oh girl those don’t go in the same sentences. » I laughed and Sam joined in. I was right, what ‘man’ is faithful.
It had been two days since the thing with Liam happened, his words still repeated in my mind. ‘This can’t happen again.’ He talked to me like I was a fucking child, ‘understand ?’
« I still can’t believe you gave him head ! Was his dick big ?! » Maeve squealed as her eyes screamed ‘give me details’.
Rolling my eyes at her, I just shrug my shoulders. « If wasn’t anything special, » I reply nonchalantly, getting up from my bed. Why are you lying, he was like a fucking 10 inch !
« But his wife called before we could take it any further. » I look at myself in the mirror studying my body. « Am I getting fat ? » I ask trying to change the subject.
The girls laugh before answering, « We know what you’re doing Chanel, » Maeve said as she rolled her blueish-green orbs.
« Yea, don’t try and change the subject. » Sam adds walking out of the bathroom and flopping down beside Maeve.
Just as I was about to reply, there was a knock at my door. Probably a maid. « Mary, I told you, you don’t have to knock. » I sighed as I walk over to my door.
« I’m your mother, not the maid. »
I rolled my eyes and fixed my gaze on a brown bag in her hands. « Madre que hay en la bolsa. » I asked poking it. It was light so it couldn’t have been a new piece of jewelry.
{ Translation : Mother what in the bag }
« You will be taking your father his lunch, He can’t come to get it because he is very busy today, » She replies handing me the light bag. « Now go get dressed and wear something presentable, you look like a peasant. » She mutters before walking away.
« Oh mother, have you looked in the mirror yet ? » I hummed before closing my door.
I turn to see Maeve and Samantha holding a beige plaid shirt and a pair of my loose jeans.
« We’re you eavesdropping ? » I questioned taking the clothes from their hands. I look back seeing them shake their heads no before I disappeared into the bathroom.
After I put them on I check myself out and smile in satisfaction at my appearance. I ruffle my hair before heading back out to get their opinion. « So ? » I say as I fix my shirt and raise my eyebrow.
« Air Force ones. That’s what your missing. » Maeve says snapping her fingers and runs to my closet.
« Oh my God, maybe we should give her a flask and make her say sksksksksk. » Sam says sarcastically rolling her eyes.
« You have a section that is for you Air Forces ?! » Maeve says sticking her blonde head out of my closet showing a pair of pink AF’s.
« Maeve, just get the damn white ones so I can go. » I say running my hands over my face waiting for her to give me my shoes.
She giggles before coming out with a pair of white shoes and gives them to me. « There meanie. » She pouts as she goes to my sock drawer.
« Thank you. » I reply giving her a small smile as I put on my socks and shoes. « Alright guys, I’ll see you when I get back. AND DON’T TRY TO FUCKING ORDER DILDOS ON MY AMAZON ACCOUNT AGAIN ! » I glare at them before closing my door.