
Chapter 5 Not A Burden

“Sky, listen to me.” I step in front of Sky just as he’s about to leave the canteen.

He snaps, “Why? Do you ever listen to me, Trouble?”

I know his anger is justified, but last night I just lost control.

“Sky, I started missing my mom last night and couldn’t control myself from drinking.” As I explain with a hint of pain in my voice, the anger instantly disappears from his eyes.

He places his hand on my face and speaks in a soft tone, “I’m not angry about that, Trouble. You should have gone home with Alex.”

“I know, but it was too early to go home, Sky.”

And I don’t like to go there when there’s no one waiting for me. My heart aches to see the empty apartment.

He already knows the reason, so I don’t have to explain. His expression softens even more. “You should’ve called me.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“You’re important to me, Trouble. You can never disturb me.”

I know I’m important to him, but I don’t like to bother him with my problems all the time.

“But you have your own life, Sky. You deserve to have fun without always worrying about me.” I feel a pang of guilt for always getting into trouble and disturbing him.

Sky shakes his head, his eyes never leaving mine. “Zoe, you’re a part of my life. Worrying about you, being there for you—that’s my choice, and it’s one I’m happy to make.”

I feel a lump in my throat as I listen to his words. He makes me feel so fortunate. I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve a friend like him. But he can’t babysit me all the time.

“I just don’t want to be a burden to you.”

A frown appears on his face as he asks in a grim tone, “Do you seriously think you’re a burden to me, Zoe?”

I nod in response, shifting my gaze to the floor.

He lifts my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. “Listen to me carefully, Zoe. You’re my best friend, not a burden. I care about you more than anything. So please, next time you feel like this, just give me a call. No matter what I’m doing, I’ll be there for you.”

“Of course, I know you’ll always come for me—”

“Trouble, please. No more words, or else I won’t take your photos next time.”

I blink up at him, taken aback. Sky knows how much I love his photography. He’s the only one who captures me in a way that makes me look beautiful.

“Fine,” I mutter, trying to suppress a smile. “You win.”

His stern expression softens into a smile. “Good. Now, let’s eat something.”


The next day, Sky takes me to my favorite cafe in New York. As soon as we enter, I make him take a thousand photos of me.

“Wtf! You never get satisfied with pictures, Zoe. Now it’s enough.” He sits back in his chair.

“One last one, please, Sky.” I bat my eyelashes, trying to melt his heart. I know he must be regretting taking me to my favorite cafe now.

He complains, “You just take one picture of me, and I end up taking thousands of photos of you, Zoe.”

“No problem. I’ll take more of you.” I snap his photos, laughing as he glares at me.

“Stop it, Zoe.” He tries to take the phone from my hand, but I don’t let him.

After taking a few more shots of him, I tease, displaying the photos, “Look, now I’ve taken plenty of photos of you. Now we’re even.”

“You’re crazy.” He shakes his head in disbelief, causing me to chuckle.

As we have dinner, Sky receives a call from his father.

“Okay, Dad.” He hangs up and turns to me. “I have to go to a business meeting.”

“Okay, but tell me one thing.” I wipe my hands with a cloth napkin. “How do you handle everything—studies, business, basketball—and manage to be perfect at all of it?” I stare at him incredulously.

“How many times will you ask me this question, Zoe?” Sky chuckles softly, shaking his head. “I’m not perfect. I just try to do my best in everything I care about.”

“But seriously, Sky. You manage everything so effortlessly. It’s like you have a superpower or something.”

He laughs at my words. “No superpowers. Just a lot of dedication and a wonderful support system.”

“Yeah, like me,” I tease with a grin. “Your personal cheerleader.”

“Yeah!” he agrees with a smile.


Sky leaves after dropping me at my apartment, instructing me to stay out of trouble as always.

But is it really in my hands?


As I come out of the bathroom after freshening up, I receive a call from Selena.


She cuts me off, her voice frantic. “Zoe, a guy I hooked up with in the library is outside my house on his bike, circling around. I don’t know why he’s here. If my parents find out, they’ll kill me. I can’t let them down.”

“Don’t worry, Selena,” I reassure her. “I’m coming, and I’ll handle this.”

“Zoe, it’s risky. You can’t come alone. You need help. Where’s Sky?”

“Sky is busy with a meeting, but I promise I’ll take care of this.”

Selena hesitates but then reluctantly agrees. “Okay, just be careful.”

I end the call, grab my keys, and rush out of my apartment.

“Be safe, Trouble.”

As Sky’s words echo in my mind, I pause at the doorstep.

I know it’s dangerous, and Sky will kill me if he finds out about this. But he’ll understand because I’m helping my friend, just like he helps me when I need it.

When I arrive at Selena’s house, I see the guy on his bike, still circling the block.

After taking a deep breath, I approach him.

“Hey,” I call out, trying to sound confident despite feeling a bit nervous.

He looks at me with surprise and a hint of annoyance. “What do you want?”

“I need you to leave Selena alone. She’s not interested in you, and showing up here like this is not okay.”

His expression darkens. “Who the hell are you to tell me that? She was all over me in the library.”

“I don’t care what happened in the library,” I retort, my voice firm. “She doesn’t want you here. So leave.”

He scoffs, looking at me with disdain. “You think you can tell me what to do? Get lost, little girl.”

“I’m not leaving until you do.” I step closer to him, trying to block his view of Selena’s house.

Before I can react, he shoves me roughly aside. I stumble and fall, hitting my leg against the nearby fence.


Pain shoots through me, but I grit my teeth.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I warn, my voice tight with anger and pain.

He laughs mockingly. “Or what? You’ll call the cops? Good luck with that.”

I push myself up, ignoring the pain in my leg. “I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my friend. Just leave, okay? Selena doesn’t want anything to do with you.”

He scoffs again. “Anyway, she isn't worth this trouble.” With one last glare, he mounts his bike and speeds away.

Thank God! Finally, he left.

But my leg—it hurts.

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