
Chapter 2 Mr. Perfect

Zoe’s P.O.V.

“Selena, can’t you skip one class? It’s Sky’s basketball match today.” I plead with my friend as we walk to the classroom together.

“Zoe, I can’t,” she denies, shaking her head. “My parents would kill me if I missed it.”

Selena is my new but already close friend. I know she’s a bit of a stickler for rules because of her parents, but I’m determined to drag her to the game with me. We’ve only been friends for six months, but our bond has grown quickly. We met at the beginning of our first year in college, and she has been by my side unwaveringly ever since.

I wave her concerns away, striding beside her. “Oh, come on! Half the class isn’t going to be there, anyway. Plus, you know the professor loves the basketball team. He’ll probably let us go!”

“Zoe, you know I can’t just skip classes. My family is really strict about my attendance,” she responds, glancing at me.

She halts as I give her my best puppy-dog eyes and pout, coming in front of her. “Please, Selena? Sky’s game is super important. I promise we won’t force you again. Just this once?”

She sighs. “Fine! But first, let’s go to class and see how many students are there.”

“Thank you.” I give her a quick hug, grinning.

As expected, when we arrive at the class, it’s nearly empty. The few students who are present are either disinterested or secretly hoping the professor will let them leave. When the professor walks in, he takes one look at the sparse attendance and shakes his head with a smile.

“If anyone wants to go to support the basketball team, I won’t mark you absent. Just make sure you study the material later,” he announces.

The room erupts in cheers as everyone scrambles to leave. Selena looks at me. “You really knew this would happen, didn’t you?”

I wink at her. “Told you so!”

We rush to the basketball court and take our seats. The crowd is buzzing, and I can see Sky warming up with his team. Sky has been my best friend since our school days. I know I can always count on him. He’s the only person who knows all my deepest secrets.

But sometimes, he’s pretty annoying when he lectures me for getting into trouble. What’s my fault if trouble likes me so much? He snaps at me like I derive pleasure from being in trouble. Huh!

Sky is tall and handsome, and every girl on campus dies for his attention. He has a defined jawline, and his blue eyes are always observant. His skin tone is fair, with a slight tan from spending time outdoors. He has well-groomed, dark brown hair that he often runs his fingers through, especially when he’s deep in thought. His lips are full, and his physique is athletic, with broad shoulders and a lean, muscular build that speaks to his dedication to sports and physical fitness.

And what can I say about his talent? He isn’t an ordinary guy. He’s great at everything he does—sports, academics, and even running his family’s million-dollar company. What’s more, he’s a gifted artist, bringing his canvas to life with magical brushstrokes. Sometimes I feel jealous of my best friend, as my only skill is getting into trouble.

Why, God, why this discrimination? What sins are you punishing me for? If only you had given me a single talent like Sky’s, I would be so grateful.

His friend, Alex, the team captain, gives him a pat on the back. They look confident, ready to take on their rivals.

I wave at Sky enthusiastically as he catches sight of us, and he grins, giving me a thumbs-up.

“See, Selena? Isn’t this better than sitting in a boring classroom?” I nudge her playfully.

“Of course, it’s better. But you know I’m forced not to skip any class.”

“Your parents are too much.” I shake my head.

I seriously don’t like Selena’s parents. They’re so controlling and strict. Selena is an adult; they should give her some space and freedom.

The game starts, and I shout Sky’s name at the top of my lungs, cheering him with excitement. He scores a couple of quick points, making me feel happy.

“Go, Sky! You got this!” I shout, cupping my hands around my mouth to amplify my voice, and Selena laughs beside me.

Sky is on fire, scoring points effortlessly. The game is intense, with both teams fighting hard. But our team pulls ahead, and in the last moments, Sky makes a winning shot. People are jumping and shouting, celebrating the victory.

I jump to my feet, screaming Sky’s name. “You did it! You won!” I shout, waving my arms.

Sky looks up at the stands and finds me in the crowd. He gives me a triumphant grin and pumps his fist into the air. I can see the pride and joy in his eyes.

Selena sneaked away to the library in the middle of the game, not to study, but to meet a senior secretly for a quick hook-up. She often engages in casual flings with strangers to cope with the stress of her family’s expectations. She is certain that eventually she’ll be forced into an arranged marriage, so she has one-night stands devoid of emotional attachment.

Sky comes over to me, still beaming from the victory.

“Congratulations, Sky.” I hug him tightly, grinning. “I knew your team would win.”

“Of course, I had to win.” A smug smile spreads across his face, and he pulls up his imaginary collar. “You know I never lose.”

“I know, I know,” I say, nodding my head. “You’re Mr. Perfect.”

We both chuckle and talk for a while, then I remember that I have an important class today.

“I’ve got to get to class,” I say reluctantly.

“Okay, but stay out of trouble.”

“No, I won’t. I’ll put myself in trouble and then call you.” I give him a teasing wink and leave while laughing.


I had planned to go out with Selena after our last class, but she had to leave for a party with her family.

So, I call Sky.

“Hey, my plans fell through. Selena had to leave for a party, so I’m free now. Want to chill?”

“I have plans to hit a club with Alex for a victory party this evening,” he replies.

“Oh, can I come along?” I ask eagerly.

“Of course! I’ll pick you up at 7 from your house. Be ready on time. I don’t want to see you running late in front of my eyes like last time. It’s boring.”

I frown at his words. “Don’t taunt me. I was only late once.”

That’s a huge lie. I’m usually the one running late, while Sky is always punctual. We’re complete opposites in every sense, and I often wonder how we became best friends.

He chuckles. “Yeah! Yeah! Only once.”

“I’ll be ready on time. Bye.” I hang up, scowling.


In the evening, I fall asleep and wake up to find it’s already a quarter to seven.

I have only fifteen minutes to get ready.

Fuck! Not again.

Sky is going to kill me for being late.

“Zoe, why did you doze off? You’re an idiot,” I chide myself, scrambling to get dressed.

As I’m hurriedly getting ready, I receive a call from Sky.

“Are you ready, Zoe?” he asks, and I can sense the teasing tone in his voice.

“Sky, give me just five minutes,” I reply, trying to sound calm.

“I knew you’d be late and make me wait, which is why I told you 7. I’ll be there at 8. Just be ready by then,” he chuckles, knowing me all too well.

Fuck! How can he be so smart? But he lied to me.

“You’re so bad, Sky,” I retort.

“I’m smart, and you know that,” he laughs.

There’s no doubt he’s smart, but I won’t inflate his ego.

“No, no. You’re a liar.”

He finally stops laughing. “Now stop wasting your time arguing with me and get ready.”

“Yeah, Mr. Liar. Bye.” I hang up with a sigh.

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