Release her, Cadan ordered the creatures holding Bliss captive as he lifted his lips from the
slender throat beneath them, his tongue caressing over the flesh, healing the punctures that
pierced Marissa’s skin.
She has seen you, the voice whispered through his mind. She must be dealt with.
We must be dealt with, a feminine voice ordered imperatively. You have not finished feeding,
Cadan. We’re weak.
Release her or you can fucking starve to death, Cadan snarled silently as he continued to
hold the woman beneath him enraptured. His cock slid slowly, easily up her slick pussy, her
orgasms and the arousal caused by the symbiots he carried within his body holding her in thrall.
You’re being unreasonable, the female creature, Cerise, snapped. You can’t let her just
leave. We need her.
He paused in the strokes that screwed his cock up Marissa’s cunt, testing the creatures and
their resolve.
Cadan, we can’t. Not yet. Not until she’s been dealt with. You know the rules… the male
counterpart, Aldon, reminded him, resignation filling the thought.
Oh yeah, he knew the rules, but so did they.
You were supposed to watch my back, he reminded them. You failed in that. Now release
He refused to allow them to take her memory of him, her memory of their meeting, the small
touches they had shared until now, the need growing between them as hot as the fiercest fire.
You’re not being rational… Cerise thought irritably.
Why was it always irrational when the female didn’t get her way?
He withdrew his dick from the hot, tight clasp of the woman’s body, his stomach tightening as
Bliss’s gaze flew to the wet length, her pupils flaring, the scent of her arousal filling his head like
nothing else ever had.
Release her. Now. His hand went to the dagger strapped to his thigh, his thought clear within
his head. He would not be controlled by the creatures. In all the years of his existence he had
never allowed the one who plagued him to control him and he would be damned if the unwanted
second would do so now.
Very well, the female snarled furiously as she lifted the psychic command from the young
woman, allowing her freedom of movement once again. Bliss turned immediately, flying down the
hallway as he commanded the door to close and secured the room against other prying eyes.
Quickly, his head lowered once again, his teeth piercing the slender neck as he drew more of
the needed, life giving fluid into his mouth, cradling her head in his hand, listening to the beat of
her heart, gauging the amount he needed versus the amount she must have to sustain her.
He lifted his head and carefully licked over the wound as she shuddered in yet another
orgasm, despite the fact that his cock was no longer inside her. She moaned tiredly, exhausted
now, pale from the loss of blood and slack within his arms.
Sighing in resignation, he pulled the tight skirt over her hips, lifted her slender body in his
arms and carried her to the low couch on the other side of the room. Her short, dark brown hair
framed a plump little face that wasn’t exactly beautiful, but pretty all the same.
Straightening, he restored order to his own clothes and strode determinedly to the door. If
Bliss had screamed bloody murder and told everyone what she saw, there would be no proof of it,
but he didn’t really care to have her face the humiliation that would ensue.
She deserves to be embarrassed for watching, the female symbiot inside him snorted rudely.
Shut her up. His thought was directed to his own symbiot, an ages-old male who had once
shown a reasonable amount of common sense.
He could feel the creature’s resignation and the female’s disgust. Just what he needed, a
damned woman speaking inside his head and causing him more trouble than he already had.
I’m not the female you need to worry about, she informed him mockingly. The one who just
ran out on you is the one you should fear. I stopped her for a reason, you stubborn male.
He rolled his eyes as he stalked down the hall. The female symbiot always had a reason. He
just didn’t always agree with it.
Smart-ass, she replied snidely. If you hadn’t been so male, you might have felt it yourself.
She’s host material, baby. You just lost your chance to get rid of my obnoxious self.