Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.
Contains strong language.
No graphic content whatsoever. But includes what might be considered very offensive swear words. Potty mouths. The lot of'em.
It is intended for reader's over the age of eighteen.
This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places, Brand, Media And Incident are either the product of the author's imaginations or are used fictitiously.
Expect errors since this was unedited.
Design Cover By: Kath Medina