
Chapter 4


I felt my heart rate speed up at his closeness. So this is what my life has come to now, first being sold off to a murderer, and now I'd have to be forced into being his sex slave. No, I can't do this; I have to escape somehow.

"Sir, we can't." I began walking backwards as he kept coming closer and closer to me. Suddenly, my back hit a cold, hard wall, and I shut my eyes and was on the verge of crying.

I suddenly felt his cold fingers below my chin. I slowly opened my eyes, and he lifted my face to look up at him. I looked deep into those blue orbs and suddenly felt hypnotized.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think either. His eyes held me still, and I couldn't pull away. We kept staring at each other as though speaking telepathically; I stood there feeling stunned. My limbs had lost their senses, and I could only wonder why his eyes had to look this cold. Beautiful. So beautiful that I... I could just...

"Are you done now?" His cold voice suddenly rang out, and he pulled away, snapping me back to reality. "H-huh!" I snapped, feeling uneasy and a bit mortified.

"If you're done ogling for no reason, there's a box on the table beside you. Bring it along with you. " He suddenly instructed and walked away with a nonchalant expression on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.

I hesitantly pulled my gaze away from his retreating figure and looked to my side to find the box he was talking about. It seemed to be a first aid kit.

I felt like palming myself in the face as I realized that he probably just wanted me to help him with his wound. But then, I have no idea how to take a bullet out. "Um, am I supposed to help take it out?" I asked as gently as possible.

"Just get over here, or you'll be the next person with a bullet stuck inside you." He replied grumpily. I quickly rushed to his side with the box; I knelt beside him on the bed, trembling as I opened the box.

"Leave it; I'll take care of it myself." He said, his voice oddly calmer now as though he had sensed my unease. "Um... Okay." I replied and stood up. I watched him take the bullet out without wincing once, but I knew it must hurt so bad. Just how many times has this man been shot so that he doesn't feel the pain anymore?

*Leon’s POV*

I could sense her hesitation and fear from a quarter-mile radius. She was frightened and bewildered simultaneously; there was a question in her gaze, but her fear kept her from speaking of what it was.

"Tamara," I called, loving how her name rolled off my tongue rhythmically. "Yes, sir."

"First, refer to me as Leon when it's just us, but when nobody is around, you can refer to me as boss. Understood?" I said as calmly as possible, and she nodded robotically, which I found cute.

" Also, you are in my custody as a form of collateral, as you had said earlier, and so for the meantime, you are more or less my maid; I won't treat you as a sex slave because I'm not that type of person. I don't force myself on women unless they give me the green light to. Understood?" I saw how frightened she was earlier when I brought her into my room, so I needed to clear her head on the matter and make her understand her ground here.

"Um...yes si... bo-... Leon?" She stuttered, still feeling uncomfortable around me. I let out a subconscious smile at her cuteness and sent her off

"Now go meet Jake, the blonde-haired- who sat next to the guy who drove us home. He'll direct you to your room. You are to prepare yourself, and when you're done, you wait up until I'm home," I instructed, making sure to let her know how serious I was without scaring her further

"Where are you going?" I was surprised she could talk back. It seems this girl might have some hidden sides to her.

"I'll be leaving soon to see..... a friend." I calmly explained, and she nodded and left in search of Jake. I went into my bathroom and took a cold shower. While bathing, I couldn't get her out of my head. Her every move was burned into my memory, and her words resonated deep within me. 'Tamara,' I whispered into the marble walls, which responded with an echo.

I got out moments later with a towel wrapped around my waist and met Sheila seated on my bed. She tapped her fingers on the bed and looked far into the distance. "I didn't send for you," I said, fixing my hair as I walked over to the dressing table.

"Oh, but you did search for trouble. Leon, am I not enough for you? Why is there a cheap slut in the mansion." She immediately sparked. I gave her a cold glare, and she immediately calmed down like a tame puppy.

"Do I need to remind you, Sheila, that this is my mansion, home, and empire? Now get out of my room." I said without sparing her a glance. She sobbed slightly before getting off my bed and walking over to the door.

"One more thing," I began, and she turned and looked at me. "Her name is Tamara, not a cheap slut. She's here as collateral and nothing else. So if you give her a nickname, I'll find a better one for you." I said to her in a friendly yet warning tone. I noticed the relief in her eyes before she masked it and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry for acting out, Leon; it's just how possessive I am about you. Okay?" I didn't reply to her this time; I looked away and headed for my closet.

A few minutes later, I was out of my room and in the parking lot. I saw Jake headed to my side and slowed down a bit, thinking back to Tamara. Not that she left my mind in the first place."Sir, everything is all ready." Jake informed me.

"The guy?"

"From one of the rival families for sure, still under investigation and undergoing the worst form of punishment."

"The girl."

"In her room and has been assigned as your maid against Miss Sheila's orders." I was shocked by this revelation. When had I instructed her to become my maid?

"And who made her my personal maid?" I asked him.

"Boss, Sean had ordered the girl to be your personal maid since the only other task that could be assigned to her would be for her to be his personal maid," Jake explained.

"And so? She'll be Sean's maid. Inform everyone of that, and tell Sean he cannot decline this offer." I ordered.

"And what if you decide to change your mind later, Leon?" I heard Sean say, and I looked in the other direction to find him striding towards us. I guess he was all ready for the visit.

"I will not be changing my mind; I stand with my word, which you are most aware of, Sean," I said authoritatively. "Sure, I guess I have a personal maid now," Sean said, entering the driver's seat.

I went in, and Jake followed; we immediately drove off, and soon enough, we got to "The friend's" place. It wasn't precisely a friend's place; it was more or less a location. And we were to meet up with one of the most pesky older men in the business. Oh, how I loathed this man. Sigh...

But if things go as smoothly as planned then the old man would be history. If things go as planned.

A few hours later...

"Hey, who the fuck do you think you are! I'm the king in this kind of business we run!" I heard the psychopathic laughter of the 53-year-old chubby man as he stared at me maniacally; I could only smirk at his stupidity. Mr Rankins spent his whole life in the drug business, but that doesn't make him KING.

I sat there, at gunpoint, in a dark room. Was I afraid? Hell no! I see these things almost every day; no gun or man could scare me. It's all child's play now.

"This is supposed to be a fair deal, old man. Haven't you heard of the saying, never bring a gun to a sword fight?” As foolish as he may be, he got closer giving me an open chance to disarm him.

"You little-" I grabbed onto his arm and twisted it until he dropped the gun. His men tried to attack but my men already surrounded them.

"The tables have turned Mr Rankins" I stood up and strodded around him.

"I wanted to sell the drugs to you at such a fair price and you dared to get upset, but now....... I've decided to double the price " I stood behind him and brought out my gun from the back of my pants in a swift motion.

"Tell one of your useless men to get the money or I would have to redesign these walls with your blood," I said in a cold demonic tone that bounced off the dark cold walls.

"You heard him! One of you should get the money!" He yelled.

"I'll be waiting for my money at Club Fenkins. If it's not brought to me before 9...... Warehouse at Singapore goes boom!"I answered him coldly.

"What do you mean? " he finally turned and looked him in the eye. I could see him trembling, his face filled with sweat.

"I knew you are not the type to stick with deals so just in case, I sent some of my men to Singapore who have implanted a bomb in your warehouse there at Finland retreat. "

"But how did-"

"Just like you, I have spies. You foolishly put in your whole supply of cocaine in that factory because your enemy Brian can't go to Singapore. He's... wanted there" A smirk appeared on my lips as he realized how foolish he had been and he thought of going against me. Leon, the crazed high-end drug lord. That was a big mistake.

"The money will be brought," he promised.

"But just in case..." I moved to his pocket and took out his phone and dropped it on the far end floor. My men did the same with his men's phone's, then they all shut every phone there.

I left some of my men to handle the rest and went to the club. As usual, I sat at my favorite side of the club smoking a blunt and enjoying the sound of the loud music. I took a sip of the whiskey in front of me while looking outside the window and into the far distance. Using the opportunity to let thoughts wander.

I heard footsteps coming closer and instantly knew it was my men, I turned to see them coming with one of Mr.Rankins's men and he brought with him a black suitcase.

"Boss we're here" The person who referred to me as boss was my spy on Mr Rankins's team, he dropped the suitcase he held on the table and after ensuring no prying eyes were within the vicinity opened the case to reveal a lot of cash.

"Good job, Well done".

"Thanks, boss"

"You can leave now". I said to him coldly. The rest of my men stayed behind and I called on Sean who stood next to me.

"Yes Leon"

"Kill him”.

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