
Chapter 2


There were times when life seemed almost boring. Almost. Those were the times that I would consider doing a few things to get myself in trouble just for the fun of it. I'd long realized that cops were the funniest people on earth. Always thinking that they were so smart. Then there were other times when life seemed to be so interesting. Of course those were the times when I had scores to settle. Like now for example. There was someone I was going to end very soon if he didn't return the 2 million dollars he'd stolen from me.

I'd just settled a score with some bastard who had thought he could double cross me. I felt my irritation resurfacing as the events of that night played out. I'd been so annoyed by the asshole that I hadn't noticed the brunette standing right outside the door until it had been too late. But she'd definitely noticed me. My hands instinctively fisted on the desk in front of me. I'd made the mistake of leaving my face open while talking to Mike and that mistake had cost me so much.

It didn't help that she'd also somehow managed to outsmart me afterwards. I wasn't exactly familiar with that area, but I still had to give it to her. She had definitely been fast. And taking that bend had been the smartest thing to do even if it hadn't exactly been the safest. A part of me wished she had been apprehended or even killed while she'd been running in that lonely lane. Another part of me wished she'd survived so I could personally deal with her. She was my mistake after all.

The one who got away.

I'd already asked a few guys to search for her, giving them all what I had which was a facial description of her and a few details I was sure of, like the fact that she had been working for Mike. Nothing much but I trusted that they could make do with it. A knock sounded on my office door and Sheila walked in. I listened to the soft click of the door behind her, admiring the gentle sway of her hips. There wasn't a single woman who turned me on as much as Sheila did.

I studied her as she walked further into the room, barely containing my smirk as she played around on her lap with her fingers. Sheila was just the right person to help me take my mind off things. I pushed my seat backwards with the back of my knees, making sure I had my gaze fixed on her. I took steady and confident strides towards her, drawing her to me by her waist so firmly that she was flush against me in the next second.

I tilted her jaw with my pointer finger so I could look into her eyes. She'd put on a touch of smoky makeup, enhancing her natural vixen aura. Before I could blink, she'd tiptoed in her heels and touched her lips to mine. I let her kiss me the way she wanted for a few seconds, reveling in the feel of her soft body against mine. Then I was holding her ponytail harshly and pulling her head backwards to ravish her mouth. I tilted my face, flicking my tongue across her lower lip as she granted me entrance.

My cock hardened the minute our tongues touched. They danced, tangling as we both fought for dominance. I gripped her ass firmly and turned to lift her onto my desk. Her arms locked around my neck as our kiss got even more intense. Somewhere at the back of my head it occurred to me that she hadn't driven the bolt and shut the door properly but I was too gone to give a shit. The sounds of our moans got louder with each second.

My hand flew to keep her jaw in place as I showed her with my tongue exactly what I was going to do to her down there in a few minutes. Her legs lifted as she secured them around my waist. I let out a deep groan once she grabbed my dick through my pants. Soon enough we were both grinding on each other like horny dogs, her eyes practically rolling to the back of her head.

My fingers had barely touched her gown to rip the flimsy thing off of her when a knock sounded on the door. I paused, my instinct already informing me that whatever it was had to be important. Sheila sensed my hesitation and tried to get my attention but I informed her that whatever it was had to be important. I drew away from her, fixing my shirt and trying to at least look presentable. I didn't give a shit what the person on the other side thought but I also knew when to be professional.

I looked at Sheila from the corner of my eyes, catching her incredulous expression as I buttoned my shirt which I hadn't even realized she'd gotten open. "You can't possibly be serious," She stated, her lips forming a shocked 'o'. I understood her surprise, actually. Usually I never put her off whenever we were making out. I'd even fucked her once right in front of someone I was having a business meeting with. I couldn't care less what anyone thought, they weren't so important.

No one was.

"I am." I replied firmly in a tone I was sure would leave no room for any kind of argument. I was a second away from asking her to fix her dress when she gracefully came down from my desk, her intent written all over her face. I knew I should put her off, and ask her to come back later. But I was still a little too excited to not consider taking what she was obviously offering. She stopped just a few inches away from me, her pointer finger coming to draw imaginary patterns on my chest.

Her eyelids lifted as she stared at me. "You sure?" She asked quietly, her voice a bit hoarse. She kept her eyes fixed in mine as her fingers began walking downwards. Slowly but surely until she was dragging her fingers across the skin peeking out of my belt. I felt my cock stir beneath my pants. The woman was a walking time bomb. I should be angry at her audacity but for some reason it was only turning me madly on. She worked at my belt, taking all the time in the world before kneeling to take me in her mouth.

I hissed once her hot lips closed around me, my fingers immediately flying to her hair. I let her get me off, slapping her ass when she was done and asking her to behave herself. Adjusting myself, I took slow strides to the door, twisting the doorknob to find my nephew at the door. I nodded slightly, asking Sean to come in. He nodded in turn, walking in and letting the door close quietly behind him. His eyes immediately flew to where Sheila sat, perched on my seat and I didn't miss the way they darkened in irritation.

I still found his blatant dislike for her amusing. And he wasn't the only one. I walked back to my seat, studying Sheila and wondering if there was anything I was missing. Most of my guys didn't seem to like her that much. I'd even called Sean and asked why, informing him to say whatever he wanted without fear. His only response had been that she wasn't a nice person and he didn't think she was good enough for me.

In his defense, it was something that had crossed my mind once or twice. It was why I wasn't yet ready to bring any kind of permanence to what we had. I shook my head slightly, clearing my thoughts. It was neither the time nor the place. I rounded my desk, lowering myself to my seat and Sheila to my lap. She crossed her arms around my neck and I didn't miss the small smirk she sent to Sean. I wondered, not for the first time, if there was something more to the not so subtle hate they displayed towards.

I wasn't exactly sure why it didn't bother me that much.

"I'm assuming you've got something to tell me?" I finally asked when it seemed he'd forgotten both where he was and why he'd come there. He cleared his throat, his eyes moving from me to Sheila and then back. "We've found her." He stated calmly, a hint of a smirk playing around the corner of his lips. Sean only tried to contain his smirk around me when he knew he had information that was going to make me extremely pleased. I felt a bit of genuine excitement bubbling beneath my veins.


Even though he actually always gave pleasant news whenever I suspected it, I hadn't ever shared my excitement. Until now. "That's not even the best thing." He disclosed, his eyes darting to Sheila once again. I took the hint, asking Sheila to excuse us. She hesitated, obviously displeased that she couldn't hear more of our discussion. I could tell she'd already gotten her claws out after realizing we were talking about a female. Her possessiveness never ceased to amaze me.

Despite not wanting to, she had no choice but to excuse us. I watched her leave, choosing to ignore the slight look of relief on Sean's face once she'd gone out the door. "So what's the best part then?" I asked lazily, acting like I wasn't at all interested in whatever he had to say. He had caught her. The one who had gotten away. Pictures of the different ways I could punish her before ending her life played at the back of my head.

I never let any of my men live once they messed up. Which was why they never messed up. But I had. For the first time ever I'd let a witness to my execution escape the scene alive. I was definitely going to take the extra time in making sure that I erased her so completely that I would never remember that she had even watched me silently behind that door. Sean took a small brown envelope out of the inside of his leather jacket and slid it across the table until it was right in front of me.

I let my gaze slide from the envelope to him and then back. I picked it up, opened it and took out the contents. The first file was a report on the little miss intruder, as I'd started referring to her in my head. I stared at the name. Tamara Miller. "Tamara Miller." I couldn't help but repeat out loud. It wasn't exactly a common name. I loved it. Loved its uniqueness and the mysterious aura that seemed to come with it. Loved the way it sounded when I said it.

I pushed the file aside, staring at the picture of her Sean had managed to find. She'd been walking out of a tiny apartment, her neck turned as she stared backwards as if to make sure that no one was on her trail. I released a deep breath, taking my time to appreciate the picture. She was just as beautiful as she had been that night. Even more. Her brown hair was flying around her face and her green eyes seemed to be a mix of so many emotions. I paused, my eyebrows furrowing.

There was something oddly familiar about those eyes.

Slanting a gaze at Sean, I took a second look at her file, my eyes scanning the paper rapidly until I found the information I was looking for. Twin. She was a twin. I let myself smirk then, already knowing exactly whose twin she was. My eyes fell on the second picture and I felt a wave of annoyance as I stared into the face of the man who had had the guts to trick one of my guys and rob him of my two million dollars.


I didn't want to ask Sean how he'd gotten the information that they were related to each other. It didn't matter. What mattered now was how they were going to be punished. Because it was already set in stone that they weren't going to go free. I let my fingers trace the outline of Tamara's picture. She was truly a beautiful woman. Her name suited her. An exotic name for an exotic female. I stared at her lips, imagining what it would be like to kiss them. To have them wrap around me like Sheila's had been. I imagined what it would be like to have her legs spread apart, eating her out with her hands in my head as she moaned my name.

I felt myself harden.

Maybe I would play around with her for a little bit before I ended her life. Sheila would definitely be against it but I couldn't bring myself to care. "You've outdone yourself this time." I said to Sean, putting the files back into the brown envelope and staring at him. I clasped my hands together on the desk, sitting a little more uprightly. "Do you know where she lives?" I asked.

"Of course." Sean answered, a small grin on his face. I had a wild guess that it was because he'd noted my reaction to Tamara's picture. The bastard was lucky he was literally like a brother to me. It was the reason I let him get away with a few things. I gave him a slight frown at his answer. I didn't expect him to know her location and still not deliver her to me yet.

"What's holding you back then?" I asked calmly.

"You." His voice had gotten a bit more serious, calm even, all traces of the previous excitement completely gone from his expression. He wanted me to make sure that I wasn't making a mistake by wanting to hold her captive or even wanting to end her life. Sean was the only one who knew me so well. He was also the only one who seemed to believe that I still had a bit of conscience left somewhere in me. I wasn't exactly sure why he believed that. He obviously knew what was coming for Tamara Miller the second I'd gotten a hold of her, hence his hesitation.

I managed a small reassuring smile in his direction. One that didn't quite reach my eyes. I was smarter than that. I wasn't getting into any form of trouble anytime soon. Especially not one that I wouldn't be able to undo. "You have nothing to be worried about." I said to him, Aside from the fact that I was going to end the rebellious twins soon enough, but then he didn't need to know that. I pressed my lips together and said the words that I knew were going to spur him on to do what I wanted.

"I need you to get me the girl."

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