


20 minutes later I can hear soft snores from Ace, perfect. I slowly slide myself out of his tight embrace and tiptoe around his room to get my dress and shoes, I quickly throw my clothes back on holding onto my heels so they don't click on the tiles outside, i look around for his pants but I can't find them, I'm wasting too much time he can keep the damn g-string. I find a piece of paper and pen and leave a note saying "Thanks" before I creep out the door of his bedroom.

The hallway is long with little to no lighting, how big is this fucking place? I creep around the apartment trying to find the front door, "What the fuck is this place some dumbass maze" I grumble to myself as I search for an escape, "Something like that" A voice says with amusement from behind me causing me to jump and clasp my hands over my mouth, I turn around and let out a sigh of relief when it wasn't Ace, "Front door?" I ask quietly as the man smiles and nods towards two large doors behind me, "Legend" I reply to him as I speed walk out of the apartment.

I get in the elevator and the doors close descending to the bottom level, I quickly put my shoes on and try to straighten out my clothes and hair before reaching the ground level, I walk through the main foyer and out the front door taking in a deep breath of the crisp Nevada air. I look down at my phone and see its 5 am, "Hmmm what to do now?" I mumble to myself as I begin to walk down the Vegas strip.

I pass a couple of drunk women who were giggling and whispering to one another, "Did you see the hickeys all over her? What a whore" One of them laughs, I stop in my tracks and turn on my heels, "Who are you calling a whore?" I yell out, they turn around to look at me as one of them takes a step towards me. "It's rude and Illegal to listen to other peoples conversations" She pipes up with an ugly sneer on her face, this bitch really must be stupid. I turn my attention to the other two in the back, "It's rude and illegal to walk your dog without a collar and leash on the strip" I say with a playful wink at the woman before me, I turn to walk off when my hair is pulled from behind me causing me to stumble back a few steps, wrong move honey.

I swing my arm back my elbow connecting with her nose, a loud crunch and an ear-piercing scream is head from the beast behind me, I turn around to see her holding her nose in her hands as blood pours down from her nostrils. She swings her fist into my face and I laugh at her pathetic excuse for a punch, well there's no holding back now. I swing my fist into the side of her jaw as another crunch is heard, she yelps and falls to the ground crying, her friends run to her and crowd over her.

"Karma!" I hear an all too familiar voice yell from behind me, I turn around a smile at the man before me holding my hands up infront of me "I didn't do it".


"What's new Ryan?" I ask while trying to get comfortable in the backseat of his car, "Got a few new recruits, I ask that you try to be on your best behaviour tonight. None of your silly tricks or whatever you do little miss" Ryan replies to me from over his shoulder I look in the rearview mirror and see him send me a cheeky smile. "Oh, whatever do you mean sir?" I ask with a shit-eating grin while trying to hold my laughter in. "I mean it Karma, no silly business tonight the new boys don't know their places yet" I shuffle in my seat again, "How about we make a deal?" I say while scooting myself to the edge of the backseat to get closer to him, "You loosen my cuffs and I'll be on my bestest behaviour for your new boys". Ryan begins to laugh at me, I huff and slump back into the seat "We both know you can slip your cuffs so no, I wont loosen them. It doesn't matter anyway we are here" I look out the window and see the large bright sign I see all too often, LAS VEGAS POLICE DEPARTMENT.

Ryan gets out of the drivers seat and walks around to my door like our normal routine to let me out, once I'm out of the backseat I'm walked into booking, we walk through the double sliding doors and down a short hallway, "Ohhhhh I cant wait to see the new recruits, I hope they are eye candy for me" I say in a sing-song tone. We make it to booking and begin the usual process, body searched, fingerprinted, health check-up blah blah blah. "You know the deal Karma, sit in the holding cell, sober up and don't play up. I'll call your brother" Ryan says to me once im checked in properly, "Aye aye captain" I call out and salute him.

My brother always seems to be able to bail me out, i have the money to do it myself but he's told officer Ryan to call him whenever it happens, which is too often according to Stefano. The idiot thinks i don't know what he does, that i actually believe he is a lawyer. No no no, my dear brother is not just a lawyer.

I skip across the waiting room still handcuffed and stop outside the cell. Ryan eventually sends someone over to unlock the door for me. What I'm guessing is one of the new officers walks over to me and unlocks the cell door before motioning for me to walk in and wait for him to lock the door behind me. Once the loud metal clanks together I know I can move to get my handcuffs off, I walk back with my back towards the door until im pressed up against the cold metal, I hear a small click and the blood begins to come back to my hands and fingers, I let out a loud sigh in relief.

"You must be new here," I say in a cheerful tone as I turn around on my heels to look at the new officer, he seems pretty young no older than 25 medium shaggy brown hair bright blue eyes major babyface, "And you must be Karma" He replies, his voice not intimidating either, this shall be fun. "Why are you so happy to be here? You haven't stopped smiling or laughing since you have got here" He asks, I look over to Ryan who is death staring me from across the room.

"It's fun and I have nothing better to be doing right now, plus the handcuff thing and being handled rough is kinda a kink for me" I say with a wink at the end, "You are in really bad shape upstairs sweetheart" He says while leaning against the cell bars, I walk over a little closer so I'm now face to face with him I bring my hands up to the bars and wrap my hands around them. "Step away from the bars prisoner" He emphasizes the word prisoner at the end, "What these bars?" I ask while slowly pushing my body up against them, "Listen you're a whole lotta pretty and a whole lotta crazy, but when I say get off the bars prisoner I mean get off the bars or I will make you" He replies in awhat he probably thinks is a threatening tone while his hand moves to his taser.

"You gonna come in here and tell me that?... Or are you too scared?... Come on im borreedd play with me" I say with a pout still holding onto the cell bars, Ryan begins to walk over towards us and I put on a big fake smile for his arrival, "Apparently you have injured multiple staff in here in your previous visits, no one's going to play with you sweetheart, you sleep on a concrete bench" The new officer says as he points to the concrete bench behind me, Ryan gets closer and closer towards us, I don't bother replying until he is within ears shot of us "Listen here..." I begin, I squint my eyes and lean forward to read his name tag, "Officer Richard... I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want" By this time Ryan is standing infront of me with anger apparent on his face.

"What you said no silly business? I'm just having a friendly conversation with Officer Dick" I say motioning my hand towards the new officer, "It's officer Richard" He snaps at me, I turn my face to him and smile at him "Richards just another name for dick, Officer Dick" I look back at Ryan who is trying to contain a laugh, he clears his throat hoping to pass it off before he speaks to me. "Let's go karma your brother's here to pick you up," Ryan says while twirling his finger in the air to tell me to turn around, I turn around and he puts the cuffs back on before letting me out of my cage.

"Wait he's here? What the fuck is he doing here? Asshole can come here to yell at me but can ignore me for fucking months" I ask looking over my shoulder as Ryan tightens my restraints. "Just following orders" He mumbles as he slips the key back into his pocket.

"It was nice meeting you Officer Dick! I'm sure I'll see you reallll soon sweetheart!" I call out from over my shoulder as Ryan walks me towards the releases, we pass through a set of doors and I burst out laughing, "Hahaha Officer Dick, I should come back more just to see him, I think I might be a favourite of his" Ryan shakes his head and lets out a loud sigh as he opens the last set of double doors when the doors open I see my brother standing there talking to one of the front desk officers. I look over my shoulder while Ryan unlocks my handcuffs from behind my back and I shake my hands and wrists to get the feeling back in them.

"I'm going to get your piercings and property I'll be back in a few minutes" And just like that Ryan abandons me. While standing awkwardly to the side of the room waiting for either my brother or Ryan to come over and set me free like a little bird I see a man approach me. "Aye, what's your name mami?" He asks, a thick spanish accent comes from his mouth and it takes all of me not to jump his bones, "Ohhhh Spanish, how exotic" I say while twirling my hair around my finger and batting my eyelashes, "I'm aurora" I say while holding out my hand to shake his.

"Aurora hmm? I like the way it rolls of my tongue, but i know something better to roll of my tongue" he replies while licking his bottom lip, I look over the fine specimen standing before me, he towers over me but that's not hard considering im the size of a 5-year-old. He's covered in tattoos a majjjjjoooorrr turn on for me, a few sneaky piercings, a thick chain around his neck, bight green eyes and a clean haircut. "Mmm yum" I say to myself out loud, I'm too busy eye fucking this beautiful man infront of me to notice my brother had been standing beside me for the last 30 seconds.

"Karma stop telling people that's your name, let's go we will talk in the car" My brother says harshly while gripping tightly onto my wirst, "What about my stuff?" I whine while trying to shake my wrist free, "I've got it here, lets go NOW. And you, talk to my sister again and I'll cut off your head and send it to your mother and grandmother, si?". He doesn't give the man a chance to reply before he's pulling me out of the police station and towards the underground carpark.

I'm dragged down to the carpark by my brother, he almost rips his car door off opening it for me, he doesn't even have to speak I know its best if I just get in and shut up. He slams the door after me and marches around to the drivers door, I can hear him swearing in Italian as he walks around before he gets in I shut my eyes quickly and say a prayer for myself. He gets in and doesn't say a word, starts the engine and peels out of the parking lot before finally turning his attention to me, "For fuck's sake Karma, why can't you just stay out of trouble?! Why is it so hard for you to just fucking act like a adult person for once, I can't keep bailing you out of shit like that" He yells while keeping his eyes on the road as he swerves in and out of traffic.

"She hit me first what am I supposed to do? Just sit there and take it like a bitch? You didn't raise me to be no bitch! You always told me to wait until they hit first then I can go all crazy on their ass. Why tell me to do something just to get mad at me for fucking doing it" I yell at him, he smacks his hands down on the steering wheel hard causing me to jump in my seat.

 "You broke her nose and her jaw, you wont even have a bruise" I slump back in the seat and huff. "Jesus christ sometimes I just want to kill you" He yells out again, I sit up in my seat the alcohol kicking back in and giving me confidence "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me! You love you asshole, you can't kill me!".

Suddenly he slams on the breaks and turns around to me, I look out the windows and see we are at another underground parking lot "I do love you Karma and that's why im doing this. If I can't trust you to not fuck up all the time then you're going to stay with me and my friends. Your shit's already been moved and your place is up for sale, welcome to your new home little sis." He turns around in his seat and scans a card then presses this thumb to a fingerprint scanner yeah not obvious at all 'big bro'. 

The gate opens and he drives through, I don't know how many levels of parking we have driven up but im dizzy as fuck by the end of it, on the final floor he scans his card again and then enters a code into one final machine that unlocks the top level of the carpark, soon enough the car comes to a stop and I crawl out onto the floor, "Oh thank god it's over, I'm alive" I say while trying to steady my feet on the solid non moving ground.

We make our way to the elevator when im met by the same man that showed me out of the apartment last night, what the fuck's going on here?

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