


After Brian left, my parents couldn't stop praising him, but in very different ways. Dad's compliments were more understated and respectful, while mom seemed to have some questionable ideas about using him to get more money so we could survive the upcoming tough times.

Whenever they mentioned Brian, it felt like they were on the verge of discovering my secret. During the extended period he stayed with us, which was much longer than his initial visit, my stomach was in knots, wondering if his offer to help me financially was a way of acknowledging what I had done and trying to rescue me from having to resort to sleeping with strangers.

Tired of their repetitive conversations and tired of torturing myself with endless speculation, I swiftly left the dinner table and collapsed onto my bed, burying my face in the pillow. I let out a groan, completely exhausted after a difficult day, knowing that I still had to discuss my new relationship status with my parents.

I had no clue how my parents would react, but I was hoping Mom would at least give her approval. It seemed like she was ridiculously desperate for me to charm some wealthy, spoiled person from our past life before we went bankrupt. And now that Sean had offered to help us keep our secrets hidden, she would be more than eager to welcome him into the family.

My phone buzzed, signaling a notification. I realized it must be Sean. Ever since he dropped me off, he had been texting me nonstop, sharing important information he thought was worth knowing. He informed me about a family dinner a few days before his parents' anniversary party, where he was planning to introduce me as his girlfriend to them.

To be honest, I was nervously overwhelmed by this whole arrangement. I had no idea if we could actually pull it off. Deceiving his clueless friends was one thing, but convincing his parents of our fake relationship was a whole different challenge. We had to coordinate every little detail to ensure our stories matched up. And let's not forget his sister, Coraline, who would most likely make this trial even harder for me.

After quickly skimming through all the texts, I responded to Sean with a thumbs-up emoji, too exhausted to type out a full message. He replied within seconds.

Sean: Oh, and one more thing!

Sean: You should definitely delete that escorting app. I don't mean to be rude, but you don't need it anymore.

Sean: And neither do I.

I let out a sigh. He was absolutely right. Now that he was supporting me financially for college and other expenses, it would be foolish to continue engaging in meaningless encounters with strangers.

A significant part of me felt a genuine sense of relief. Truth be told, I never truly enjoyed those experiences, except with Brian. That night with him went beyond mere physicality. I couldn't speak for him, but for me, it was something that lingered in my thoughts. Today, as he spoke to my dad, occasionally stealing glances at me, a fiery desire consumed me. Desperation coursed through every inch of my being, and all I could think about was finding some silly excuse to take him to my room and relive that passionate night, with the lights turned off.

But deep down, I knew it was unlikely he would reach out again.

Perhaps that one night was all he wanted—a momentary distraction. Or maybe he had found someone else to fulfill his needs. He was an attractive man, after all. Many girls in our social circle had developed crushes on him for the same reason as I did. However, we did share one common bond: the pain of losing Valarie.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I composed a text message to Sean.

Ava: Will do. Thanks for your support.

Sean: No need to thank me. Just try not to overanalyze everything. That's all I'm asking.

Ava: I'll do my best. I promise.

Sean: Is this your subtle way of saying "I'll impress you with my acting skills?"

I chuckled.

Ava: Honestly, I'm more concerned about yours. I never pegged you as the dramatic type.

Sean: You thought right. I'm not a fan of theater.

Sean: The last movie I watched was Home Alone, and that was only because my mom thought I needed more Christmas spirit.

A smile spread across my face. Maybe this situation wouldn't be so terrible after all.

* * *

This felt like some absurd, ridiculous dream. Why did I put myself in this situation? I had a way out, an escape route. I should have taken it. But when my phone lit up with a new request from the escorting app, I couldn't resist the racing beat of my heart.

Brian had reached out. He wanted to see Sonia (that's me), and he was even willing to pay double for the urgency. The only catch: I had to meet him at his penthouse apartment.

I knew exactly where it was. I knew it was his place. What didn't make sense and flooded me with doubts instead of reassurance was the fact that he wanted to meet at his home. That penthouse practically belonged to him. I knew for sure he had moved there after Valerie's passing. However, I wasn't certain if he lived alone or with his son, Kian.

And that's one more reason why my stomach twisted into knots and my palms grew sweaty. He must have figured out it was me that night. Why else would he invite an escort to his home? It didn't make sense. It wasn't like him at all, especially with Kian around. He wouldn't risk being caught with a stranger, would he? Or was I overthinking everything?

There was only one way to find out.

I flexed my fingers as I stepped out of the elevator, trying to shake off the unease that tingled in my fingertips. Before leaving my room, I made sure to grab a face mask (thanks COVID), just in case it was all in my head and he hadn't discovered anything.

I pressed the doorbell and stood there, waiting with anticipation, trying to steady my breathing and calm the pounding in my chest.

After what felt like only half a minute, I heard the click of the door unlocking, and darkness greeted me as it swung open. A rush of warmth and familiarity coursed through me, causing my heart to flutter wildly against my ribs. I could barely make out anything inside the apartment, as it appeared to be shrouded in darkness.

Did he...?

"Come on in," Brian's voice reached my ears, and my heart soared before accelerating even faster.

I exhaled deeply through my mouth and gave him a nod, although I wasn't sure if he could even see me, aside from the silhouette of a woman with the hallway lights casting a glow behind me.

I took a step inside, my heart thumping in my throat. My palms were not only sweaty but also itchy, and I rubbed them against my skirt, scolding myself to calm down. I had no idea what to expect from this point forward. Was I exposed? Or was this...

The door closed behind me with a soft click, and it hit me a little too late that Brian was standing right behind me.

I sucked in a sharp breath, nervously biting my bottom lip, contemplating whether this was the right moment to speak up. Thank goodness I still had my face mask on. If he hadn't recognized me thus far, it was best not to give him any chances either.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I sensed his presence looming behind me. His warm breath felt too close against the skin on my shoulder, as if he had leaned in to inhale my scent.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice," his deep voice was both alluring and tantalizingly close to my ear. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, reminding myself to breathe.

"No problem. How... how have you been?" I managed to stammer out.

How have you been? Really? Did you forget your place? You're just a damn escort to him, nothing more!

Despite the cringe-inducing realization that left me awkwardly silent for a moment too long, my heart eased when he took the time to respond.

"It's been pretty fucked-up, to be honest. That's all I can say," he murmured with a heavy sigh. Instantly, a wave of sympathy washed over me.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I replied, genuinely meaning the words.

Brian seemed to notice the handbag I was carrying, and before I could object, he took care of it. He then resumed his position behind me, gently pushing my hair to one side of my shoulder.

I tried my best not to tremble each time he touched me. It was difficult to deny the effect he had on me, but I reminded myself to stay focused and composed.

Interlocking his fingers with mine, Brian led me further into the room.

"Once again, I hope you don't mind the lack of visibility," he said, and a soft smile formed on my lips. Little did he know that his one and only condition, no lights, actually worked in my favor. If he were to discover my true identity as his late daughter's best friend, it would crush me inside. But as they say, ignorance is bliss. As long as he remained unaware of the truth, I wouldn't feel like I was betraying my dear departed friend.

As if you're not already!

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to pay attention to where he was leading us. I had been in this penthouse when Valerie was still alive and vibrant, so I should have had the floor plan ingrained in my memory. However, the thick darkness that engulfed the entire penthouse made it challenging to be certain if I still did. I had no choice but to rely on Brian to guide us through this maze of darkness. It felt magnetic, as if I could sense a pull from every direction, imagining how it would feel to be taken by him on every flat surface of his residence.

It didn't take long before the soft city lights filtered through the floor-to-ceiling window to my right, casting a gentle glow that lessened the thickness of the darkness. I could now make out the outlines of a few objects, which was more than I had hoped for.

Since we hadn't taken the stairs, it was clear that we weren't heading to any of the bedrooms, especially not his. As I felt the softness of the plush rug beneath my feet, I grew more confident in my assumption of where he was taking me.

The living room. That would explain the presence of the large window.

Brian caught me off guard as he tightened his grip on my hand before coming to a stop. I could discern the shape of the C-shaped couch. I remembered it being cozy and coffee-brown. Inside, a mix of excitement and nervousness fluttered in my chest and stomach. I had no idea what to expect as he sat down on the couch and pulled me towards him with a gentle force.

I stumbled, almost falling onto him, just as I had during our first encounter. It seemed to be something he enjoyed, catching me before the fall. Was there some hidden significance behind it, or was it just a coincidence?

I didn't have much time to ponder over it. In a matter of seconds, Brian had settled me on his lap. His strong arms wrapped around my small waist as our chests pressed together, and his lips found the sensitive curve of my neck.

He kissed me with intensity, leaving me breathless and struggling to gather my thoughts. The proximity to him erased everything else from my mind. All that mattered was him. The gentle brush of his desirable lips against mine, the firmness of his muscles beneath his touch, and the undeniable hardness pressing against me.

"I should give you fair warning, Sonia. This won't be gentle," he cautioned, his deep voice tinged with restrained tension. With deliberate care, he slid off my top and unclasped my bra, his kisses trailing along my neck, shoulders, and any exposed skin he could reach.

It was time to fully embody Sonia. He was expecting her.

I removed the mask and tossed it over my shoulder.

"I can handle it," I said, grabbing his strong jaw and playfully whispering into his ear. My finger traced along the curve of his chin, relishing the roughness of his stubble against my touch. It sent a jolt straight to my core.

I clenched, barely holding back the moan that threatened to escape my throat. "As long as it pleases you, Mr. Reinhold. Don't hold back. Give me your roughness, give it to me with force."

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