

Initially, Heather thought she had misheard Sabrina about her plan to file for divorce. She narrowed her eyes at Sabrina Hart and studied her expressions, but she couldn’t decipher what was inside her best friend’s head. Although Sabrina’s tone was calm when she talked about it, she didn’t look serious about the divorce.

“Are you serious about this Sabrina?”

“Of course! Before leaving home, I already decided to divorce Kenneth,” she replied. “Hmmm, can you help me find the divorce agreement? I remembered putting it into my suitcase before leaving,” she added.

“My god, you are really serious!” Heather exclaimed with excitement that finally, Sabrina realized her mistake of marrying that bastard. She was nearly overcome with emotion. “I’m glad you are going to do it now,” she said.

“I should have done it a few months after the marriage,” Sabrina said but she didn’t want to explain further the horrible details of her marriage. She suffered enough under the hands of Kenneth McBride, and right now, she just wanted to forget about her stupidity.

Actually, Heather had been thinking about it for the past three years but she had reservations about Sabrina’s marriage to Kenneth McBride from the start. She had been friends with Sabrina for over twenty years but Heather was powerless to persuade Sabrina into divorcing Kenneth. For three years, she had been looking forward to the day when her best friend would come to her senses.

“I am ready now. My heart is ready to let him go forever,” she told Heather.

“Found it!” Heather exclaimed as soon as she found the document for Sabrina’s petition. Then, she started reading it, and her nostrils flared in anger. “When did you draft this? My God Sabrina, how did you endure everything? The bastard was having too much fun! Are you sure that you don’t want anything from the bastard?” Heather asked in disbelief because as per the document, Sabrina didn’t want anything but just a divorce!

Sabrina smirked and replied, “I don’t want anything from that household. I just want a divorce, that’s all. Wait, do I have sufficient funds?” She asked Heather while taking back the document.

For a moment, Heather stared at Sabrina Hart and laughed. Because why not? She found it funny when Sabrina was worried about her finances, when in fact, the woman was the only daughter of Brandon Hart.

Brandon Hart was a self-made billionaire who married Margaret King, a very popular actress during her time under the screen name of Angel Fox. Margaret quit her acting career when she was pregnant with Sabrina, and later on, she helped her husband in their business. Together, the couple made Stardust Corporation the number one logistics company in the country. In short, Sabrina Hart belonged to a wealthy family, contrary to the rumours that she was nothing compared to Isabelle Ortega.

“To the court now!” Heather shouted while they were inside the car but when she glanced at Sabrina, she immediately clamped her mouth shut. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Of course not! However, before going to court, let’s visit Skyline University first,” Sabrina said while imagining her husband’s reaction to seeing her again. She was positive that Kenneth was currently at university around this time.

“Wow!” Heather was ecstatic at the prospect of Sabrina’s divorce. She would be driving like a daredevil if it hadn’t been for the traffic jam during the day.

An hour later, Heather parked her car in the designated parking area of the famous university in Azura. Sabrina took a deep breath to relax her nerves. “I can do this,” she mumbled to herself but Heather probably heard her, and then she looked around the campus.

Male students wore thickly striped cotton trousers that reached just above their ankles and revealed their maroon shoes. Sepia-coloured and crisscrossed shocks completed their look. A ghost-white, short-sleeved shirt hung haphazardly over their trousers, which were covered by a standard jacket. Then, a thinly striped maroon and sepia tie was tucked in the middle of their rarely buttoned-up jacket.

Whereas the female students wore maroon bubble skirts. They were paired with sepia-coloured dotted socks and maroon-coloured toe cap shoes. Just like the male students, they wore a short-sleeved shirts and were covered by a charming jacket. They, too, wore a tie that ran down the centre of their frequently unbuttoned jackets and was gingerly dotted in the same colour.

All jackets have a line around the entire edge in the school colour, and while not required, many students wore school-coloured accessories, usually to incorporate some of their own identity into the standard uniform. For a moment, she missed being a student at Skyline University.

“Always remember to be calm and quick,” Heather reminded Sabrina.

“Trust me,” she replied to Heather who looked so worried at the moment. “Don’t be alarmed, my friend. Kenneth wouldn’t harm me inside the building,” she assured Heather that she would be just fine. Over the last three years, she had been a pushover, and Kenneth took advantage of her great love for him. However, she already had enough!

“Call me whenever there’s a problem!”


Sabrina sighed deeply as soon as she got out of Heather’s car, and carefully walked towards the lobby where several elevators were placed. The guard frowned his forehead upon seeing her and for a moment she became nervous. Fortunately, the receptionist and the guard didn’t stop her!

She tapped her foot while standing in front of the elevator and waited patiently. Although there was an exclusive elevator for the family, she didn’t dare to use it. Since she’s planning to divorce her husband, she shouldn’t use anything related to Kenneth. Earlier, several employees who recognized her as Kenneth’s wife have greeted her politely. She would normally smile and respond, but today was not the day to be nice. Her patience had run out, so she kept on frowning while waiting for the elevator.

Kenneth’s office was located on the fifth floor of the building. Upon hearing the beep that she was already on the fifth floor, Sabrina stepped out of the elevator and sashayed her hips towards her husband’s office. The sound of her heels clicking on the tiled floor was the only sound she could hear after she got out of the elevator. She tried to be cool, but nervousness slowly crept inside her heart, and she was worried. The glass door bore the school’s logo and Kenneth’s name. Nervously, she pushed the glass door and Tiffany Page, Kenneth’s secretary immediately greeted her.

Sabrina wrinkled her nose as soon as the vanilla-scented perfume of Tiffany reached her nose. It was the woman’s signature fragrance, and Tiffany has been wearing it ever since. The secretary was not so pretty but she was cute, and efficient for the job.

“Hello Tiffany, is your boss here?”

“Yes, Madame. I will let him know you are here,” Tiffany said before punching the number that would connect her to Kenneth. “Miss Sabrina Hart is here, sir,” she informed Kenneth about the visitor with no appointment.

“Send her in,” Kenneth said on the other line before hanging up.

Sabrina watched as Tiffany returned the phone’s receiver, and then the secretary’s attention was on her. Initially, she expected that Kenneth wouldn’t meet her. “What did he say?” She asked Tiffany.

“You can go inside his office, Ma’am.”

She thanked Tiffany for being kind, and then she was heading toward his office. The wooden door panel looked elegant, but she couldn’t keep on pretending to be nice. She kicked the door open and her husband was shocked to see her being rude and unsophisticated.

Kenneth narrowed his eyes at Sabrina while playing with his favourite pen and asked, “Did you really have to kick the door?”

Sabrina approached the desk and placed the divorce agreement she had signed on the table in front of him. “I don’t have time to be nice to you right now, Kenneth,” she responded before handing him the divorce document.

“A petition for divorce?”

“Why do you look so surprised? I already told you that I want a divorce, didn’t I? Anyway, kindly sign the documents, and I’ll see you in court tomorrow at nine.” She also signed the document in front of him, and then she turned her back and strolled towards the door.

“Sabrina, wait!” Kenneth tried to stop his wife from leaving, but Sabrina refused to listen to him and left without any hesitation.

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