A straightforward moniker like "The Club" was all that was required to recognise it. This sprawling plantation house, which was about a mile away from the main road, evoked the style of homes found in the American South. Although it is not particularly convenient to get to, the location is not overly difficult to find.
The stone wall that encircled the four acres of land enclosed it, and a watchman was stationed in a guard shack that was located close to the iron gates. The towering oak trees that surrounded the house gave off an air of refined wealth, which was contributed in no small part by the house itself.
As Lucian drove into the concealed parking lot, he quickly surveyed the assortment of vehicles that were already parked there. Despite having customers from all over the world, the club managed to maintain its warm and welcoming atmosphere. It was an exclusive club, and only a select few were permitted to step foot inside. You needed more than just money, connections, or a good name to be invited to join The Club. This was one of the requirements. It was a method of existence.
"Greetings, Mr. Conover, and have a pleasant evening." The butler and peacemaker, Matthew Harding, made room for him to enter by moving to the side. Could I borrow your coat, please, Mr., and thank you in advance?
He was not your typical servant acting in that capacity. Lucian could not fathom Matthew giving a hoot about any of the influential families he had encountered in his life. Because of his height and his extensive experience, the former member of Special Forces was an attractive candidate for employment with any security company. Instead, he made the decision to work as the butler and chief of security at the mansion that serves as the gathering place for The Club. Matthew frequently remarked that the perks were even better than the salary, which was already quite respectable. Matthew was referring to the benefits that came with the position.
I appreciate it. "
I appreciate it, Matthew. It looks like we'll have no problem filling up the space tonight. The sounds of people laughing at a raised volume could be heard coming from the main room.
In addition to having a good number of our regular customers present, we also have a good number of customers who have travelled here from other areas. Matthew hung up the leather jacket on a hook on the opposite side of the room. It appears that we will have a complete house for the foreseeable future.
The Club ensured the plantation's upkeep so that its members could travel from great distances to enjoy the grounds. It was not necessary to have a hotel in the area in order to conduct business there. The three floors of the mansion contained a total of twelve bedrooms, in addition to a chef and housekeepers. A trust that was established nearly twenty years ago by the private club's founder is responsible for the majority of the day-to-day management of the organisation. A portion of the astronomically high membership dues went towards covering the organization's overhead expenses.
When exactly is Devril going to show up if she hasn't done so already? Lucian questioned while they were making their way to the main hall.
That's fantastic news as soon as Mr. Devril makes his appearance. The eyes of Matthew, which were light blue, twinkled with a grin of amusement. "Before he came here, I think he was picking up Miss Hampstead from the airport," you might say. "But now he's here."
Alyssa Hampstead was one of the very few individuals who were given permission to join the team as a replacement. She had icy hazel eyes and a delicate disposition, and she inherited a fortune. The Club was filled with people who were eager to take on the challenge of getting her worked up.
Lucian walked into the main room, which was a vast ballroom that had been remodelled to cater to the requirements of The Club and stocked with amenities for the members' enjoyment. The area featured a bar at one end, and the rest of it was decked out with leather sofas, chairs, and cosy nooks for conversation and unwinding. He was greeted by a high-pitched scream that conveyed both pleasure and pain.
There was a lull in the conversation while he turned his attention to a couple that was passing by. Sax Brogan was in the throes of ecstasy as his thick cock was being used to spear the arse of a petite redhead, and he had his head shaved back in anticipation. The complexion of the large man, which was more of a dark chocolate colour, stood in stark contrast to the milky fairness of the woman. Sax grabbed hold of her thin waist and hoisted her into the air before placing her carefully on the rigid shaft between her legs in a foetal position.
Lucian watched as her lips parted in excitement as her bleary blue-green eyes stared back at him. He was astonished. Her breasts were puffed out, and the nipples of her piercings proudly stuck out from beneath them. Her cheeks were flushed with red.
Her privates had been waxed or shaved to achieve a smooth appearance. Some of the women who frequented the establishment came there specifically for the waxing services, which some of them found to be a pleasurable form of painful stimulation. In other words, some of the women found waxing to be an enjoyable form of painful stimulation. Her cream clouded over the teeny-tiny pustule and shone brightly on top of it. Her clit was swollen, and as she frantically massaged the tender lump with her fingers, she showed no sign of relief.
The woman's age was quite a bit lower than the average of the other ladies in the group. She was barely twenty-four years old and the daughter of a staid and stuffy Senator who would have had a heart attack if he ever thought that his perfect little girl was a member of a club that catered to sexually dominant males. She was a member of a club that catered to sexually dominant males when she was barely twenty-four years old.
The saxophonist responded by saying, "F*ck me, Sax." She was climbing the thick pole slowly while leaning her head against Sax's shoulder as she was overcome with lust. I beg you, f*ck me even more. Now. Now, if you please
Sax moaned in her ear from behind her. No matter what she said, we all knew that she did not enjoy the quick pace at all. She even admitted as much. She enjoyed the fact that she was sexually delayed because it gave her the opportunity to test her self-control and compelled her to overcome the inhibitions she had developed over time.
Before Sax had finished with her, she was grovelling on her knees and pleading with him. Because there were so many windows in the room, her screams could be heard throughout the entire space whenever she attempted to flee.
The mere act of seeing it did nothing to improve Lucian's swagger. Her sensitive pussy had expanded and opened up like a flower, dripping with excitement as it turned red and swelled up. Unfuckable. She had mentioned that this was one of the few prerequisites for joining the group. It would appear that the woman's pussy will continue to be impenetrable for the time being.
A young lady who has never engaged in sexual activity in her life, but she still has a dick up her keister. This fact never ceased to amaze Lucian throughout his entire life.
After shaking his head in disbelief at the sight, he walked away and went to the lengthy bar in search of a strong drink. He wasn't interested in any of the beautiful and lustful women that were there, and Tally's actions had made him far too angry to even consider fucking tonight. He had almost made up his mind that Tally would be the one to deal with the monster that he could now feel pulsating in his trousers, as Tally was the one who was responsible for creating the monster in the first place.
In the sense of "Hey, Lucian," He was greeted with a warm smile by Thom Briner, who worked behind the bar.
There was absolutely nothing about Thom that was appealing. He stood at a height of approximately six feet, and he had a full head of dark brown hair that he wore in a ponytail. His eyes were a dark brown colour. The scars on his face and the colour of his eyes gave him a sinister appearance. However, he could always be counted on to be trustworthy and loyal, both of which were necessary qualities for the position that he held.
"Thom, give me a shot of whisky," the customer requested. Lucian heaved a sigh and made an effort to ignore the little redhead as she gasped from the other side of the room. He reasoned that perhaps Tally wouldn't give up so quickly and easily. The next sound that came from him was a grunt. There is no way that anything involving Tally could possibly be straightforward.
As the sound of another woman crying reached them, Thom made the observation, "Sax is going to have a hell of a time pushing her over." She hasn't even come close to reaching her limit after he's been fucking her for almost a quarter of an hour.
The tone of Thom's voice contained a hint of compassion for the situation. Lucian let out a sigh and shook his head in response. Red's morally upstanding father insisted that she continue to be a virgin by ordering that she go through with periodic virginity checks. It was said that the vast estate that her mother had left her upon her death would completely revert back to her father on the day that she appeared in public without the benefit of her virginity or a marriage licence that had been approved by her father. Lucian had a feeling that there was more going on than what was being revealed.
He looked back at the two of them briefly before continuing on.
“No. No. She wailed out in excruciating pain, "Not yet," as Sax pushed her bottom forcefully and began to shudder with relief. However, it was fortunate for her that he continued his advances towards her.
Lucian drained his glass of whisky in one swift gulp and then slammed it down on the bar in preparation to place another drink order. When he looked at the other woman, he couldn't help but see Tally in her place. She became flushed and her thighs spread as his cock wriggled up her pussy or into the tight confines of her ass. This caused her ass to expand. Her long, dark hair was dripping wet with sweat all over it. He was bracing himself for her shrill cries of broken lust, which would sound like pleading and begging.
He is entirely to blame for this situation. Devril had been patiently waiting for him to make the first move for a number of months. Lucian, their older brother, had a bit more patience than their twin brother, Devril, who was born two years later. He was very irritated that Lucian was going about the process of putting Tally through her paces in such a leisurely manner. As soon as she began working for Jesse Wyman, they began considering the possibility of adopting her as one of their own brothers. Tally would have to stay with each of her brothers for more than just one or two nights at a time. The challenge consisted in inviting people from outside her world into her own. Due to the connection between them, Lucian and Devril could not have gone their separate ways in that manner. Because she was human, Devril yearned for the same things that Lucian did.
Devril, just like Lucian, had a soft spot for all the lovable things in the world. They were developing unhealthy levels of attachment to Tally Raines, who was not only clever but also risky.
Lucian could feel the impatience of Devril beating in his chest like a heartbeat. It was as if the two of them together made up one complete unit. What had its beginnings at a young age, when they were separated physically, became more ingrained in them as they entered adolescence and adulthood. It was as if the inherent connection that twins share had been amplified, strengthened, to the point where they could feel each other's pain and joy, and even read each other's minds. This was the case because the twins shared an identical mother and father.
Throughout their entire adolescence, when they were focused on developing their own identities, they actively resisted and denied the existence of this fact. When they were younger, they did not agree with it, but by the time they were adults, they had become accustomed to it.
In the sense of "Hey, Lucian," When Devril sat down next to him, his dark face mirrored the tension that was going on inside of him, and his dark green eyes showed concern.
Lucian responded by cocking his head in response to this. Indeed, as different from one another as night and day. Devril was the personification of depravity and lust, and she had dark hair. His features were not beautiful in the conventional sense; rather, they were rugged and fierce. Identical facial features to those of Lucian, with the exception that her hair and eyes are a nearly pure and vivid shade of blond.
The amount of time and effort she can put into this is finite. Lucian let out a sigh as he contemplated the likelihood of Devril picking up on his reference to Tally. The following day, I'll get started on it.
While she waited, Devril's muscles became tense and rigid. In the sense of, "What would you like me to do?"
Despite the fact that the drink was making Lucian's throat hurt, he drank it all the same. Make sure you're ready. I'm having a hard time keeping my composure right now, man. I don't mean it in a nice way when I say "I'm ready to paddle her ass," but I really do mean it when I say it.
The dark brows that framed Devril's eyes furrowed in surprise, and he smiled in a mischievous manner afterward. "As long as I get to help," he laughed. "As long as I get to help." Maintain her sense of wonder and keep her on the edge of her seat. I'll be here to distract you while you focus on something else. We are not going to stop trying to help her just yet.
When questioned, Lucian responded with a grunt. To make matters even worse, she might be the one to bring all of us to our knees. It's almost as if the noun "obstinate" ought to be her middle name. But we'll just have to watch and see what happens.
Behind them, Red could be heard letting out a piercing scream of relief. Lucian whirled around to see Sax ploughing deep and hard up her ass with his fingers tucked between her thighs, milking her swollen clit as she exploded. Sax's actions caused Lucian to whirl around. Now that he had her over, he was able to re-fill her ass with his release, which he did with a smirk of pleasure on his face.
Lucian let out a long, heavy sigh before turning around. Were only Tally as straightforward to work with.