

Echoes of the Past

“Ranya,” Vivian called impatiently. “I’m sorry, but I can’t refuse. Yang proposed to me, and you expect me to turn him down?”

“Vivian, please,” Ranya begged, holding her wrist pleadingly. “I promised I would be so good to you. I would take over Father’s company if that would make you stay. You can’t leave me.”

“And to think you thought I was leaving you because you were still struggling is annoying. I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to see it in the news. I love Yang, and I’m marrying him!”

Her voice echoed in his head, especially the last word. Now she’s back, and he’s still hopelessly in love with her. The reason he couldn’t move on or open his heart to another was because of her. She had returned, making many promises never to leave.

A slight knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. He turned slightly towards his secretary, who silently walked in and dropped a file on the table.

“The prime minister booked an appointment, sir,” she announced, stepping back after dropping the file.

“Why?” Ranya asked, not turning his face away from the transparent wall of his office. The night view of Texas sparked numerous thoughts in his mind. “Did he mention the purpose of our meeting?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied curtly. “He said to take up a case he’s involved in.”

“Did you send him the payment criteria?”

“No,” she responded, her voice tinged with a hint of fear. “Why?”

“Why are you leaving out that part? We always inform every client of that information," he demanded. “Explain.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she apologized, bowing slightly. “I didn’t because he’s your father, and...”

“And you assume I will render my service to him for free?” Ranya interrupted, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Answer me, Valerie.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she begged, bowing repeatedly. “I’m sorry, sir. I will put a call across to him and inform...”

“Cancel the appointment,” he ordered, turning his face back to the view. He would be meeting Vivian soon, and he wanted to avoid getting annoyed or upset. Any hint of emotion could ruin his day, and seeing his father was the last thing he wanted.

“What... I mean, sir?”

“Valerie, get out of my office and do as you’re told.”

“Yes, sir,” she answered, turning to leave, but his voice made her stop and turn.

“The lady, the last one who left here some hours ago... What was her reaction when she left?”

Damn it! He had been curious. Extremely curious after Calista left. Her blank expression stirred emotions he couldn’t quite grasp. Asking Valerie was out of place, but he needed to know if Calista bottled her feelings only in his presence or if she displayed emotions while walking away. So, he had to find out. What bothered him even more was her hasty withdrawal of the money he gave her. What was she up to? He had to know.

“Sir?” she asked, wearing a look of confusion.

“Never mind,” he announced, waving her off. “Get out.”

“Yes, sir,” she bowed again before closing the door behind her.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he walked towards his chair, finding the view a little boring compared to the numerous questions piling up in his heart. His cell phone rang, and he stretched his hand towards it, a hint of amusement crossing his face at the caller.

“What?” he stated, resting his head on the chair.

“You asked your secretary to cancel the appointment with your dad!?”

The voice screeched across the phone. Ranya scoffed, taking the phone off his ear and dramatically putting it on speaker.

“I didn’t cancel any appointments with my dad, man. I canceled with the Prime Minister.”

“They’re freaking the same person here, Ranya. Your dad can be the Minister, the CEO, and the chairman. Are you trying to get me fired?”

“Come work for me, Damian. I pay way better than any corporation or company in Texas.”

“You’re nuts. I can’t see myself calling you boss or, worse, taking orders from you,” Damian declared between gritted teeth.

“Your call," Ranya said with a smile. After being betrayed by his love, Damian was the only one who could make him smile.

“You really have to consider, or you will be sending your half-brother to jail,” Damian advised.

Ranya sighed, turning the phone repeatedly between his fingers. “If this is a family issue, why use the status here?”

“I advised him to, and I freaking made the call. I know you’re professional, and family is the last thing you want to indulge in.”

“Saying ‘freaking’ on a call like this is unethical,” Ranya winced, rubbing the back of his neck with his hands. He took a quick glance at the wall clock; it was already late.

“Does that mean you’re meeting with him?” Damian asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

“If that son of his is involved in a serious crime, I will do everything in my power to ensure he is held accountable and faces imprisonment.”

“No. It’s just some political scheme to stop the chairman from winning the election. I promise it’s nothing criminal,” he replied, scoffing. “You wouldn’t know any of this since you chose to be an outcast. You should at least read the news.”

Ranya’s lips curled into a tight, murderous smirk. Damian could only say those words miles away from him.

“Send the files to the secretary. I’ll see if it’s worth playing with,” he replied, ending the call.

For his father to swallow his pride and come to him for help meant he had proven himself as a son capable of being anything beyond the shadow of his wealthy father.

He devoted himself to his work and his love for her. When she left, all he had left was his determination to succeed. Now that she has returned, he has proven his father wrong and emerged victorious.

He stands again, walking towards the glass. It is the only thing, aside from his work, that gives him peace. He looks over the city, wondering if she’s out there.

“Ranya.” A very familiar voice called, sending a chill down his spine. He turned and quickened his pace to catch the woman running towards him. “Ranya,” she said, pushing herself firmly into his hands. Her scent—the very one he had dearly missed.

“Vivian,” he called, winding his arms firmly around her waist. “You came.”

She disentangled from the hug, her hands on his shoulder. “Yes.”

“You’re just as beautiful,” he complimented, releasing his hold on her. “When did you leave Beijing?”

Vivian smiled, releasing her hold on his shoulder and walking over to the other chair, her eyes roaming the vicinity. It’s been three years, and little has changed. A sign that he hasn’t truly moved on.

Vivian had been married to one of the richest men in the world. However, his wealth paled in comparison to Ranya’s three years ago. Ranya was wealthy but still struggling to keep a hold of things at that time.

But the Ranya standing elegantly before her now is the richest lawyer in the US. A billionaire who used to and is still in love with her.

“Yesterday. Goodness, I told you I would be leaving Beijing for Florida yesterday. You sent Damian to pick me up, remember?”

“Oh,” he uttered, forcing out an apologetic smile. What the heck is wrong with him? He loved Vivian and felt extremely comfortable with her, but this sudden uneasiness toward her made him feel weak.

Vivian noticed. She knew and understood why he felt that way. She left him heartbroken; he had begged and called tirelessly until he stopped, seeing she was truly marrying Yang.

“I wanted to surprise you. I know we’re supposed to meet tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait. I missed you so much,” Vivian said, her eyes teary as she gazed deeply into his brown eyes.

“I missed you too, Vivian,” Ranya responded, moving closer to her. He wanted to touch her but stopped. For some reason, that word didn’t feel genuine. He used to miss her—for years, for the past three years, the past two years, and the past year. But now, they felt like mere words. This is the moment he had dreamed of—the day he had wished she would come back to him. And now that she’s here, where’s the excitement?

Her smile broadened as she clasped his hands. He hesitated, feeling the urge to pull away. If he does, he will lose her forever, and he’s certain he can’t live with that.

“Kiss me, Ranya,” she requested, her eyes on his lips and then his face. “Kiss me now to prove you missed me as much as I missed you.”

Her lips. He stared at them, his gaze lingering on her succulent lips, which had always aroused him in the past. He refrained from kissing anyone else all through the years because he feared it might replace the memories he had with her.

He didn’t kiss anyone, not even Calista. Calista... he refrained almost immediately as her name echoed, earning a furrow from Vivian.

“Is there another woman, Ranya?” she demanded, hurt shown on her face as she locked eyes with him. Her blue eyes begged for a clear answer.

“No!” He replied almost immediately, having no time to think it through. “No, Vivian...”

He wanted to say more. To tell her the truth, while she was away, there was another woman who kept him sane and prevented him from losing himself, but she was nothing to him. Calista was nothing but a mere toy.

“Then kiss me,” she urged, pushing him back into her arms.

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