
Chapter 5


  I gazed at my reflection, my lips curving into a smile as I admired my outfit. It was tastefully chic, avoiding any hint of exposure that would surely send me back to my wardrobe if my brothers caught a glimpse. My makeup was understated yet elegant—a dab of lip gloss to accentuate my smile and a gentle sweep of the brush to define my eyebrows.

  I enveloped myself in a cloud of my favorite perfumes and body sprays, the fragrant mist settling softly on my skin.

Cyrus would be there, so I have to scent and look good.

After a final, approving glance in the mirror, I descended the stairs with a lightness in my step. My mother's smile was wide and welcoming as she caught sight of me.

"You look delicious," she beamed, and my smile mirrored hers.

"Right," I responded, a playful lilt in my voice.

"I am sure that he won't be able to take his eyes off you all evening," she said, her enthusiasm infectious even though I harbored doubts. Cyrus, noticing me? It seemed unlikely, but the thought was tantalizing.

"I wish," I murmured, allowing myself a sliver of hope.

"We're going," Blue announced, pulling me from my reverie. I gave my mother a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying to join them.

Ezra's gaze seemed to sweep over me, a silent appraisal that left me self-conscious, while Reggie's eyes flicked from my dress back to Ezra, as if seeking confirmation.

"Are you trying to attract the attention of every guy there or what?" Blue's voice was teasing but carried an undertone of concern.

"What? Am I supposed to dress ugly?" I retorted, my eyes darting to Ezra, whose opinion seemed to carry an unspoken weight.

"It's not about dressing ugly, you just look too..." Reggie trailed off, unwilling to voice the compliment that teetered on the edge of his tongue.

"Dressed," Ezra finished bluntly, prompting an exasperated eye roll from me.

"What? Mom..." I called out, turning back towards the kitchen where I had last seen her.

"What's wrong?" Her voice was immediate, tinged with concern as she saw me approach.

"I can't stand those guys sometimes," I confessed, the frustration evident in my voice.

"Why should I change my clothes? It looks perfect," I asserted, meeting Mom's gaze with determination.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it," Mom agreed, giving my dress a quick once-over.

"Right... please talk to them, because they're making me feel like I can't breathe with how controlling they're being," I confided, feeling suffocated by their scrutiny.

"Don't worry, let me go talk to them," Mom reassured me, and I smiled gratefully as I followed her to confront my brothers.

"There's nothing wrong with what she's wearing," Mom stated firmly, addressing Ezra.

"She's just too dressed," Reggie remarked, casting a disdainful look my way.

I rolled my eyes, unable to contain my frustration, and discreetly flipped him off.

"Do you want her to dress ugly or wear something revealing?" Mom challenged, her patience wearing thin.

"Even worse," Blue chimed in, adding fuel to the fire.

"I just think she should stay at home, right Ezra?" Reggie suggested, turning to our older brother for support.

"Ezra, your sister's clothes are fine. What's the problem?" Mom demanded, her gaze piercing.

"Attention," Ezra muttered, evoking a puzzled frown from Mom.

"What do you mean by attention?" she pressed, growing increasingly exasperated.

"Mom, we're not going to be with her because we have friends. She should dress more decently, maybe even ugly," Blue interjected, earning a stern warning from Mom.

"One more word from you, and I'll tell your father you're talking back to me," Mom warned, her tone sharp.

"And you, don't anger me," she scolded Reggie, her authority unwavering.

Turning back to Ezra, Mom issued a firm rebuke. "This is a beautiful dress, and your sister deserves to live her life. I'm not saying you shouldn't protect her, but at least let her talk to whoever she wants."

"Fine, but she shouldn't just talk to anybody," Ezra conceded reluctantly.

"Whatever, just make sure she's comfortable," Mom concluded, her tone final.

"What! Are we babysitters or what??" Reggie exclaimed, his frustration boiling over.

"Aziel!" Mom called out, invoking the name of my dad as a warning.

"Sorry, I was just joking," Reggie quickly backtracked, sensing the tension in the air before heading towards the car.

With a sigh of relief, Mom brought an end to the confrontation. "No, everything is solved. Bye, take care of yourselves," she said, her tone softened as she bid us farewell.


I quickly darted to claim the passenger seat before Blue or Reggie could beat me to it. Their growls of annoyance fell on deaf ears as I settled into the coveted spot.

Well Ezra is the first child, then Reggie, followed by the twins, and finally me, and then Anya.

"Don't misbehave when we get there," Ezra cautioned as he settled into the driver's seat.

"I'll try," I replied nonchalantly, retrieving my phone from my bag.

"She's going to kill the fun," Reggie and Blue muttered in agreement.

"Shut up," I retorted with an eye roll, accustomed to their teasing.

"Whatever," Reggie grumbled, dropping the subject.


As we arrived at the party, the raucous noise from outside promised a night of excitement.

"Keep your eyes on her," Ezra instructed Blue, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath, making my way into the crowded house.

Inside, the scene was a whirlwind of activity—people dancing almost naked, others making out and the air thick with anticipation.

Ezra's gaze met mine, his concern evident. He seemed to think I was some sort of saint, unaware of the many things I knew and had seen.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere," Ezra murmured to me, and I nodded, obediently taking a seat on the couch.

"If you leave, it won't be funny," he warned before turning his attention elsewhere.

"At least get me a drink," I requested, prompting Ezra to glance at Reggie.

"Get her one," he instructed Reggie, who nodded in response.

One thing I appreciated about my brothers was their unwavering support and willingness to fulfill my requests. They would do anything for me, and I cherished that about them. However, there was one exception—they vehemently opposed the idea of me having a boyfriend. That, they refused to entertain.

I settled onto the plush couch, the vibrant atmosphere of the party swirling around me as I sank into its depths. My gaze flitted eagerly from face to face, searching for that one familiar figure that never failed to quicken my pulse.


Where was he hiding amidst the sea of partygoers?

Reggie's interruption broke my concentration, his hand extending a drink towards me with a casual gesture.

"Thanks," I murmured, accepting the glass and bringing it to my lips, the cool liquid offering a refreshing distraction. I took a sip, savoring the familiar taste, though I knew it wouldn't be spiked with anything stronger.

"If you need another one, just give me a shout. No need to play the good girl; I've got your back. And remember, only accept drinks from me, Blue, Ezra, Teddy, and, well, Cyrus," Reggie advised.

I nodded in agreement, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of my lips as I hear Cyrus name, Reggie continued his cautionary tale.

"Don't even bother on taking anything from Teddy. He's more trouble than he's worth most of the time," Reggie warned, his tone tinged with amusement as he recounted past escapades.

"Got it," I replied, a soft chuckle escaping me as Reggie sauntered away, his presence adding a touch of levity to the evening.

Returning my attention to the task at hand, I resumed my silent surveillance of the room, my eyes scanning every corner in search of that familiar silhouette. I knew that standing up would risk drawing unwanted attention from my vigilant brothers, so I remained seated, adopting an air of nonchalance as I covertly surveyed the crowd.

Just as I was beginning to resign myself to the idea of a fruitless search, a ripple of excitement surged through me as I caught sight of him.

There he was, striding confidently into the party, his presence commanding attention as he effortlessly navigated the throng of revelers.


  As he strutted into the room, oozing confidence and charm. He rocked a casual yet effortlessly cool look, wearing a snug-fitting black button-down shirt with a few buttons left undone, teasing a glimpse of his sculpted chest. The shirt hugged his toned physique, accentuating his rugged appeal.

Paired with faded jeans that hugged his hips in all the right places, he exuded an air of laid-back allure. His tousled hair and stubble added to his rugged charm, giving him that irresistible bad-boy vibe that made heads turn wherever he went.

As his gaze locked with mine across the crowded room, a jolt of electricity shot through me.

Oh, Lord. He saw me staring at him. Panic surged through me as I quickly turned away, bringing my drink to my lips and gulping down a large mouthful.

My heart raced as I glanced back, only to find him making his way towards me.

Oh, Lord, not me... right?

His intoxicating cologne enveloped me as he settled beside me, his presence sending a shiver down my spine.

I didn't know what to do. Should I say hi? Or just remain silent and hope he didn't notice my earlier scrutiny?

As the noise of the party swirled around us, my attention was drawn to a nearby couple moans, who seems to to making out making me blush furiously.

What the hell...

Cyrus seemed to notice too, his expression mirroring my incredulity as he made a wry comment.

"Getting a room would be better," he remarked, and I couldn't help but laugh in agreement.

"Yeah, definitely," I replied, my nerves settling slightly in his company.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence, the only sound the pulsating beat of the music and the occasional burst of laughter from nearby revelers.

  I stole a glance at Ezra, who was watching us with an amused expression. I met his gaze and he rolled his eyes making me smile before giving him the middle finger.

Cyrus broke the silence, surprising me with his question.

"Do you like the party?" he asked, his voice unexpectedly warm.

I was taken aback by his sudden interest. He never talked to me before.

"Not really," I admitted, turning to meet his gaze.

Our eyes locked, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in our own little bubble.

And then, he said it.

"You have beautiful eyes," he murmured, his words sending a rush of warmth through me.

To be continued...

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