
Chapter 1


  As I watched Cyrus from across the room, my heart fluttered with every smile he bestowed upon me. Each grin felt like a private invitation, drawing me into his orbit with irresistible charm.

   The way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the way his laughter resonated in the air—it was like a symphony playing just for me.

But my reverie was shattered when my brother, oblivious to my silent admiration, stepped in front of me, blocking my view of Cyrus. Irritation prickled at my nerves as I tried to subtly peer around him, wishing I could approach Cyrus without my brother's interference.

  Yet, I knew better than to risk my brother's wrath by making my feelings known. Our sibling bond was precious, and I couldn't afford to jeopardize it over a crush, well not really precious though, but still I can't jeopardize their friendship.

Stepping away from the commotion, I found myself outside my brother's room, stealing glances through the slightly ajar door at Cyrus.

  He stood tall and confident, a ray of sunshine in my otherwise mundane world. With each movement, he exuded a magnetic energy that drew me in, filling me with warmth and happiness.

Suddenly, I was jolted out of my trance by the sound of my name being called. Startled, I stumbled and cursed quietly under my breath, hoping Cyrus hadn't noticed my clumsy mishap. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me in such a state of disarray.

"Shit," I whispered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I quickly regained my composure.

"Lena," my mother's voice interrupted, and I turned to see her smiling down at me, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Mother," I replied, trying to feign nonchalance as I dusted myself off.

"Daughter," my mother chuckled, extending a hand to help me up from the floor. Her touch was comforting, grounding me in the moment and easing my embarrassment.

We shared a close bond, and I had confided in her about my crush on Cyrus. She always knew how to lift my spirits and offer sage advice, even if it was just in the form of a playful tease.

"This is called stalking," my mother teased gently as she helped me up, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Then tell him to stop being so handsome and dreamy," I retorted playfully, earning a laugh from her. It was moments like these that made me grateful for her unwavering support and understanding.

"Let's go prepare for dinner," my mother suggested, and I nodded, stealing one last glance at Cyrus before following her out of the room.

  Even as we made our way to the kitchen, I couldn't shake the image of Cyrus from my mind, his smile etched into my memory like a beautiful melody, a constant reminder of the feelings he stirred within me.

I helped my mom set the table, carefully arranging each plate with precision. It was my favorite part of the day because it meant Cyrus would be joining us for dinner.

"I'll go get Anya for dinner, go call your brothers," Mom said, and I nodded eagerly, eager to fulfill my task. As I walked back upstairs, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of having everyone together for a meal.

Anya, my little sister, could be a handful at times, but I was grateful not to be the only girl anymore. Being the only girl for ten years had its challenges, but having Anya around added a new dynamic to our family. She was eight now, and I was eighteen, and despite the occasional annoyance, I cherished our sibling bond.

Knocking on the door, I was met with Reggie's face, which startled me.

"What the fuck," I exclaimed, taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"Boys only," Reggie stated, attempting to block my entrance. But I simply rolled my eyes, knowing Ezra would intervene.

"Let her in," Ezra's voice came from inside, and I couldn't help but smile as Reggie begrudgingly stepped aside. Reggie could be the most annoying brother, but Ezra, as the eldest, always had the final say.

My gaze shifted to my twin brothers, Blue and Gray. Yes, those were their actual names, and rumor had it that our parents were drunk when they chose them. It never failed to amuse me.

"Dinner is ready," I announced, catching Ezra's attention.

Cyrus seemed more preoccupied with his finger, a quiet presence at the table. He wasn't one to talk much, but when he did, it was always worth listening to. And despite my feelings for him, I knew deep down that I would never have a chance with him.

I knew Cyrus saw me more like a sister, having watched me grow up alongside my brothers. Our interactions were limited to polite greetings, mere acknowledgments of each other's presence. It was clear that my brother wouldn't approve of me getting too chummy with his friends, especially Cyrus.

"What's for dinner?" Blue asked, standing up from his chair.

"Maybe you should check it out yourself," I replied, earning a laugh from Grey, my favorite brother.

"Let's go," Grey said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we headed towards the dining area.

"Or maybe I should go with you instead," Teddy piped up, but a glare from Ezra silenced him. Teddy was Reggie's best friend, and his presence was a constant in our household.

"Fine, fine," Teddy relented, raising his hands in surrender.

Walking with Grey, we entered the dining area where Anya was already seated, waiting for us.

"Late, MF," Anya muttered under her breath, earning a sharp reprimand from Mom.

"No curse words," Mom corrected sternly.

"But I just said MF," Anya protested, rolling her eyes. I could hear Grey chuckling beside me, but I sighed and took my seat.

Grey settled in beside me, and the other boys followed suit. I couldn't help but glance at Cyrus, silently praying that he would choose the seat next to me. However, my hopes were dashed when he took the spot beside Anya. In that moment, I couldn't help but wish I were in her position, sitting next to Cyrus, even if just for one meal.

"This meal tastes so delicious," Blue commented, turning his gaze to my mom, who smiled warmly at the compliment.

"Yeah, Mom, it really tastes nice," Reggie chimed in, echoing Blue's sentiment.

"Does it taste nice, Teddy?" Anya asked Teddy, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Anya had harbored a tiny crush on Teddy ever since she was a baby. She always preferred Teddy to carry her, even more than her own brothers.

I couldn't help but wonder what she saw in him as I looked at Teddy, who returned her smile.

"Tastes amazing, just like you," Teddy replied, his words causing a brief moment of tension as Reggie shot him a disapproving look.

"What the fuck, bro?" Reggie exclaimed, clearly taken aback by Teddy's comment.

"No, no, you've got it all wrong. What I meant was that she's amazing, not the other way round, you pervert," Teddy quickly clarified, trying to diffuse the situation with a laugh. But Reggie just scoffed and went back to eating.

"Motherfucker," Reggie muttered under his breath, earning a sharp reminder from Mom.

"No curse words," Mom reminded him firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Everybody ate quietly, and my gaze kept shifting to Cyrus as he chewed his food. Damn, his lips were perfect. Every time I saw them, I just wanted to kiss the hell out of them.

   I licked my lips before continuing to eat, afraid they'd think I'm some psycho.

  My dad is the busy type; he sometimes joins us for dinner, but he's mostly occupied. Still, I admire him and my mom a lot. Their love is something I always prayed for when I'm older. Maybe with Cyrus one day. Oh, my dreams about him were literally every day.

  I enjoyed it when he came over, and he was mostly at my house.

  As everybody finished eating and quickly stood up to help clear the plates, Grey stood up too to help. I took Ezra's plate, Blue's plate, and then I got to Cyrus, but he said nothing.

  Not even a thank you. Well, it's okay. I'm used to it anyway. I went into the kitchen with my brother, dumping all the plates into the sink.

"Thank you," I said to Grey with a hopeful smile, already envisioning him rolling up his sleeves to join me in dish duty. But as I was about to leave, his puzzled expression halted me.

"Wait, what?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Help me wash them," I said, mustering my most persuasive tone, blowing him a playful kiss.

Grey chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no," he said, already sidestepping towards the door.

"I thought you were my favorite," I teased, feigning offense, my hand theatrically pressed against my chest.

"That won't work on me anymore," Grey said, grinning, before disappearing out of the kitchen.

I let out an exasperated sigh, knowing my plan had failed spectacularly. Turning to my mom, I wore a pout that could rival a sulking child's.

"Mom," I called out in a melodramatic tone, emphasizing the word with a drawn-out sigh. Lord, I hate doing dishes, and I never used to do them. It was always either the house help or my brothers who did it.

"I can't do the dishes," I whined, hoping for a reprieve.

"Well, the house help isn't around, so you have no choice," she said, her voice firm but tinged with amusement.

I slumped my shoulders, resigned to my fate. "Now, this is what happens when you're trying to impress a guy," I muttered under my breath.

"But, Mommy," I said, feigning desperation as I approached her for a hug, hoping to sway her decision.

"Just tell Reggie; he can't say no to you," I suggested, a mischievous twinkle in my eye. I loved getting under Reggie's skin.

"No, he's going through a lot right now," Mom said, her tone sympathetic but firm, quelling any hope of escape.

"He broke up with her, Mom. She didn't do it, so technically she's the one going through a lot," I argued, unable to resist injecting a bit of drama into the situation.

"But I actually liked her," Mom said, a hint of regret in her voice as she reminisced about Reggie's ex-girlfriend.

"Why not tell Ezra to do the dishes, then?" I suggested, grasping at any straw to avoid the inevitable.

"Ezra," I called out, a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

  The sight of Cyrus entering the kitchen silenced me. My mom, ever the gracious host, remained unfazed by his presence.

"Well, since you won't wash the plates, then I will," my mom said, her tone casual as she acknowledged Cyrus's arrival.

"I can help you, Aunt Gwen," Cyrus offered, his smile warm and genuine, sending a flutter through my chest.

Oh, damn.


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