

Even though I had expected him to apologize for dropping me like a hot potato, he insisted that he would never do so! So what in the heck was wrong with him, to begin with? During lunch, I had a brief flash of inspiration and came up with various ways to kill him, which I subsequently jotted down.

“Is it all okay with you if I snap a picture of your bedroom before we start the interview?” When I approached him and asked for permission to photograph his private space, I made an effort to keep my emotions under control and present myself as professionally as possible.

The man replied with a smile on his face, saying, “Sure, let's go.”

It wasn't until I realized that we would be alone in his room that my grin started to fade. My response to him was, “I don't believe it's a good idea.”

“Why? Are you concerned that I may do anything inappropriate with you?”

“Yes,” I confessed humbly.

“Such as kissing you on the lips? Or do you want me to take you into my bed?” He made some obscene suggestions, and I scowled at him, thinking he was mean.

My thoughts were completely out of the ordinary at the moment. Without any alternative, I snuck up behind him and took a picture of him as he opened the door of his bedroom. Then, I stared at the photo for a moment and sighed deeply.

“Aren’t you coming in?” He asked as soon as he noticed that I remain standing outside his room.

“Wait,” I replied, and slowly, I entered his den.

Even though his appearance made me feel uncomfortable, I had no option but to put up with them! But, of course, it would be nice if he weren't so insanely gorgeous!

His room and the rest of the house were decorated in a sleek and modern style. The elegance of his bed went above and beyond my expectations when the cushioned headboard reached all the way to the ceiling.

Lance walked across the room to the glass panels on the other side of the huge window that viewed the ocean. He paused there for a while before continuing. Initially, I assumed that those glasses aimed to provide the impression of more space and openness in the room. At first sight, they appeared like a pair of reflecting glasses, which was exactly what I assumed they were.

As soon as I finished photographing the modern lighting components and custom-made furniture, I approached him and asked for permission to photograph the bathroom, which he granted. My face broke out into an irrepressible smile as soon as I saw his nod.

His bathroom was larger than my room, and it was equipped with high-end fixtures such as the sink and toilet accessories.

So, he wouldn’t apologize to me? Fine! It’s really fine with me! It was unlikely to force him into doing something against his will. However, I had an idea how to punish him for being mean and unapologetic!

An evil grin was formed in the corners of my mouth as I took his toothbrush out of its holder and used it to scrape the interior of his toilet bowl. Then, I also used it on the tiled flooring. I had a good time utilizing his toothbrush when he suddenly knocked on the door. I had no choice but to stop what I was doing and strolled towards the door to get out.

“Wow, your bathroom is great!” I exclaimed, but he just looked at me and didn’t say a word. “I think I am done here. Can we transfer to your living room to proceed?”

“How about we just do it here?”

The idea of interviewing in his bedroom was great, but I couldn’t agree with it. By all means, the man was dangerous to my self-control! “In the living room, sir,” I insisted.

“All right. I’ll brush my teeth and be there as soon as possible,” he promised, and I nodded my head in agreement before going out of his bedroom.

Meanwhile, in the living room, I double-checked the recorder to make sure it was still in working condition, but my thoughts went to whether Lance would figure out what I had done with his toothbrush. Suddenly, I felt bad for acting on my emotions and regretted my action.

However, he deserved it!

A few minutes later, the gentleman strutted towards me, and he was extremely handsome! It's not that I was hypocritical, but I certainly wouldn't argue that his facial hair made him more attractive than he had been in the past.

“At long last, you've arrived, so let's get this started,” I informed him as soon as he sat down in the seat across from me.

“All right,” he responded and immediately casually crossed his legs.

When he crossed his legs, I was able to see his strong thighs from where I was standing, which was a sight that should have been kept for intimate couples. “Why don't you wear something a bit more suitable for the event?” I asked after closing my eyes for a few moments.

“No, I like this one because it’s so comfortable,” he replied in a very disrespectful way, totally ignoring my advice that he should dress more respectably.

When I couldn't persuade him to change into something more suitable, such as jeans or sweatpants, I let out a sigh of disappointment. His hairy legs and strong thighs prevented me from finishing my job, and I wished he would cooperate with me instead of competing against me.

“Tell me about your love life, sir. Are you married, engaged, or have a girlfriend?” I began to question him based on my notes. Lance's brows arched up in concentration as he listened intently to the first question on my list.

“Are you curious to know if we still have a chance?” He responded with a question that definitely caught me off, guard.

After putting on a fake smile, I replied, “It's on the list, Mr. Salcedo, so, are you married?”

He shook his head and said, “No, I am not married, and I am still looking for a female companion.”

While he was talking, his gaze never strayed from mine, leading me to get uncomfortable in my position. “I see. So, do you have a certain kind of woman in mind?”

When Lance looked up at the ceiling, he seemed to be debating something important, so he rested one hand on his chin. He seemed to be in excellent health from that vantage point, and I knew I wanted to take a photo of him before he moved, but I was worried I would cause him any confusion by doing so.

“Someone like you,” he said. “Yeah, I want someone to like you, Alexa,” he repeated.

I had to fan my face to prevent it from becoming too hot before I could smile at him again. “It’s a shame you can’t find someone like me. I am unique if you must know,” I reminded him.

“Then, I’ll have you,” he replied.

“Funny,” I said while scanning notes for the next question and refusing to look at him at the moment. “Could you tell me about a typical work week for you?” I ended up skipping most of the questions related to his love life.

“Billionaires don't have to work, honey.” Given his dismissive response to my inquiry, I gave him the benefit of the doubt by rolling my eyes. His next remark was, “I am fortunate to have some of the most talented people on my team.”

“I had no idea you were so arrogant,” I informed him, and the only thing he did was smile. Honestly, I wished he didn’t smile that way because my heart fluttered upon seeing his signature smile once again.

“Was it considered arrogant on your part? How about you ask me how much money the company makes in a day?” he suggested.

“How much?”

“Confidential,” he replied, and my nostrils flared in anger.

Perhaps, I should revise the list that the columnist provided to me, or I would be forced to spend overnight on the island with Lance Salcedo. “What do you think about sharing your own personal objectives with us as well as your personal objectives? Women from all across the country will be fascinated by the chance to know more about you, sir.”

“How are you feeling today, Alexa?”

When he posed the question, it was obvious from his fumbling with his fingers that he was waiting for my response. “Do you want me to be completely honest with you?”

“Yes, baby.”

It could just be a slip from his tongue, but somehow, it made me uncomfortable. “It’s Alexa Manrique, sir.”

“If you keep on being difficult, I will have no choice but to cancel this whole thing, Alexa.”

“I’m trying my best here, so the least that you can do was to cooperate,” I told him.

He nodded, and with great emphasis, he said, “I want to be on top.”

Frustrated at how he talked to me, I took a deep breath before slamming the table in front of him. He’s trying my patience, for goodness sake! “We’re not discussing sex, sir!”

Lance furrowed his forehead, and then he narrowed his eyes at me. “I was talking about the group, Alexa.”

For a moment, I couldn’t look at him out of embarrassment. “You should have rephrased it,” I told him.

“Next time. So, let me share with you about my personal goal this year,” he said, and I listened to him carefully. “I want to start a family this year,” he announced.

When he mentioned starting a family, it has a bad impression on me. “Do you think you’re capable of having your own family?” My voice probably quivered when I asked him about his intention to start a family. After all, he asked me to abort our baby when I was pregnant with his child.

“More than capable,” he answered with confidence.

“Then, I suggest you should get a wife as soon as possible,” I suggested.

”I've already had someone in mind,” he said in answer to the question.

My curiosity about the woman was piqued, but I refrained from asking for further details. However, a few minutes later, I couldn’t stop myself from asking. I was so curious about the woman he’s going to marry. “Do you mind sharing if she’s an heiress or a socialite?” I inquired, and he replied to my query with a chuckle.

“It will remain a mystery for the time being,” he replied.

When he refused to provide any information about his relationship, I was finally able to take a deep breath and let it out. “So, how do you stay motivated?” When I read the next question, Lance's brows wrinkled as he stared at me with a puzzled expression.

“That is very interesting, to say the least,” he commented. “Instead of the other way around, I am the one who serves as an inspiration for others,” he responded arrogantly.

Because I needed a break from his attitude and arrogance, I took a moment to reflect. I couldn't continue to put up with his attitude. “Can we take a short break?”

“Yes, of course! If you’re hungry, we can have some snacks,” he stated.

“I just need some fresh air,” I answered and immediately strolled towards the door. While on the terrace, I couldn’t stop shaking my head in disbelief that Lance Salcedo was the most arrogant human being that I had the misfortune to meet. I was concentrating on my thoughts when he joined me on the terrace. I frowned at him immediately, but he just smiled.

“Do you smoke?” He inquired when he lit one for himself.

I glared at him for being insensitive. How could he smoke beside me? Slowly, I distanced myself and walked towards the boardwalk to be alone. When he followed me into the boardwalk, I sneered at him. “Are you a dog?”

”Now that’s an insult!” He complained.

“I want to be alone for a moment, but you keep on following me!”

”You shouldn’t have come here if you’re just going to act like a prima donna,” he said.

I was taken aback by his statement and replied angrily, “I’m not trying to be a prima donna, sir!”

“Oh really? What about your behavior? Since you came here, you were never professional! Perhaps you should tell me the truth that you are not a journalist! Who sent you, Alexa? Did you sell your soul to a devil to make both ends meet?”

“How dare you, Lance!” I exclaimed, and a slap immediately landed on one of his cheeks. “How dare you!” The moment he grabbed my hand, I was ready to strike him again, but he was fast enough to stop me. My eyes widened in horror when I realized that he would kiss me after slapping him so hard! First, I tried to look away, and then he began to laugh.

“Alexa, you're not getting a kiss after that slap,” he announced as if he has access to my inner thoughts!

“I don't need a kiss from you,” I said. “After all, who wants to be kissed by a guy who cleaned his teeth with the same material I used to clean his toilet bowl?”

“Will you be disappointed to know that I don’t reuse my toothbrush?” He responded with a question to shut me up.

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