Amen turned to me, I thought she was going to be pissed off by my question, but she reached up and cupped my face in her hands and kissed me long and deep. She pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes.
➖AMEN: This is why I love you. Your empathy and loyalty to the people you love.
➖ME: Do you love me? Do you really love me like Regina?
➖AMEN: Of course yes. Otherwise, why do you think I would risk all the legal and emotional backlash that might come last night?
➖ME: Good point. I love you too, you know, since the first time I saw you. I didn't know what it was then, I was obviously in my teens, but ever since you came to live here I've tried to look at you, be near you and be around you . Now that I know what those feelings are, I tried to suppress them, but now they're out and I'm overjoyed that you feel the same.
➖AMEN: So I think we should invite Aunt Regina to be part of our little family, right?
➖ME: Great, but…, do you think she would accept such an invitation, and secondly, would she even consider staying? I mean I don't want her going back to the asshole, it's not healthy.
➖AMEN: I don't know if she's going to stay or not, but we won't know if we don't ask her, will we. She will have to decide for herself what she wants to do, I mean we can offer but we can't force her to do what we think is good for her, right?
➖ME: No, you're right. Do you have the rest?
I pointed to breakfast.
➖AMEN: Yeah, the eggs are all that's left, so you should go wake her up and bring her back. Be nice, she scares easily.
➖ME: I know, I'll do my best.
I went out to the back patio, turned off the motion sensor, and opened the shutters as quietly as possible. I went out to the pool, and of course Amen was right, there was Regina on one of the two lounge chairs curled up in a fetal position to push out the cool night air, sound asleep. I went into the living room and looked at her, she was as pretty as Amen, the only significant differences in their appearance was that Aunt Regina had glasses (slightly myopic), and she had slightly larger breasts. small, healthy D cup, but definitely a little smaller than Amen's
I moved over and climbed onto the lounge chair behind Regina and as gently as possible sat down behind her. She shifted and rolled to face me and I put an arm under her as she did. Somewhere in her sleep, her mind registered what was happening, and she woke up and stepped back a bit to see who was holding her. When her eyes focused and recognized me, she relaxed and snuggled down to rest her head on my chest.
In a sleepy voice, they said;
➖Lolo, you are kind and warm.
➖ME: It's because I've been inside all night. It's a little cold in here this morning, why didn't you just knock on the door?
➖REGINA: I didn't want to wake anyone up.
➖ME: Well, Amen and I kind of had an all-nighter, dealing with a bunch of old bullshit and new baggage that Dad brought into play, so we got up pretty early
I looked at her and thought I could see a new bruise on the side of her face. I leaned over and touched her as gently as I could, and she looked up at me.
➖ME: Regina, I'm so sorry.
Then I kissed her forehead and let her curl up.
➖REGINA: Lolo, why can't I ever meet a guy like you?
➖ME: You met a guy like me, Aunt Regina.
Either she gave up or she missed it completely, I doubt she missed it.
➖REGINA: Yeah, but not one that notices me.
➖ME: You'd be surprised who noticed you, aunt.
I kissed the top of her head.
She lifted her face to look at me,
➖Lolo, I…
I took the opportunity to kiss her full on the mouth, long and deep. To my surprise, she melted into my kiss and parted her lips just enough to let her tongue slip and drag gently into my mouth. As the kiss progressed, his tongue grew bolder and more adventurous without much encouragement. God she had good taste. She shifted and adjusted to sit on my lap and let out a lot of passion through that one kiss. I let my hands run all over her body as she moaned into my mouth and entwined her fingers in and out of my hair and over my head and face. I let my own hands run all over her body until they landed on her breasts. It had an effect
➖REGINA: Lolo oh my God!…
I'm so sorry, she pulled away with a terrified look on her face.
➖REGINA: I shouldn't have done that! I don't know what I was thinking!
I wrapped both my arms around her waist and stopped her from pulling away from me and running away.
➖ME: Well, I hope you think it felt good. I know that's about all that was on my mind.
➖REGINA: You don't understand...
➖ME: Oh, I understand better than you think.
➖REGINA: I am…
➖ME: What are you, in love with me?
She looked down like a child being chastised by her parents and whispered;
Then all the pieces came together in his mind;
➖My sister told you, didn't she?
➖ME: Yes, she told me but only because she was worried about you. She thought that if you didn't have to worry about that, you could really relax and really enjoy your stay here.
➖REGINA: Exactly!
I hadn't heard Amen come up next to us.
➖AMEN: You two really should come and eat, because if breakfast has to wait until you're done fucking your brains out, you might as well throw it away.
She was standing next to us, hands on her hips, trying her best to look like a scolding mother.
➖REGINA: Amen!!!
She got very nervous and looked like she wanted to disappear into the earth at that moment.
Mom and I started laughing, not so much at Aunt Regina as at her reaction. I know this is exactly what Mom was looking for: a way to relax Regina and get rid of some of her anxiety.
➖AMEN: Come on, let's eat.
Aunt Regina was the color of a fire truck, but when mom turned around and walked into the bedroom, Regina got this devilish little look on her face, leaned over and kissed me again before to get up from the chair. this time she bent down and stroked my cock as she licked the back of my tonsils with her tongue. If this woman ends up letting go, she just might fuck us to death.
We ate breakfast while it was still hot, and the three of us talked openly and frankly while we had privacy, knowing that once Aunt Bea arrived all attention would be focused on She. It's like that, we all know it and we all accept it as part of the world that is "Béa".
➖REGINA: So Amen, does that mean you finally told Lolo how you feel?
➖AMEN: You could say that. We practically spent the whole night fucking and exploring each other's bodies.
➖REGINA: I thought you said you were talking about a bunch of old bullshit and new baggage, Lolo?
She looked like a teacher scolding one of her students. I almost felt like I needed to justify my statements, almost.
➖ME: We did, but there were other things too.
➖REGINA: So… you are “together”, where does that lead me? I'm confused.
➖ME: That leaves us all together, Regina, if you can handle the three of us together when this vacation is over.
➖REGINA: You mean that? Can I be with you two?
She was really excited about it.
➖REGINA: Lolo, do you want me to be with you and Amen too?
➖ME: Yes Aunt Regina, if you decide that's what you want. What we all want, we all have to agree in the end.
Amen asked;
➖REGINA: I'm in. Damn yes, I'm in!
She jumped up and ran over to Amen and planted a huge sexy kiss on her lips with lots of tongue, then came over to me and dropped down in front of me and scratched my pants trying to open them. Once she did, she pulled them down and released my cock. She inhaled and looked at Amen and me.
➖REGINA: Oh my God, this is beautiful.
She looked again Amen,
➖Are you sure you want to share?
➖AMEN: God yes, Regina, I can't think of anyone else I'd be willing to share her with!
➖ME: You know I can hear you, right? I like the attention, but...
➖REGINA: Sorry Lolo, I never had anyone... you know.
➖ME: I know Aunt Regina, but we are a bit limited in time. Bea won't be happy if we let her wait at the airport.
➖REGINA: Fuck me! She can wait a bit; the selfish female dog always finds herself in the middle of everything. I want this!
➖AMEN: Wahouu Regina, don't hold back! How do you really feel?
Amen had a huge smile on his face.
Regina just smiled with that sly smile she had before kissing me at the pool. She bent down and took my cock in her mouth without touching it with her hands, and started sucking. Considering all the exercise he did last night, my cock stood to attention with only a little persuasion. As Regina sucked me to a full erection, Amen moved behind her and took off her glasses and started reaching out and removing her clothes. Regina wouldn't take her mouth off my cock when Amen tried to pull her shirt off, so Amen reached up and pulled her back by a handful of her hair. Regina's mouth came out of my cock with a loud burst of the suction she had on it.
"Uuumm…Yummy," was all she said as she helped Amen finish removing the rest of her clothes.
When she was naked, she got up and kissed Amen like they had been lovers for years. As they kissed, Amen leaned over and rubbed Regina's pussy, making her hot and wet. She didn't have to work too hard for it.
Regina broke the kiss and hugged Amen. She turned her head to me with that mischievous little smile and said:
➖Our time will come dear Amen, but I really want to be a little selfish this first time, are you ok?
➖AMEN: Of course naughty little girl. Enjoy.
Regina walked over to me, straddled my lap, and lowered herself onto my sleeve. She let out a low sigh and moan as she slid the entire rod inside her wet pussy. I noticed she had a well trimmed and short bush as she settled on my cock.
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