
I Married My Brother-in-law To Get Back At My Scum Ex-husband

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Shyne Writes


'Marry me, and I will help you get your revenge' Used, betrayed, and dumped by her husband of one year after serially cheating on her, Ashley found solace in the arms of her brother-in-law who was willing to help her get her revenge by getting married to her. Burning desires, quest for vengeance, and the thirst for a romantic life she never had with her husband, Ashley felt this was her chance to explore a new phase of life, and of course, her sexual fantasies. Will they eventually fall in love?

RomanceBillionairePossessiveSweetbxgErotic18+contract marriagecontemporaryRevenge


Chapter 1

Ashley Gustavo POV

"Not again, Ace," This wasn't the first time my husband, Ace Greyson was going to cheat on me, but this was the height of it all. Bringing a woman to our matrimonial home and on our bed was the length he shouldn't have ever gone to.

Coming back from the hospital, exhausted after spending the whole day attending to different patients, I wanted to get some rest as soon as I got home, but with this horrible sight that welcomed me, I immediately regretted coming home.

I watched as he banged the lady underneath him, not aware that I was in the room, and that even hurt more. My chest contracted so tight that I could barely breathe, I felt a banging sound inside my head, my legs wobbled weakly and I staggered back until I crashed against the wall. My heart pounded hard against my chest like it was going to explode.

"Ace!" I finally yelled his name, and the first thing he did was curse under his breath. He didn't even flinch, and that even hurt more. My heart became heavy like it was carrying a load when he crooked his neck and looked at me. A smirk laced up his lips and he turned his face away to continue what he was doing before I interrupted him.

"Fuck! You are so sweet," the tears I'd been holding back finally streamed down my cheeks when I heard him compliment another woman right in front of me. This was the same man who had refused to have anything intimate with me for the past six months. I could count how many times he'd made love to me for the past year since we'd been married. He barely touched me and even when I asked for it, he'd always tell me he was tired. I had always tried to trust him even with his cheating habit, but this was the height of it all.

"I bet my sister is not as sweet as this, yeah?" The lady whom I've not been able to see what she looked like spoke under him, but that was the voice I would always recognize even in my deep sleep, and even at that moment, I told myself that it couldn't be true. My sister was the last person that would betray me and sleep with my husband... She loved me so much to do that to me.

"Ann...abelle?" My voice came out low and quivery, but I could swear that she heard me because she crooked her neck over his shoulder, and when our eyes met, a smirk laced up her lips.

"Harder, please... You are so sweet, Ace... Fuck! This is so sweet. Please fuck me harder," she cried out, intentionally being loud, and at that moment, my phone which I've been holding firmly finally fell off my hand and crashed on the floor. My heart wrenched painfully as I watched them bang each other, with Ann lifting her waist and arching her hip to meet his every thrust. At that moment, my eyes became dry. I couldn't produce even a single drop of tears. I was so shocked and broken that I forgot how to cry. Or maybe the tears had just refused to show up. How could they do this to me? How could my own sister do this to me? What have I ever done to her?

I opened my mouth to talk but words failed me. I was left standing here like a fool.

"Shit!" Ace groaned as he thrust deep inside her and pulled out almost immediately, spilling his sperm on her face, and guess what! I never knew my innocent sister was this bitchy. She fucking swallowed his sperm to the last drop as she giggled excitedly like a toddler being served milk after being starved for a long time.

"That was fucking great," he uttered as he fell beside her on the bed. Yes, I was supposed to have left immediately, I wasn't supposed to be watching them do this, but as much as I wanted to, my legs refused to move from the spot.

"Why, Ace? Why my sister? Why our matrimonial home?" I should be strong and not look pathetic in front of him but I couldn't help it. It was hard to take.

"Ann? You are my sister... You are my only family. How could you do this to me?" I turned to Ann and asked her, but she only shrugged and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Your husband wants me. What was I supposed to do?" She shrugged again, and I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"What is my offense, Ace? I've been a good wife to you even though you never treated me like your wife. I've tried to tolerate your cheating habit, why does it have to be my sister this time!" My voice came out loud and broken, but I was only hurting myself because, to him, this was not a big deal.

"Because she is better than you in everything. She is crazier in bed... She is sweeter than you. She is everything you can never be, Ashley," He uttered sarcastically.

"You are just a pathetic idiot who knows nothing but imposing your emotions on someone. I hate you, Ashley. I can't stand your presence," My jaw dropped and I slowly clenched my fingers tightly into fists as I threw him a murderous look, but he didn't look like he was affected by it.

Just one year ago this man had come to the hospital to get medical advice, and things kicked off from there. We fell in love, or maybe I was the one who mistook everything for love because I was madly in love with him. I was the happiest woman on earth when I got married to him after two months of dating, but that was the biggest mistake of my life because everything changed after we got married. Ace changed from being the sweet man I married into a different person. He would come home late, and we never made love because he would always say he was tired, but that was until I caught him cheating on me.

At first, he pleaded, but that happened serially that he told me later to deal with it or walk out of the marriage if I was tired of him, but I didn't want to divorce him because I loved him. I was determined to make things work, I was ready to know where everything was coming from so I could adjust, but I guess I had been deceiving myself thinking he would one day change.

"You said you loved me... You said you wanted to marry me. You were the one that asked me to marry you, Ace, I didn't force you!" I hated to remind him how he asked me to be his wife, how he promised me heaven and earth, but maybe those were just mere words to get to me.

"I thought you were the one for me. I thought we were compatible, but turns out Ann is my true soulmate," He uttered then kissed Ann's lips and turned to me.

"Let's get a divorce, Ashley. I'm not interested in this marriage anymore," my heart dropped when he said those words to me.

"No... can't do that, Ace... You can't divorce me, ok? We've been married for barely one year. You can't divorce me, okay?" It's crazy how I was still begging him even in this situation, right? That's how much I loved this man with my entirety.

"Get the hell out of my house, Ashley. I don't want to ever see you here again," He stood from the bed and came to where I was standing.

"We can sort this out, Ace... Please don't do this," I pleaded with him, but he grabbed my hand and threw me out of his room, slamming the door hard on my face.

"Open the door, Ace... Ace... You can't divorce me, please," I banged the door hard hoping he would listen to my pleas, but I was only deceiving myself because his mind was already made up.

I fell to my knees and whimpered like the pathetic idiot I am.

"You know, I hate girls like you. Girls like you are prone to heartbreaks... You are too weak for my liking," that was the voice of the man I hated the most on earth. It was Asher Greyson, Ace's stepbrother.

"Apparently, no man would want to be with a pathetic loser like yourself," Finally, I raised my head to find him towering over me while giving me that pathetic look.

"Are you this stupid? How could you still beg that asshole?" He scoffed as he tucked his hands inside the pockets of the black suit he was wearing, and I rolled my eyes.

"Wh... what do you want?" I managed to stand up to my feet, wiping the tears in my eyes.

"Come with me," He rolled his eyes then turned and started to walk away.

"Why...why should I come with you?" He paused, then threw his head back and sighed.

"Stay back there if you have not had enough of the humiliation," he stated and walked away.

Glancing at the closed door one more time, I was only left with one option. It was to walk away.

I rushed to join Asher who had taken the route to his suite.

"I thought you were going to stay back there," he scoffed when I walked up to him standing in front of the door and ready to go inside.

"Come with me," He stated coldly as he pushed the door open and walked inside. I had no idea why I was suddenly doing everything he asked me to do, why I followed him into his suite, why I was going inside with him, and why I was not scared of what this pervert could do to me behind the closed door. Maybe because my head was messed up and I could barely think straight.

"Wait here for me," he uttered as he stripped out of the black coat he was wearing and threw it on the couch of his large living room. He walked away to wherever I had no idea about.

It was the first time I was coming to his suite even though I'd been living here for close to one year, and I could only say 'wow'. It almost seemed like his suite was the prettiest out of all the suites in the mansion.

I dragged my feet to the beautiful set of couches and sat on one. Minutes later, Asher walked back into the living room with a glass of water and dropped it on the center table.

"Help yourself with that," he sat on the couch across from me. I was stunned that my grumpy brother-in-law was suddenly nice to me. Asher and Ace had never got along from the start although I had no idea what must've transpired between them in the past, but this had affected my relationship with him from the day I got married into the family. Ace had warned me to stay away from Asher, and not that he ever gave a damn about me too nor Ace, anyway. Asher was a man who cared mostly about himself and nobody else, so he barely had a smooth relationship with his family, not even their father.

"Thank you," I muttered and reached for the glass, emptying the content down my throat, feeling much better now.

My heart skipped when I looked at him and found him staring at me unusually, making me uncomfortable.

"You look horrible in that. You should get a change of dress," he said, referring to the white coat I was wearing. I had just returned from the hospital where I work when that happened and I didn't have the time to get changed.

"Hmm. I'll do that later. Why'd you bring me here, anyway?" I asked him, and a smirk laced up his lips. My heart skipped and I had this weird feeling that he was up to something. Something not good, and maybe something I might end up regretting…