27. Friends and Memories
Grimm sighed steadily as he stared at his sleeping friends. Their bodies were severely beaten. He clenched his fists tightly. They do not have special abilities because they are normal people. But even so, he was moved by them because they were able to overcome obstacles to get Salv's medicine. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he saw Father Clemen's smiling face.
"I have fixed the explanation with your parents. I had a hard time making a little story but at least... They believed me that I asked for your help in preparing the items to be given to the shelter I was going to... I also said that you were a bit quarrelsome because you helped. You saved from the goons. They are very happy and they are proud of you... So don't worry."
Grimm smiled awkwardly and took a deep breath...
"I know you can afford to explain to our parents... They are what I care about, my friends... What if this is not the first time they would fight such creatures just because of me? They are just normal people... You, you are a good exorcist and I- "
Father Clemen covered his mouth.
"Sssshh... Kuya Constantine might hear you. Keep your word when you are here in his house."
It removed the hand from his mouth.
"Sorry..." he just apologized.
"I understand how you feel. Don't worry, I've already given them protective bracelets, they cannot be moved even by a strong demon. They are lucky because someone helped them strongly. Looks like you're not the only one watching over your friends."
Grimm looked at Clemen's face. He was amazed at what he heard.
"S-Someone helped them?" he wondered.
"Think of the position of your friends when we saw them outside the cave. They were all, leaning on the side and unconscious. I also returned earlier to the place in the cave where the plants are... There is a trace of strong force left there, a part of the cave was large and deep... It is impossible for your friends to do that because they have no power."
Clemen is also amazed at what he notices. He grabbed his chin.
"Thanks for that help, but who could he be and why did he do that?" Clemen asked.
Grimm shrugged and shook.
"I don't know, I have no idea." he said.
Even he, was wondering as well. But whoever helped his friends... He is very grateful. He leaned back on the sofa and took a deep breath.
"Do you feel sleepy?" Clemen suddenly asked.
"No... I can't sleep right now. I want to make sure my friends wake up tomorrow."
"Don't worry, they are still alive. That’s all, their bodies will definitely hurt a lot the next day..."
Clemen grabbed a cigarette stick and lit it immediately. He started smoking and he was constantly smoking and emitting smoke. He also steady ash on the ashtray on the table. Silence suddenly prevailed around. Grimm just watched his companion smoke. Then, an idea suddenly entered his brain... Out of curiosity.
"I just want to ask... Do you really want to be a priest exorcist?" Grimm suddenly asked.
Clemen's eyes widened at that question... He was suffocated by the smoke of his cigarette. He got down and turned off the cigarette in the ashtray.
"W-Why did you suddenly ask me that?!" his language shocked.
He even stroked his nape.
"Your coughing. That’s what you get of your smoking. Better quit there."
"Uy, don't mess with my past time ah? Tsk, tsk! There is no cigarette shop in heaven, remember that!"
"How do you know? Have you ever been there?"
"Why! Are you a philosopher?! Of course, not yet. I know no one sells cigarettes there because they do not grow tobacco. Clouds are there. Why, have you ever seen an angel smoking?!"
"Yes, Uncle Satan. He even has the size of a cigar. And the fire is blue."
"Tsk! He's a fallen angel! Hmf!"
"Wait... We are moving away from my question. Do you really want to be a Priest Exorcist?" Grimm asked.
"Sure! That's why I'm here now oh."
"Ows, really? Is that true? Rusty told me about her Grandfather... It just wants to follow and every word of it, is the law... I guess you were just forced eh?"
Clemen laughed softly at what Grimm had said.
"No ah!"
Grimm smirked. Father Clemen is so weird and crazy...
"The truth?"
"It is true."
"Eh why are you like that? Are you not sober?"
"Child, this is how I really am. But honestly, I never thought I would want to be a priest exorcist... When I see you with your friends, I can't help but miss all my friends. You are lucky because they are still with you, so take care of them as much as you can. D-Don't be like me, Grimm." Clemen's voice was weak in the last litany.
Grimm blinked at Clemen. The sadness of its voice and its seriousness.
"I know, I don't have to ask this anymore, but... What happened to your friends? Did you had a fight?"
Clemen breathed violently. He clenched his fists angrily.
"No... We did not get into a fight... They died. A demon killed them and I did not do anything to save them and I swear, I will seek and pay for that demon. I chose to be a Priest Exorcist so that nothing would hinder me. I will have no weakness. If I only knew the exorcism of those times, I would have saved them. I hope... I did something! But no matter what I do, I will never bring them back."
Grimm felt sympathy for Clemen. He looked at his friends. He understands the anger it feels for that demon. He was silent... Because he was a demon and a demon like him was the one who killed his friends.
"Honestly Grimm, the only thing I want is a normal life like everyone else. But that is unlikely to happen because I come from an exorcist family, we already have in our blood the ability to see supernatural beings. I really don't want that, every day... Scary things and creatures you suddenly see. It's crazy."
"But why Rusty? She doesn't see or feel supernatural?"
Clemen sighed.
"Because Kuya Constantine closed the natural channel of her body. He closed Rusty's potential ability. I understand what he did, he wanted a normal life for my niece. I also wanted Papa to do that to me then, but I got a hit in the face. He said, I should used my gift and don’t be ordinary. Because of that, I became reprimanded... When I was just your age, I did everything I wanted. Everything that would make my father angry, I did.
It's fun because I don't go home to our house. I live in the house of my best-friend Jhob. It's okay because his parents are separated and he is alone in their house with the maids. Because we are both bourgeois, we can do everything we want. All nonsense, sky is the limit! Past time we both, "killing me softly" or smoking while hanging out somewhere. We also have troopers... Ian, Jay, Alvin and Gerson. We also often get into fights because of courtesy... The fun is, every day. Our troops always have trouble... Until we meet that man."
Clemen's jaws tightened and he clenched his fists tightly. He will never forget that event. As he talks to Grimm, everything returns...
Clemen was happily chatting with his friends that night. They slept in an old building and drank. He and his best-friend Jhob are also busy smoking.
"Tsk! Aren't you two confused about what you are doing ?Stop that, the smell of smoke!" Ian complained.
Clemen and Jhob looked at each other, they smiled and then at the same time their cigarette smoke lit at Ian. It swelled and blew the smoke. They all laughed.
"What?! You two are really pissed!" Ian complained.
"As for you, you don't seem to be used to those BFF." comment by Alvin.
(BFF-Best-friends forever)
"So, you know their favorite past time was killing me softly so don't KJ them." second by Gerson.
Alvin shook his head and just drank a beer.
"Where are we after we have a drink?" its a sudden question.
Clemen stands as the leader of all.
"Go home, of course. You ah, if you still want to find someone who can break your face... But me, pass first. I won't trip today." the language is Clemen.
"We are fine there. It’s also annoying to fight." Jay agreed.
They stopped talking when they heard footsteps approaching. They are heavy. At the opening of the big door, they saw a shadow. Gradually the person approaching approached where they were. Its hair is long white, its skin is white, its eyes are blue and all its garments are white. They looked at each other as friends.
"Do you know?" Clemen asked his comrades.
"No." Gerson replied.
Clemen frowned at the newcomer. The man look as their age.
"Who are you?" he asked here.
The man smiled sparingly at them.
"I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I am Gaunt. I am looking for my twin that ran away. He is younger than me but as tall as I am and he is red-haired. Did you see him?" Gaunt asked with a smile.
"I'm sorry, but we did not see what you were saying. We do not know."
The man smiled sparingly at them.
"Ah, is that so? It's okay. By the way, I heard... Your group is good at fighting. Maybe, you can fight me? I just want to sweat. It's a bit of a bad trip for me to find my reprimanded brother. I can't do anything because my father ordered it. What, are we going to have sparring?"
Friends looked at each other.
"I'm sorry, but we're not in the mood. We've been drinking. Just look for someone who can sparring. Besides, you might got beaten because you are alone." Said Jhob.
"He's right, so just leave." second by Clemen.
People who challenge them are not new to them. But this one is different, the courage because it is alone.
"Give it to me, I will be kind because I will finish you quickly. I don't have time to look for another source of my anger. So must fight me well so that I can be satisfied. "
Clemen and his friends were stunned at Gaunt. If he speaks very slowly, it seems like a normal thing to say.
"If you are not listening to what I am saying, then... I will start to let you know!" Gaunt said.
In the blink of an eye the man suddenly disappeared from its place. After that, Clemen suddenly saw Alvin throw hard on the side of the wall. The wall cracked, his friend's head and mouth bled as it fell. It is unconscious. They all seem to have lost their drunkenness... They prepared quickly. The mysterious man rushed at them one by one and they did nothing. His blows were strong and he could easily throw them wherever he wanted. Clemen sustained several strong blows to the stomach and face. He stood up and faced the opponent. It looked at him with a smile.
"It's only right that you are their leader because you are the strongest..."
"Y-You'll pay!..."
Clemen quickly punched him but it was like wind just avoiding his attack. He pulled his arm and kicked him hard.