« Are you saying you’ve got some ? » I said with brows raised in feigned shock. « I thought you only require some female companionship and wide berth. Considering how short your attention span is with women, I figured the only way I could have an extended enough time for a relationship with you is to give you space. »
« I’m a person—not a sex vending machine or a rutting beast. »
This rutting beast is too eloquent for his own good.
I tilted my head up thoughtfully, aware that I’d struck a nerve and now unable to let go until I traced it back to what most people considered his non-existent heart. « It’s hard to remember that when most of your time is spent going to ridiculous lengths to stoop so low no one will ever believe you’re capable of being anything more than a live dildo or a mad dog frothing at the mouth. »
Anger now visibly streaked through Max and he launched himself on his feet, pacing. « Get out. I may be on the other side of the bars but you and the world know nothing about me. »
« Prove us wrong then, » I said softly, feeling the strangest urge to reach out, smooth his hair back and press a hand to his chest right above where his heart beat. « Start with me. »
That didn’t soften him. He stopped pacing and studied me with suspicion. « If this is a trick somehow to get me to marry you or something stupid like that—«
I burst out laughing. « God, no. I just wish we can at least be friends when all of this is said and done. If it’ll give you some peace of mind, I’ll sign a contract legally promising not to force you to sign on to another one—the marital kind. »
My heart leapt when he didn’t move or say anything—just pierced me with those stormy eyes for what felt like forever.
Maybe my idea wasn’t so crazy, after all.
« Let me think about it, » he blurted out, catching us both off guard based on his own stunned reaction. He shook his head and ran a hand through is messy blond hair. « I’m half-drunk, starving and in dire need of a shower. I don’t like making decisions under duress. »
« Tell me tomorrow then. »
« One week. »
« One day. »
He angled me a challenging look. « I don’t excel in monogamy. In fact, I’m superb at failing at it. »
I just raised my brow. « Tell me something I don’t already know. I’ve decided a month will do. If you really can’t keep it inside your pants or exclusively between my legs for that length of time, do it discreetly and with protection. I will not risk catching anything. »
He scowled, a deep crease forming between his brows. « You know you deserve more than this sham of a relationship, don’t you ? »
I just gave him a faint smile. « Let me worry about what I deserve. »
Before anything else could be said, a cop approached us to announce and facilitate Max’s release. It took a few minutes to wrap everything up but Max seemed mostly unconcerned. He probably had an entire law firm at his beck and call to make things like this go away. The only thing he was paying attention to was me, even as I snuck my small moleskin notebook out of my party clutch to jot down some ideas and observations about the whole jail release experience.
« I’m a writer, » I explained. « I always have to be able to write things down in case an idea comes to me. Besides, what else will I put in this thing ? I’ve only got a tiny wallet, keys and gum in here. »
He might not be sold yet but he was curious. I’d never been an intriguing person before but then I didn’t seem to be the same person around Max. Tonight was nothing like what the old Aiko Bradley would ever do.
« How the hell did you pay for me ? » he asked, shrugging on his sports jacket as we exited the building.
« I went to a bank machine and took out the cash, » I said.
He halted and turned his incredulous face to me. « You walked around alone in the middle of the fucking night with wads of cash ? Are you insane ? »
I bristled. « It was just down this block and I was fine ! I’m on my own a lot. I can take care of myself. »
« Not if you’re traipsing about at night, spying on people’s dirty business, propositioning drunk men and hanging out in police stations with pockets full of cash ! »
I glared at him. « Well, that’s rich considering you were at the center of every single one of those dangers you cited. You’re both a hypocrite and a mothering hen. »
He stiffened. « Mothering hen ? »
« Yes, mothering hen ! And don’t forget hypocrite ! » I retorted. « I don’t see why you get to criticize what you consider my risky behavior when you live the kind of life you do. »
Max looked like he was grinding his teeth together. « It’s different. »
I scoffed. « Different ? Catch up with the century, Croft. Women have had equal rights for some time now. »
« Clearly, society is declining, » he shot back as we stopped by the front steps of the precinct and looked around the empty streets. He was baiting me so I bit back my searing response and just watched him as he paced a small circle down on the sidewalk.
He suddenly turned back to me. « Look, I’m in terrible shape right now. Thank you for saving my ass, however unnecessary it was, and I’ll make sure you’re compensated for every expense and inconvenience you’ve taken on tonight. However, it’s probably best that you head home and forget about all of this. »
« Save your customer service spiel. I’m not forgetting any of it, » I protested, pushing my glasses up my nose and lifting my chin up stubbornly. « You agreed to a day to think over my proposal. »
He groaned in frustration. « If your proposal was the slightest bit sane, I’d waste some mental energy on it but it’s not so we should save ourselves the trouble and—«
« Please, » I sneered. « If you’re shooting me down, try to be honest at the very least. Don’t patronize me by dancing around my feelings. I assure you, my heart is in no danger of being crushed if you really mean to say no. »
His expression hardened. « Right. Because this is just a task you want to cross off your damned list. A simple, stone-cold arrangement. »
I gave him a pointed look. « I never said stone-cold. I expect a degree of intimacy if we’re to go all the way to sex as you’d suggested but this isn’t a grand romance, Max. I want it temporary, uncomplicated and mutually satisfying. You’re the author of such relationships. This should be a piece of cake. »
His eyes flashed—there was that nerve again, still smarting a little.
« Maybe once I’ve fully regained all of my senses I’d see the merit of this idea but right now, I’m not giving you an answer. »
« Fair enough. »
« Did you drive here ? » he asked as I came down on the sidewalk next to him.
I shook my head. « I took a cab. Is anyone picking you up ? A driver, maybe ? »
« No. I always operate on my own, » he said. « That way no one’s inconvenienced when I’m spending the night in jail. »
I gave him a peering side glance. « Sounds like you expect to find yourself in jail on a regular basis. »
His gaze was inscrutable before he flashed me a cocky grin. « I live in the fast lane, don’t I ? I’m bound to break a law or two. »
A cab coasted along and Max efficiently flagged it down with a loud whistle.