


"Miss, your Dad is here to see you." Nickolas informed kassady.

He's actually her secretary.

She only nodded her head in agreement to what he said.

Nickolas sighed and he left, he knew they'll only end up arguing.

Mr Palo walked in and he met kassady going through some files.

"You've been rejecting my calls." Mr Palo said as he sat down opposite her.

"I've been busy with the company." She replied.

"Well, you won't be doing this anymore." Mr Palo said with a little smirk.

"What do you mean by that?." Kassady asked curiously.

"Here, the Mark's company are ready to collaborate with us." Mr Palo stated.

"Really?." Kassady asked, a bit surprised but happy.

The Mark's organisation is one of the biggest organization in the whole of America.

"Yes, you just have to sign these papers so I'll give it to them immediately." Mr Palo said.

"Sign what?." Kassady asked confusedly.

"This paper, it's the agreement between our company and the Mark's company, if you sign this paper now, You can start with them tomorrow." Mr Palo explained.

"Wow, so soon." Kassady said in amazement.

She took out her pen without going through the documents, then she signed it.

"Good, by tomorrow you'll get to visit the Mark's at the ball." Mr Palo said as he took the documents.

"But father, can't I go through the agreement?." Kassady asked, she thought about it and she knew it isn't right to sign without reading the contents of the document.

"You'll get to do that by weekend." Mr Palo simply replied and left the office.

She was a bit excited and a bit relieved.

Collaborating with the Mark's could earn enough income to pay off her father's outstanding depts that the company holds.

Kassady continued going through the pile of files on her work desk.

She had alot of work to do for now, because of the recent step back the company has been experiencing.

A knock could be heard on the door.

"Come in." Kassady simply said.

"Hey Kass's!." Bianca half yelled.

"Bianca!." Kassady said and she hurriedly left her desk to embrace her bestfriend.

They were childhood friend and also bestfriends, they attended the same high school and went to same college graduated together as business administrators.

While Kassady is busy managing her Dad's company.

Bianca works as the personal Secatary to the managing director of Mark's Empire.

One of the biggest organization in the whole of America.

"You didn't inform me about your visit?." Kassady started, pretending to be upset.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, beside stop acting like a cry baby." Bianca stated.

"You are looking so beautiful than the last time I saw you." Kassady said and she scoffed.

"C'mon Kass's, that was a year ago, besides you aren't looking bad either." Bianca winked.

"Oh please Bianca, don't try to flirt with me." Kassdy said, moving some files to the other edge of her desk.

" I can see you are very busy." Bianca said.

"Well, our company has been experiencing a great loss, so I'm working as hard as I can to cover up for the set backs." Kassady said.

"Oh my goodness, am so sorry for your that." Bianca sympathized with her.

"It's okay now, well actually, the owner of Mark's Empire actually wants our company to work with theirs." Kassady said excitedly.

"You're not pulling my legs right?." Bianca asked, to be sure she heard right.

"Am fucking serious girl, I mean it has always been my dream to work with that company, I can't believe my dream is coming true !." Kassady said.

"The same company I work for?." Bianca asked.

"Yes bestie." Kassady replied happily.

"It's owned and ruled by Davies Mark, the only son of Henry Mark, he's cold hearted and a manwhore." Bianca said, trying to inform her friend what she was getting into.

"It's just a collaboration Bianca, not like am getting married to him!." Kassady simply replied.

"I just wanted my bestfriend to know what she's getting into, please be very careful." Bianca said seriously.

"There's nothing to worry about okay? c'mon let's go get a drink." Kassady said and Bianca smiled.

"A drink it is!." Bianca said.

They both laughed as they walked out of the office.



Davies sat in the living room, together with his parents, they've been trying to convince him to get married but he refused.

"I don't want to get married, just let me be!." Davies yelled.

"I don't fucking wanna get married!." Davies added.

"Dav!, please calm down." Mr Henry said, trying to calm his son.

"Just agree with our decision." Mrs Maras added

"I don't know her, talk more of loving her!" Davies half yelled.

"You'll get to know her Dave, you need to get married to show those business administrators that you can handle the company." Mrs Maras explained, trying to make him see reasons with her.

"You need to settle down son, you don't have to worry, we found someone perfect for you." Mr Henry added.

Nina walked downstairs and she met the commotion going on, she'd actually heard what her parents were saying to Davies.

"Get married rather than bitching around." Nina spats.

She's actually his little sis.

"Fuck your asshole!." Davies glared.

"Language boy!." Mrs.. Maras warned, but Davies didn't reply her.

"Get married pussy digger." Nina retorted and she ran back to her room.

Mrs. Maras sighed not knowing how to convince him.

"Please son.." She pleaded.

"You want me to spend my life with a complete stranger?." Davies asked.

"Do you want the company or not?." Mr. Henry asked.

"Of course I do!." Davies half yelled.

"Then get married." Mrs. Maras said plainly.

"I can't do that." Davies Declined.

"Then you'll Leave us with no option but to give the company to your cousin, who's willing to get married." Mr Henry stated.

"You can't do that!!." Davies half yelled.

"Watch me do it!." Mr Henry said as he stood up to leave.

"Fine Dad, I'll do it." Davies agreed and Mrs Maras smiled.

"Good, I thought as much." Mr Henry smirked and he left.

Davies knew he'd no option now, he can't loose the company to his cousin.

"Never!." He mentally screamed.

He stared at his mum and he angrily left, heading to his penthouse.

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