


When the Elevator doors slid open on the first floor, a group of men dressed in blue shirts and black trousers in the hallway looked at me like I was a foreign object.

A very interesting foreign object.

Taking a deep breath and straightening my back, I walked slowly towards them, flipping my hair for effect.

"Hello pretty lady," One of them grinned, rushing to meet me first. "Are you lost?"

I giggled and shook my head, holding my hand out. "I'm Raven. I'm the big guy's new PA."

"Really? You the one who spoke on the phone some minutes ago?" One of them grunted, joining his friend to look at me while the others kept their distance. "Boss is a fucking lucky man."

"So damn lucky," his friend agreed, nodding.

Dammit, I couldn't waste time talking. If I took too long, Luciano could begin to suspect me. Or even worse, he could meet me here trying to get his security men to talk.

"So... I had a question that was bothering me," I mumbled, pouting my lips. "I was hoping you good fellows could answer it. I couldn't ask the boss because you know, he's kinda scary."

"Aww, shuckers," One of the security men mumbled, reaching out to touch my face. "Feel free to ask me anything."


See?! That was what true seduction was supposed to look like. I had barely touched him and he was already slobbering over me like I was his favorite Loli. I shuddered in disgust and quickly giggled to cover it up.


"Yes of course," His colleague replied, ramming an elbow into him. "Ask me instead, Max's a dunderhead."

Max didn't seem to like the insult and soon they were both pushing at each other like a bunch of pansies.

"Ask your question," One of the security men who had kept his distance spoke up suddenly. His green eyes narrowed in slits as he stared at me.

Wonderful, I thought dryly. Of course, he was suspicious. That was normal. Now I had to silence all suspicions about me or things could get very bad fast if any one of them told Luciano that I had come to see them.

"W-Well, M-Mr. Moretti..." I stuttered, batting my lashes. "Mr. Moretti's going out soon. I wanted to know who will be driving him."

"It's easy, depending on where he's going." Max blabbed.

Depends on where he is going. What did that mean? Did he have different drivers for each day? Or for different purposes, a voice in my head added. That had to be it. If my guesses were right, then whoever Marcus was, he had to be a member of the mafia as well.

The suspecting security man's eyes narrowed even further. "You had called a few minutes ago, hadn't you? Telling us the boss wanted Marcus."

Ah shit.

Laughing airily, I waved at him. "Yes, you're right. I just wanted to confirm. Have a lovely day."

"Aww, crap Marcus!" I heard Max yell as I stepped back into the elevator. "You've chased the pretty lady away!"

So he was Marcus. That made a little bit of sense. He had been aloof, unlike the others. He had to be in cohorts with Luciano. Sighing I rubbed my forehead, I would have to tell Frederick to investigate him and this so-called Caldwell they were going to meet.

The elevator reached the top floor, I made to step out and froze in place, staring at a brooding Luciano who stood before me.

"Mr. Moretti?" I mumbled, feeling my heart race faster at the intensity of his gaze.

Had Marcus called him already? I couldn't be exposed yet, it was just the second day! And I hadn't managed to even get his attention. Fuck information, I might as well just kill him already.

"I see you've finished your lunch, Miss Gonzalez," He said, his deep voice heavily laced with something akin to sarcasm. "You took your sweet time."

A smile played on my lips as relief coursed through me. If he had found out I was a secret agent, there'd be a fucking bullet hole in my head already, not sarcasm.

"I apologize, Mr. Moretti," I said coyly, stepping out of the elevator, and bowing my head to give him a good view.

He didn't react, however. He simply walked to the elevator and spat a "Get on," at me.


"Miss Gonzalez, I believe that yesterday you had assured me you were up to the task of being my PA. Your slowness is getting on my nerves." He said snidely with a straight face on. "Get on the elevator. We will see Mr. Caldwell together."

"Oh," I muttered, shuffling back into the elevator.

Earlier when he had spoken, it had seemed as though he wanted to meet Caldwell alone. That had aroused my suspicion. But now he wanted me to tag along? Then it had to be a business meeting, right?

Oh shit! Shit! And then I had gone ahead to expose my sorry ass to the breeze by investigating his security men. Frederick's warning rang through my ears.

...Take care...

And I hadn't done so. I'd marched on like a fucking fool- No. I shook myself mentally, drawing deep breaths. Not all hope was lost. I could fix this. I could.

Following Luciano, we walked out of the building to his car where Marcus stood waiting. Our eyes met and I could see the look in his eyes. He doubted me. And I was sure he would tell his boss all about me. If I didn't fucking act now, I was doomed.

Smiling brightly, I waved at him. "Hi Marcus, good to see you again."

That made Luciano stop in his tracks and he glanced at Marcus and then back at me. "You know each other?"

Marcus looked rather scandalized. His eyes were wide with shock and I grinned wider.

"Oh yes. He was kind enough to help me settle in the office." I winked at him. "Thank you."

"Boss.. boss no, it's not-" he stuttered and Luciano waved his hand in dismissal.

"Get in the car, we'll be late." He ordered.

Whether my suspicions were right or not, I had just sowed a seed of doubt about Marcus in Luciano's mind. Even if the latter tells him the truth later on, I was sure the mafia lord would not be too quick to trust him.

My hands gripped the door to the front seat when Luciano's growl reached my ears.

"The backseat, Miss Gonzalez. Now!"

"Okay Mr. Moretti," I chirped happily and slid into the back seat with him, making sure to do so clumsily so I would fall right into his lap like a fucking present.

"What the hell?" He bellowed, his eyes blazed down at me in anger. I could feel his thighs tremble underneath my breasts and squealed.

"Oh my God," I scrambled to sit properly, batting my lashes. "I am so sorry, Mr. Moretti,"

"Marcus, get out!" He barked and the driver slid out promptly.

Before I could process what was happening I was pinned against the side of the car, hotly melded against the bane of my existence. His eyes burned, liquid gold, as he pressed against me, breathing heavily over my face. His warm breath caressed my face, a faint scent of something spicy, something… hot.

I looked away, getting over the initial shock from his sudden movement. It seemed my plan had been working all along. He had simply been holding back.

"Look at me," he murmured in a husky tone. Rough fingers reached across the distance between us, tilting my face up until our lips were mere inches away.

Kill him, a voice in my head urged. Look at him, he's all vulnerable and in your arms. Kill him already!

Luciano leaned forward, his hands stroking my face. "Ah Raven," he whispered. "You're playing with fire."

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