Jennifer could never get enough of something she liked. Once she liked something, she strived to get more and more of it. Until she got completely tired of it.
If licks could talk, then her licks would have so much to say about her. They'd tell the story of a woman whose satisfaction drove her to more desires, while desires drove her to search for more satisfaction. One fed the other and she was perfectly ok with her wishes.
She let her mind wonder and she kept on licking it. She tasted every inch of it and she enjoyed doing it quietly. When she finally took the whole thing in her mouth, it melted slowly and filled her taste buds with the cream she needed.
The door opened impertinently and interrupted her pleasure.
"Hi, Jennifer."
"Hi, Carl. How are you?"
"Good. I'd like us to talk for just a minute."
"Sure. Not a problem."
"I feel we need some sort of a new venue in our social section. Some new endeavor. Some new concept that might jive with the people if not nationwide, then in Los Angeles for sure."
Jennifer put the chocolate bar aside and thought for a while.
"Can you give me a better direction?"
"Well, not really. But it should be out of ordinary. That's for sure. For example, why would anyone in the Bay Area vote for Trump? What is the social background that would make that happen?"
"Is that as 'social' as we can get with it?" she probed the limits of his question.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean there are some other things that might be just as interesting."
"Please do tell."
"I was looking at a French sex festival news outside Bordeaux the other day and it seems they are way ahead of us in that respect."
"A sex festival?" asked Carl puzzled.
"Yes. The first-time for everything festival. I don't remember what they called it, but it was along those line."
Carl laughed briefly.
"'The first-time for everything!' What are you talking about?" He could scarcely believe his ears. Here was this gorgeous intern talking to him about god knows what sex festival in France, knowing darn well that would never fly at CNN. Or would it?
"Actually, it's a quite interesting idea as far as sex education is concerned. And once I looked at the numbers, I realized it was quite handsomely economic, too! It brought in about 5 million dollars last year for the local community."
Whatever could be said about Carl, one thing was sure. He loved money. He loved making money for himself, for the company and he loved the idea of generating money in any legal way possible. His entire position at CNN was centered on his ability to raise money for all sorts of research the company might think of. He lived for financial orgasms and his entire life was built around the satisfaction of making money. The sound of money perked his attention and he focused on Jennifer's words.
"Oh? Continue. Please don't stop."
"The festival is kind like a big roster. People sign up for it in advance. It's 'designed' to help the sexually uninitiated with things their partners desire from them for a long time, but couldn't or wouldn't do for one reason or another."
"Give me an example."
"Let's say you have a young couple. A girl and a guy. And she always wanted him to last a little longer than he usually did. So, they'd like to have somebody to 'train' them how do that."
Carl's face was transcending from the office mode to a smirky smile slowly. He couldn't help himself.
"So how would that work?"
"So, they come up with a pseudo name, kind like a pen name and they'd put it on the festival's list. Something like 'young couple desires experienced couple in teaching the man sexual tenacity'. Their sign-up board is either on the festival's site and I think they even use a sort of a facebook page or something like that."
"So, they basically take out a free add on that site, right?"
"Right. So, some other couple responds to the add and if they all agree, they then reserve a sex booth at the festival."
"A sex booth? Like the ones down on Hollywood Boulevard?" Curiosity and laughter were getting the better of him and he couldn't contain either anymore.
"Not quite," answered Jennifer. 'How do you know about the sex booths anyway, Carl?' she thought to herself. "They are a little larger than that and they are like glass houses."
"Ok. This seems nuts. Glass houses?"
"Yes! You see, the booths are provided by different vendors in the sex industry, like rubber makers, vibrator manufacturers and the like."
"Why would they get involved in that?"
"First, because there is money. Second because they get to promote their product."
"Ah. Ok. Go on."
"So, the two couple reserve the booth for a particular time and that's then advertised on the festival's site. So now other people know about it and can come and watch the 'event' in details."
"Ooook. This is a little too much. That sounds like nothing more than porn," complained Carl.
"It's nothing like porn. That's because the viewing public gets to grade the 'lesson' based on the couple's performance. So, there are hundreds of these booths and events and each offer a different sexual experience and display, all with the intent of educating through entertainment. And it's nothing like porn because there are no video recordings allowed."
"What about the grades?"
"The festival then selects the top 100 contenders for the second stage based on the grades given to the booths. Remember, the booths are provided by the vendors, so actually the vendors get graded based on the couple's performance. So, they have every reason to 'assist' the couples with everything they might need for their 'class'."
"Oh, whoa! Then what?"
"Once the festival chooses the top 100 'aspiring' couples and their 'teachers', the 'students' have to perform once more for the top prize. They have to show what they've learned and how well they can apply it."
"Jennifer, that's some story. It really is. So, what's the prize?"
"Well, the festival sets a date and time for the top 100 contenders to perform and the public gets to vote for the top 10 couples based on their acting and performance."
"That sounds like the quarter finals!"
"It's not too different! The winning couple gets to go on a vacation with their 'teachers' or 'educating couple' somewhere in the world, like Jamaica or some such. The vendors fork the bill for it, because this is actually great advertising for them and it's a lot less expensive than other marketing methods. There's also a small admission fee for viewers only."
"How's that?" asked Carl even more intrigued.
"If someone is not signed up to 'perform', then they'd be there only as viewers. That would draw a small admission fee. Yeap, more money," clarified Jennifer.
"The French are something else, aren't they?"
"And get this. The vendors often engage porn stars to come and participate as 'teachers'!
"Oh, sure! Why am I not surprised?" Carl injected sarcastically.
"Not only that's not what you might think, but the porn stars are only too glad to come."
"I am sure they are!" he smirked again.
"For other reason, Carl," objected Jennifer as she rolled her eyes. "In fact, they often forgo the money the vendors pay them, or they do it pro bono, with one condition."
"And what might that be?" Carl was about to let out an explicative term.
"You'll be surprised. I am sure you will."
"Well, come on, tell me then!"
"The porn stars do this work pro bono so long as the vendors donate to different medical institutions or programs that treat AIDS research or other STDs."
The morning could not have been better. Carl didn't ask for this, but it was sure getting better by the minute.
"Now, why in the world would porn stars want to donate to a hospital or medical research center?" he felt floored.
"That's because in their 'profession' so to say, AIDS is a devastating disease. It can wreck havoc among their ranks and break up team work and all sorts of things and they want it stopped. So they do their part."
"Can't they wear rubbers?" he asked innocently.
Jennifer couldn't help but wondering. 'Is this guy really that naive or is he just putting me on?'
"Well, not all their movies allow for rubbers. And movies without rubbers pay more to the actors. Also, AIDS can be transmitted through saliva, too."
"I see. So, how do you think this could happen here? There are a lot of conservatives around here, you know."
"I think we have to appeal to the people who already accept these things."
"Hmmmm. Sex in public. That's all we need," he muttered mostly to himself.
"Not just 'sex in public'. It's sex at a pre-arranged location and time and an in vivo education for many young - and not so young people. All of age, of course. I mean, what's the difference between that and trying to teach sex education in schools?"
"I am not sure our folks would accept that kind of sex education, Jennifer," resisted Carl.
"But we already do in some ways! That's exactly what all those LGTB protests and demonstrations do in a sense! If you stop to think, they are indeed a public display of sexuality, even though they don't actually have sex in public!"
"But these people protest and demonstrate to have some rights recognized, not to have sex in public, Jennifer! Let's get real!" protested Carl.
"True enough, but the whole thing revolves around their sexuality, be that they choose it or not. It all comes down to the sexual life of some people and whether that's accepted by others. In a sense, that is a way of expressing one's self and opinions."
"So, you're saying this can be done through freedom of expression?"
"Exactly! And the government would love it, because they would be able to tax it. And god knows, California really needs money. We're broke."
"Yeah, it would be something if we could fuck our way out of this financial mess," reflected Carl.
"There is a lot more in this thing, Carl."
"Oh? How is that?"
"It's a good thing for everyone. It teaches guys how to treat a woman."
"Now, how exactly is that?"
"Well, the way a man treats a woman in bed is a good reflection of how he treats her in general."
"I thought the bed thing is just for sex," wondered Carl outright.
"For most men, yes. And perhaps some women, too. But overall men just don't know what women want."
"That's because women themselves don't know what they want, haha," interjected Carl.
"Be it right or wrong, it's the man's job to help women define what they want sometimes. Or, better yet, what women should choose sometimes from all the options available to them."
"Interesting. Let me think about it," concluded Carl and walked back to his office.
'Why does he not understand?' wondered Jennifer quietly. 'I'll make sure he does, by the time I get through with him. He may be 'the man', but I am the woman!'
Monica was drying her hair when Craig walked in. She looked at him and tried to figure out his mood. 'Perhaps this is a good time to bring up the idea,' she speculated to herself. He looked back at her and smiled.
"Ok. There's something on your mind and I can tell a mile away." His words were soothing to her heart. Once again, he proved he knew her and he knew how to take care of her.
"Ahhh, yeah. Do you remember how...' she started out, but as she said the words, she found his body next to her and hugging her. He hugged her with warmth and love and she felt it. He was about to let go of her, but she refused his departure.
"If you could just hold me for a minute longer, please!"
He looked into her eyes and thought for a second.
"But of course I can." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and she returned his hug with a warm embrace. She felt the need to feel him in her arms and to rest her head on his strong shoulders. They gave her both peace and a feeling of being at home, more safe and secure than she ever felt in her life.
There in his arms she was free of worries and stress, she was at peace with the world and nothing could touch her. She was happy and she felt the happiness with every bit of her heart and soul.
"Please don't go yet," she whispered in his ear.
A moment of quiet settled in the room and it was as if he understood her perfectly. She needed that quiet and she needed him to say nothing. She just needed his arms around her and she needed to fill the beat of his heart next to hers. She wished to stay there forever and never part from his presence even for a minute. His touch transcended her into a world she longed and desired with all her being. His face next to her was all that she needed and she couldn't imagine how she lived so long without him.
"I am a woman and you make me feel like a woman. You make me glow in your arms and never want to part from you," she whispered again.
He knew he didn't have to say anything. His arms said it all and he pressed his face against her, as if to reassure her of his warmth and sincere love for her. Nothing more needed be said and he knew it all too well.
He was her dream man and he embodied all that she wanted from a man. His candid smile took her on the road to ecstatic love and wholesomeness. She felt wholesome around him and he took care of every one of her needs. There was nothing more she needed while he was next to her and she felt no need to want more. She had it all. She forgot all that she was going to ask him. Not even sex could make her feel the way she felt right then and it was all thanks to him.
"I feel perfect when you are with me, darling," her lips whispered.
"You are perfect as you are, dear. You were born an original. You'll never make it as a copy."
"Oh? How so? No one's perfect and you know that!"
"Your imperfections make you perfect, Monica. Without them, I could've never reach your heart. Without them, I could've never got to know you and without them, I'd have no clue of how to love you. You are an angel for me. I hope you never fly away."
"Your love took away my wings, darling."
"I can never take anything from you. I can only give. And the only thing I have to give you is my unconditional love."
She kissed him on the lips and sat down on the couch while thinking of his words.
"Is there really such thing as 'unconditional love'? Don't we expect something in return, dear? And more often than not, don't we expect our loved ones to abstain from some things in exchange for our love?" she asked.
He looked puzzled for a minute and didn't know what to answer.
"I guess the best way to say it is that you'd go along with anything somebody wants when you love them."
"Anything?" she asked inquisitively.
"Well. There are some boundaries, of course. But that's the hard part about all this; where does one draw the boundaries? Would I kill for you? Sure, but only if your life was in danger. In real danger."
"Perhaps those are expected things."
"They're more like things that belong to the realm of reality, dear. Love is real and she lives in the real world. It's not a Hollywood movie and it's not what they'd have you believe it's cracked up to be."
"That sounds a little vague."
"Well, we all love people and things that make rational sense to us, yet love is not all that rational. Not always. In any case, we want the best for the person we love."
Monica listened intensely to his words.
"So, how far should that go? What would you say if I told you I'd want you to fuck another woman while I fuck another man? Would you go along with it?"
His face froze for a second, but he quickly regained his usual composure.
"Sure. I would. Especially if you told me before, not after."
Monica froze. She expected him to say anything but that. He sensed her feelings.
"The greater the love, the greater the fear," he tried to explain.
"Fear is the mother of security!" he tried once more to clear things up for her.
"I don't get it," she said still confused.
"Well, the more you love someone, the less you want to loose them. So, sharing them with someone instills that fear. It instills the fear that person you love may never come back. But people forget that love is not a cat or a stray dog forever. Love is all that, to be sure, but just like a stray dog that's fed, it keeps coming back to the hand that fed it. All that describes you."
"How do you know these things about me?"
"Your heart is like a glass house, baby. I don't have to peek through any keyholes."
"Oh, whoa! You just don't stop to amaze me, do you?!" she wondered at him.
"Not my intent to do so, honey. I am just myself."
"So, you wouldn't mind seeing me get penetrated by another guy?"
He looked straight into her eyes and tried to figure out where she was going with all the questions.
"Nope," he made up his mind.
"Why not?"
"Because I love you unconditionally. Pure and simple."
Her face looked like stone for a second. She just didn't know what else to say.
"How about we put it to a test?"
He walked to the bar, fixed a drink and took a big gulp. He needed it.
"Ok, Monica, what is this all about?"
"I am certainly not testing you or your heart, if that's what you mean. But there is something that's been crossing my mind lately and I wonder what you think about it."
"So why not just come out and ask it, instead of all this?"
"I didn't drive this discussion here intentionally. It just happened. But since it did, I might as well tell you."
"Please do. I am curious."
"First, I am very glad to hear you feel this way. Because I really want us to do it."
"Do what, baby? What is 'it'?"
"Would you fix me a drink, too, please?"
"Oh, sure! Where are my manners?" he mumbled mostly to himself. He handed her the drink and then sat next to her.
"I am listening."
"I want to see you done by another woman. And I want you to watch me get fucked by another guy."
He frowned a little and contemplated over what to say.
"Is there something I am missing? Is there something you need, something I failed to give you?"
"No!" she rejected his guilt firmly. "Well...no. It's definitely not you."
"Come on, Monica! That is the first thing people say to one another when they've already made a decision they know their partner wouldn't like and they try to protect them!"
"No! I mean it! Really, it's not you!"
"Then what? We've made it so great so far! Don't you think?"
"I do. I also know we need a little diversity. Sexual diversity, to be more blunt."
"Ha ha ha! You think we need to be a little more 'cosmopolitan' in bed?"
"Yes! And why not? We're really not as monogamous as people think or would want us to believe!"
"Do you really want to get into a philosophical discussion about this now, baby?"
"Sure! Look. We're really not monogamous at all, sexually speaking anyway."
"How do you back up that argument?"
"It comes down to choice, but in a different way than one may think. Let's just argue this from a guy's point of view. Let's say we have a guy who sees twenty beautiful women in a week and he interacts with all of them somehow."
"You mean, fucks them?"
"No. Interacts with them socially only, silly. Then he chooses one of them. At least most guys choose only one girl. The guys who choose more than one girl at the same time are labeled womanizers, but that too is wrong."
"That's what society tells us, anyway. It says that a guy should only be with one girl - at the time."
"Right! But if the girl he chose is not available then he'll go to the next one. And if she's not available either, then he'll go to the next one. And so forth and so on."
"Ok. I am listening," he said patiently.
"So, once he comes about the girl who is available and she consents to dating him, rules come in play to dictate that he should 'stick' with her, so to say. Those are the rules you just mentioned."
"Society's rules, right?"
"Right again. And the same rules encourage her to expect him to play it all monogamous, else he'd be in big trouble. In a way, she is conditioned by the same rules, because she is part of that 'society' he lives in. They are both told and conditioned to believe they must abide by those rules."
"Not all rules are bad in society, darling."
"Don't try to divert the point, honey."
"I am not. Just saying..."
"Well, perhaps you're not, but you're doing it. Nevertheless, the point is that once an individual made a choice in a partner, he is to stay with that choice. But the choice he made in the very beginning is purely arbitrary. He could have chosen any one of the available girls and perhaps the choice could have been a much better one. And all that came down to what girl was available at the time. Yet he's confronted with a wall of social biased and waves of criticism if he played two girls at the same time."
"Yeah. Most people would mind that," consented Craig.
"So, his choice to date a particular woman rather than other is all of the sudden limited by this 'monogamous' thing."
"Come on, baby. You're being a little unfair here. The man made his choice when he asked the woman out!"
"What he did was a commitment of a sort, not a choice! He committed himself to that woman and yes, that is a commitment he made freely and of his own choice. But it wasn't based entirely on his choice. He wanted another girl in the beginning, remember? The one who happened not to be available then! So, he should be just as free to break that commitment as he was to make it."
"Hmmmmm, yeeeah, but I am not sure that's a good argument. His commitment affect other people, like the woman he chose to date."
"Well, let's just be clear about something," she cut him short. "To be sure, he definitely needs to let her know that he'd like to date other women, before he starts dating them. But if she's ok with that, then no one should be able to dictate to them how to run their own lives. Least of all society."
"I see."
"So, nobody should tell us whether or not it's ok to get a part-time fuck buddy, so long as we both agree before we go out to find one."
"Is this what you want, honey? A 'part-time fuck buddy'?"
"Not really," she objected leisurely. "And I have not finished making my point about monogamy and why I believe it's wrong."
"I didn't think you did, darling," he agreed while sounding sarcastic.
"Oh, baby! I know you're smart and you know you don't have to prove it to me! Try not to be a smart-ass!" she smirked at him.
"Monica, let me assure you that sarcasm is not what I had in mind. I just agreed with you."
"Ok. I believe you. I guess the best way to argue that there is no such thing as a 'natural' monogamy among humans is to point out that our DNA is all the same, for all of us. If monogamy was to be a natural thing, then nature would've made sure that my body belong to one man and one man only, no matter what else I might have wanted or desired. And nature would have made sure there wouldn't be anyway for me to get around it."
"Ok, but monogamy is one thing, while me fucking another woman while you watch is quite another! Can you explain that?"
"Yes. I love you! I love your body! I love every inch of it and I don't get enough just by doing you. I want to see your body at work on another woman, because there are things I'd learn from watching it. I can't see those things while we're fucking, mainly because our sex times are intense, but also because I can see only so much while I am busy with you."
"But these are things you feel, not see, baby!" he objected sheepishly. He knew she was partially right.
"Some of the are, but there are things that I know we can do better."
"Better in what sense?"
"I want us to have absolute orgasms, darling! We know what sex is, but I want us to know what sex can be! I want us to experience ecstasy in bed such as we've never had it before! I want us totally disengaged from any of these things that tell us we can't have this or the other! I want us completely free!"
"You don't think we're free right now?"
"I mean free from the biases of this world we live in and sometimes from our own biases."
"Give me an example," he pleaded with her, but she already knew his thoughts. Her body got closer to him and her right hand worked its way to his lap and then to his thigh.
"Do you remember what you told me the second time we fucked?" she asked in his ear. He tried to concentrate.
"I believe I told you have an unbelievably beautiful ass and I wouldn't mind taking it sometime."
"And do you remember what I told you?"
"Yes. Oh, yeah, please don't start something you won't finish," he responded with shorted breath.
"Ahhh, baby, that's not what I told you! Try harder!"
Monica's hand made it impossible for him to utter the words. His breath got heavier and his eyes were shut. She knew too well that he could only be one thing at the time, only one thing that she desired him to be and she played him well.
"That's not fair," he managed to whisper between heavier breaths.
"I see you are...'harder', but that's not what I mean," she said as she kissed his neck and ear. "But I'll take what I'll get for right now."
"What do you think you'll get if you keep doing what you're doing, baby?"
"Perhaps I'll get just what I want," she told him emphatically.
"And what do you want right now, darling? Because I am about to rip that dress off you and slam you right here on this couch and take you in every imaginable position until I explode inside you!"
"I don't mind that at all, but that's not what I have in mind right now. I have a nice surprise for you, but you must do something just as nice for me first, darling!"
"Like what?"
She got up, walked to the bathroom and came back with a box.
"I've got these yesterday and you'll have to learn how to use them."
"Anal beads?" he exclaimed happily.
"Yes and you'll have to use them on me before you go there. Unless...you no longer like my ass..." she said provocatively.
"I love your ass," he assured her promptly as he grabbed her hand, pulled her body to his and began to undress her.
Lisa decided to take the day off. She had a full week and had enough of the irritating challenges at work. She needed to relax and kick back a little. The morning breeze was lovely and she opened both windows on the ocean side to let the fresh air come through. 'I wonder why Carl hasn't called me lately,' she wondered to herself, but let the thought pass. The day was too nice to ruin it over a man.
She turned on the TV and as usual, CNN headline news took over. Lisa never watched much TV anymore, but she liked to have it on just for the background. At least for a while.
She watered the flowers by the windows, then turned her attention to the rest of her home. It was almost empty but not lonely, just like she designed it. She was the only soul in it, but the house was full of light and life. With white furniture and a tinge of light brown edges, it reminded her of the old house that she grew up back in Tennessee. Lisa enjoyed light and allowed it everywhere in her life. In fact, she insisted on light. When she was promoted at her job and was offered the office, she made sure it had plenty of natural light. Lisa was all about light.
The day was full of good promises and she was about to open the refrigerator door for an orange juice when the news on the TV captured her attention.
"...Gulf Shore Oil Company is, as we found out yesterday, a former subsidiary of British Petroleum that was acquisitioned last month by Halliburton. The company was one of the several offshore drilling businesses charged with negligence by the Environmental Protection Agency in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The company operates under EPA license in both the gulf area and the Alaskan Southern Slope and is expected to show record profits for 2016.'
Lisa closed the frig door and thought about the report.
'I must talk to Carl now,' she concluded and reached for her phone.
"Carl, you owe me a dinner. When are you gonna pay up?" she asked curtly.
Carl's silence told her that he was taken aback. He was.
"Ah, how about late this afternoon?"
"Ok. What are you up to?"
"Oh, just going over a project that one of our interns proposed earlier. It's actually interesting. But we'll see how it goes. I don't know if the marketing department will approve it."
Lisa always show interest in other departments, mostly because she looked to diversify her job, but this wasn't the day for it.
"Carl, I am off today. I really don't want to talk about work. Just come on to my house when you're done."
"Oh, I'd love to have your opinion on this," he insisted. "But, as you wish. See ya later today."
The afternoon passed by as Lisa enjoyed the beautiful Californian sunset. She was looking at the bay when Carl walked in.
"So, where you want to go for dinner?" he asked her confidently.
"You may cook me dinner here if you want. And you will, even if you don't want to," she bossed him outright.
Carl noticed the ingredients on the kitchen counter and smiled at her.
"What makes you think I know how to cook lasagna?"
"You're a big boy. So, put that apron on and get to work. I am getting hungry."
He submitted to her demand and worked his way slowly around her kitchen.
"So, Carl, tell me, what is the deal with the Halliburton digging in the Southern Slope? I thought that was a pretty settled deal and I just can't see how BP would give that up."
He looked briefly at her and measured her intent.
"I thought you didn't want to talk about work today," he came back.
"Oh, come on. This is not work. This is just personal curiosity," she defended her inquiry. 'Yeap, right. And you want me to believe that, heh?' he asked himself.
"I am not all that sure about the whole thing, but it seems odd at best," he tried to satisfy her. "BP never gives up ground, but it looks so now. I am waiting to get some data from a former BP engineer. I suspect they made a swap, but I can't prove it."
"What do you mean by a 'swap'?"
"Oil companies often pay other oil companies either in oil or proven grounds. But they never just give up the license to a proven ground to another oil company, unless something major happened. And this seems to be the case here, because BP simply submitted to Halliburton's demand to make a swap of ground for responsibility."
"Ah! And do you think that'll work?"
"We'll see. Here. The lasagna should be ready in about 45 minutes," he said as he pushed the tray into the oven.
Lisa looked at his butt as he bent over and went on to grab it. That startled Carl a bit, but not enough to stop him from turning around to hug and kiss her.
"Damn, you're fine," he thought out loud.
"How fine?"
"Very fine!"
"Fine enough to do something for me right here in the kitchen?"
His brain tried to think as his hands were feeling her body. They couldn't get enough of her and reached hungrily for her lower back while pulling her hips against his. He wanted every inch of her body and there was no question in her mind about it.
"What would that be?"
She undressed herself to reveal a fine g-string line and then started working on him. His pants were off soon and Carl was all hers. She grabbed one of the white chairs and pushed him gently in it. She began to stroke him ever so slowly and leaned over to his right ear.
"I want to see you masturbate yourself. There's something magic about a man pleasing himself."
"You really like that?"
"Yesss. I love it."
He followed her wishes and gently worked himself while looking at her. Lisa grabbed another chair and sat right next to him. She caressed her pussy, at first slowly and then faster. As she watched him, she let a finger go inside her and she started moaning.
"Don't you come, Carl. Do not come. That's my thing. That's my job. I want to taste your juices today."
"As you wish, baby," he agreed as he stroke his meat for her.
Her fingers worked her clit in a frenzy of pleasure and with an exalted satisfaction, she screamed out couple of orgasms. Yet, they didn't take all her energy away. She went over to him, took his manly hands in hers and wrapped her lips around the head of his throbbing cock.
Her motions soon made him moan as well and he felt his orgasm so near that he could only grasp for air. His scream was louder than hers, but Lisa didn't let up. Her mouth tasted him and she could feel the warmth of his sperm in her mouth. Gently, she let him enjoy his orgasm.
She raised her head and looked at him while her mouth was full of his semen. He watched a little of it droop from her lower lip, and he found her even sexier right then.
"I take it was good. Do you want it back?" she asked him and they both smiled. He didn't mind kissing her, but that was just not enough for him. He needed to fuck her a little more before he broke the news to her.