
Mom is married

I lost my dad to the cold hands of death two years after I was born and that only made me not meet my dad .

I grew up with my mom being my backbone , my sole provider of everything that I needed and asked for in my entire life .

All my life I had grown up to see that woman as my idol , she was my fucking , my god in human form , never had I felt that way for anyone the way that I felt for her .

Growing up , she made sure that she never got married to any man and focused all her attention on me and made sure that I lacked nothing and I had literally everything that I needed .

Taking care of me was never the problem as I had a lot of money since dad was a millionaire and he had given everything that he had to me and that made it really good for mom and I to be comfortable .

The love I had for mom was second to none , all this years , I had watched her mourn my dad and still wallow in the pain of the past , but that wasn’t what I wanted for her , I wanted her to be happy and get married and start all over again , if not for anything she really deserves that happiness .

When I turned 18 mom headed my words and that of her sister and parents and started going out with this man .

I knew that I wanted my mom to get married but I wasn’t ready to see this man , but the first day I met him , I knew that this way going to be a fucking mistake .

This man looked so good looking , even though he was my mom's boyfriend and was older than me by more than 25 years , I couldn’t deny that I wanted him .

That night we met , the way he stared at me and held my hands , that feeling that I haven’t gotten for anyone, not even my boyfriend , I felt that way for him .

The sensation and the shock his touch sent all over my body made me realize that this wasn’t it .

But there was no way that I could stop my mom from that happiness as my mom was head hills in love with this man who kinda made her forget about my dad .

I knew that it was exactly what I wanted , but for some reasons best known to me , I knew that I didn’t want that man to be my step father , it felt like a mistake , like I was going to do something wrong to ruin it .

Two years after courting my mom , he popped the question and asked her to marry him .

My mom was all over the moon when she got engaged to that man , even though I didn’t like him , I knew that I had to be happy for my mother no matter what .

For this to work out , I had to make sure that I put those stupid feelings aside , feelings that I didn’t understand and I never want to understand them .

Carissa , Carissa , are you listening , your mom is about to walk down the alse .

I heard someone scream my name and that brought me out of my own world .

I looked at who had called me and it was Elsa, my best friend .

I looked over to my right , I was still in my dressing room. I couldn't believe that I really dozed off .

“ Are you sure you are okay ?” Elsa asked me , her face showing that worried expression .

I forced out a smile and looked at her .

I didn’t want anyone thinking about it , it was my mom's day and I was going to let my mom have all the attention all day .

I was 20 now and my mom was getting married .

I am fine elsa , and if you don’t mind , can we go in now “

Elsa smiled and nodded .

I wanted to go to my mom before she could walk out , but before I could get to her , her dad held her out .

I rushed into the church with my best friend and we sat fifth beside each other while we looked forward to the ceremony .


Do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband? “I heard the priest ask my mom .

I tried my best not to raise my head to look at them .

I didn’t want to look at this man .

I didn’t know if I was being paranoid , but it was just as if since mom started going out with this man , he made her forget all about me and now that he was getting married to her , I could only imagine how worse it was going to turn out .

I didn’t want to act so stupid , I was just being paranoid and my mom wasn’t going to dump me all because of a man , she loves me and that I know , all I have to do is be happy for her .

“I do “ I heard her reply.

I raised up my head and to my uttermost surprise , my eyes and that of my step dad ran into each other .

The way he stared at me with those hazel eye balls .

I immediately looked away and it seemed like Elsa seem to notice what had just happened but I wish she never takes so much meaning to it .

“ With the power vested in me , I pronounce , man and wife “

The loud cheers filled the church as their marriage was finally ordinaned .

The church cheered as my mom kissed her new husband .

I smiled watching my mom being happy , this wad something that I wanted for her and I was happy that she finally did .

I knew that no matter what , she would still love me regardless .

At last , my mom was finally married, I finally had that father figure that I had always wanted in my life .

I had a step dad , who I could now call to be my dad .

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